Marx Flashcards
Who was Karl Marx, and what were his key contributions?
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German social scientist, political theorist, and activist whose work profoundly impacted the world.
What was Marx’s view on human nature?
Humans are creative and productive beings, different from animals due to their ‘conscious life activity’, shaping life beyond mere instinct.
How did Marx define the essence of humans?
He defined the human essence as “social creativity,” emphasizing humans as inherently social and conscious beings.
What was Marx’s critique of Enlightenment emancipation?
Marx argued that formal emancipation promoted individual freedom but left inequalities and domination untouched.
How did Marx critique the notion of the individual as ‘atomic’?
He argued that viewing individuals as isolated tears them out of their social context.
What are the four dimensions of alienation in Marx’s theory?
Alienation from the product, from productive activity, from self, and from other human beings.
What is alienation from the product?
Workers do not own or control what they produce, as it is taken away and used for profit, often without their knowledge of the end product.
What is alienation from productive activity?
Work becomes tormenting, repetitious, and uncreative under capitalism, reducing workers to mere machines.
What is alienation from self?
Workers are prevented from realizing their full potential and living up to their human essence.
What is alienation from other human beings?
Relationships are defined by competition and exchange, rather than mutual need, instrumentalizing others.
Who are the bourgeoisie in Marx’s theory?
The modern capitalists who own the means of production and exploit wage laborers.
Who are the proletariat?
The working class who rely on selling their labor to survive and create capital for the bourgeoisie.
What is historical materialism?
A view that material factors, especially organized labor, determine societal realities, ideas, and historical events.
What is the role of class struggle in history, according to Marx?
Class struggle is the driving force of history, with conflicts between classes shaping societal changes.
How did Marx describe class antagonisms in ancient society?
Patricians vs. slaves.