Mars Fever - Dr Williams Flashcards
What prompted the fever?
-discoveries made by more powerful generation of telescopes
What was discovered in 1877 and by who?
-Italian astronomer Schiaparelli 1877 discovered geometric network of ‘canali’ on mars surface
What did Schiaparelli’s discovery bolster?
-bolstered theories of fellow astronomers might be alien intelligence on mars
What did the discovery lead to?
-people misunderstood ‘canali’ (lines) as canals
-believed intelligent life on mars which escalated with publication TWOTW
Who was Lowell and what did he suggest in his writings?
-1894 astronomer Percival Lowell wrote for popular astronomers magazines
-captured public attention with arg Martian canals meant intelligent life on mars
What did Lowell believe humans should do with this information?
-believed humans embrace newfound consciousness of immaturity as opportunity for change
-life on mars place us in new external perspective of cosmic humanism
What would Lowell’s theory administer if proven correct?
-a cosmic shock - second copernican rev that would decanter humanity place in universe
-promote humans to among primitives of universe
What happened with ‘space travellers’ in sci-fi novels from 1894?
-conformed vic imperial adventure stereotype
-emerge from encounter with extraterrestrials with sense superiority triumphantly confirmed
How is this different in TWOTW?
-Martians came as conquerors of space + threaten the imperial subject
-alien colonial intervention irrevocably change evolutionary conditions on earth