Marriage and the Family Flashcards
Jesus- marriage
Marriage was created by God at the beginning.
Jesus- children
Children should be allowed to come to him because the kingdom of heaven belongs to children.
Genesis- creation
God created male and female in his own image.
St Paul, Ephesians- wives
Wives should submit to their husbands because the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church.
St. Paul- Galatians 3
There is neither male nor female.
The Catechism- sex
Sex must only take place within a marriage.
The Catholic Catechism- contraceptives
Contraceptives which make procreation impossible are evil.
Jesus, Matthew’s Gospel- divorce
Divorce is wrong unless one of the partners has been unfaithful.
Jesus, Mark’s Gospel- remarriage
If someone divorces and remarries, they are committing adultery.