Marx and Hegel Flashcards
What philosopher highly influences Marx?
What is the major work Hegel writes and when?
“Phenomenology of Spirit” in 1807.
What is Hegel’s philosophy of history?
- ) History is rational and understandable.
- ) The most real thing to Hegel is “Spirit.” (Somewhat Platonist.)
- ) Reason/Absolute Spirit manifest itself throughout history.
- ) “spirit” = Freedom
- ) “matter” - gravity/Laws
- ) History is the progress of consciousness towards freedom.
- ) Its part of an evolutionary philosophy that, interestingly, eventually puts the philosopher as the highest evolutionary form.
What parts of Hegel does Marx accept and which does he reject?
- ) Accept: The dialectic of conflict. He is a metaphysical materialist. Believes that the mode of production must be studied throughout history and that everything is driven by class struggle and economics. (Materialism.)
- ) Rejects: Hegel’s idealism. That there are truths that are based on particulars and not generals.
What are the two classes Marx identifies?
1) Proletariat - property-less wage earners.
2) Bourgeoisie - Possess capital and the means of production.
What major historical event is occurring in England when Marx publishes his Communist Manifesto?
The Industrial Revolution.
When is the Communist Manifesto published?
How does Marx see the revolution happening?
1) Raise the Proletariat into political power using the democratic methods used by the Bourgeoisie.
2) Then use the same legislative process to regain the power.