summarise marxist view on age ineq
age helps capitalism
how do youth help capitalism?
good technological skills, cheap labour
how do elderly help capitalism?
offer free childcare
what can youth and elderly be used as?
reserve army of labour as don’t qualify for sick, holiday or pension pay (elderly)
Phillipson claimed…
elderly increase in reserve army of labour
who found there was an increase in the elderly in the reserve army of labour?
Gramsci found ______ _________…
false consciousness where people don’t know they are being exploited
who found political economy theory?
townsend and phillipson
townsend and phillipson found…
political economy theory
what is political economy theory?
elderly burden to economy, replaced by youth for profit
elderly are _______ _______ by _______ _______ according o political economy theory
institutionally marginalised through institutionalised dependency
marxists have been criticised for assuming…
what is homogeinity?
that we are all the same when we look at society
what does marxism ignore?
ignores wealth, gender, ethnicity
are elderly marginalised in all industries?
no e.g. elderly in high status jobs