Marx & Critical Tradition Flashcards
Marx: Years of Life
Marx: Intro: Critical vs Positivist Tradition
Positivism: social physics
Critical: can’t study society objectively–either making cultural contingency natural or baptizing the status quo
Marx: Intro: General Theory of History
Dialectical Materialism:
- internal contradictions of the economic system
- Hegel did thesis/antithesis for human progress
- for Marx, thesis/antithesis will end in communism
Marx: Human Nature
Often misunderstood
Tied to Conception of Labor:
- “Humans begin to distinguish themselves from animals as soon as they being to produce their means of subsistence.”
- labor makes us human–our species-being–satisfying (like an artist)
- production only happens in social relationships:
— they change as “material means of production” changes
— these “relations of production” form society in a particular stage of historical development
Marx: Capitalism: Systems of Production (Stages)
- Primitive Communism (ancient hunter-gatherers)
- Ancient Rome & Slavery (conquered peoples and their labor)
- Feudal system (land is important–land for labor)
- Capitalist society (owners & workers)
Marx: Capitalism: Commodities
Commodity–made to be exchanged on a market
- Use Value–what an object does (different values)
- Exchange Value–represented in a common metric–in order to make profit, need to exploiting someone
- Fetishism of Commodities (see production of profit)
Marx: Capitalism: Production of Profit
Capitalists vs Proletariat
Commodification of Labor
- slavery is direct forced labor, wage-labor is indirect (as means of subsistence)
Surplus Value/Surplus Labor (gap between exchange-value & use-value)
Marx: Alienated Labor
Commodification of Labor leads to Alienation
- Alienation from Products
- Alienation from Production Process
- Alienation from “species being”
- Alienation from other individuals
Even Capitalists Exist to Serve Capital:
- the more they save and acquire, the less they express their life through labor
Marx: Cultural & Political Consequences
Base & Superstructure
- relationship between economic production & other social institutions
- ideology (ruling ideas that attempt to hide contradictions of capitalism–mental means of production)
Marx: Capitalism after Marx
Why did the Revolution not Happen/Succeed?
- Expansion of education & affluent middle class (tied up with capitalist class, also knowledge classes)
- Move to a stock-owning society (now workers own capital)
- State Intervention
- Worker Unionization (& collective bargaining)
- Ideology (culture became complicit in capitalism–all wrapped up together)
Marx: Legacy
Starting point for Engels
Starting point for many theories:
- Theory of Social Class
- theory of ideology
- theory of political conflict (property is upheld by state)
Varieties of Neo-Marxists (Hegelian, Analytical, Feminist)