Marriage Flashcards
What is Marriage?
A special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.
Can a man and man enter into a marriage?
No. Marriage only allowed man and women.
Does marriage expire?
Marriage as a special contract. Is it governed by Stipulations?
No. Marriage is governed by law.
Is marriage settlements governed by stipulations?
Yes. Marriage settlements fix property relations.
Who may contract marriage?
Male or female of the age 18 or upwards;
No legal impediments
Essential requisites of marriage?
Legal capacity; Consent given freely in the presence of the solemnizing officer.
Formal requisites of marriage?
Authority of the solemnizing officeer;
Valid marriage license;
Marriage Ceremony
What is the effect on the marriage of the absence of any of the formal or essential requisites?
It will render the marriage void ab initio.
What is the effect on the marriage of a defect in any of the essential requisites?
It will render the marriage voidable.
What is the effect on the marriage of an irregularity in the formal requisites?
Marriage would still be valid but the party or parties responsible for said irregularity shall be civilly, criminally and administratively liable.
Who may solemnize a marriage? Judge?
A judge (incumbent not retired) within the jurisdiction of his court solemnized marriage, valid or not?
Who may solemnize a marriage? Religious Leader?
Priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious sect duly authorized by his church and registered with the civil registrar general provided that at least one of the contracting party belong to the solemnizing officer’s church or religious sect. valid or not
Who may solemnize a marriage? Ship Captain?
A ship captain or airplane chief in cases of articulo mortis and the contracting parties are either passenger or crew of the ship or plane during its voyage.
Who may solemnize a marriage? Military Commander?
A military commander (at least 2nd lieutenant) of a unit (battalion), where a chaplain is assigned, in the absence of the latter, in cases of articulo mortis where the contracting parties, civilian or military are within the zone of military operation.
Who may solemnize a marriage? Consul Officer?
Any consul general, consul, vice-consul in cases where Filipino citizens abroad want to contract marriage in accordance with the Philippine laws, shall assume the duties of the local civil registrar and solemnizing officer.
Who may solemnize a marriage? Mayor?
Mayors or Acting Mayors , in default thereof, the Vice Mayor or any highest ranking member of the Sangguniang Bayan can solemnize marriage in pursuant to the Local Government Code.
Where can marriages be solemnized in case of articulo mortis:?
In a ship or airplane during its voyage where contracting parties are passengers or crew members. It shall be solemnized by the ship captain or airplane pilot only.
In a Zone of Military Operation whether parties are civilian or members of armed forces. It shall be solemnized by a?
In a Zone of Military Operation whether parties are civilian or members of armed forces. It shall be solemnized by a military commander of a battalion in the absence of a chaplain.
What are the requirements of a marriage ceremony?
The contracting parties must appear personally before the solemnizing officer and declare in the presence of two witnesses of legal age that they take each other as husband and wife. This declaration shall be contained in the marriage certificate signed by the contracting parties and the witnesses and attested by the solemnizing officer;
There is no prescribed form or religious rite required for the solemnization of marriage.
What are the requirements of a marriage ceremony in case of articulo mortis?
When the party who is at the point of death is unable to sign the marriage contract, it shall be sufficient for one of the witnesses to write the name of said party. This fact will be attested by the solemnizing officer.
Who can issue a marriage license?
The Local Civil Registrar where either of the contracting parties habitually resides;
Consul-general, consul or vice-consul for marriages contracted abroad
Is marriage certificated required?
What is required is the marriage license, not the marriage certificate.
Is marriage may be proved by oral evidence?
Yes, an oral solemnization is valid.
Marriage license shall be valid for a period of?
120 days
What happen to marriage contracted after 120 days lapse of marriage license?
marriage shall be considered void for lack of marriage license.
Failed to undergo parental advise? the issuance of marriage license is?
the issuance of marriage license is suspended for 3 months from the completion of publication of the application
Status of marriage celebrated during the suspension of the marriage license?
If parties did not obtain marriage license, void;
If parties were able to obtain marriage, valid.
Requirements for foreign national contracting marrage?
certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage, issued by their respective diplomatic or consular officials
Requirements for foreign national contracting marrage particularly Stateless persons or refugees from other country shall?
In lieu of the certificate of legal capacity herein required, submit an affidavit stating the circumstances showing such capacity to contract marriage.
Why marriage without the required certificate of legal capacity to marry is valid?
this is merely an irregularity in complying with a formal requirement of the law.
What is/What happened to marriages among muslim or members of ethnic community?
Exception to Marriage License provided they are solemnized in accordance w/ their practice or custom.s
Whati is/What happen to marriages in Articulo mortis particularly one or both party is at the point of death?
Exception to Marriage License
What is/What happens to marriages solemnized by a ship captain or airplane pilot.
Exception to Marriage License
What happens to marriages in Remote places?
Exception to Marriage License. Provided that there’s no means of transportation to enable the party to personally appear before the local civil registrar
What is/What happened to marriages between parties Cohabiting?
Exemption to Marriage License. Provided that they are cohabitation for at least 5 years without legal impediments.
What is/What happend to marriages solemnized Outside the Philippines?
Exemption to Marriage License. Provided that no marriage license is required by the country where it was solemnized.
Requisites of 5 years cohabitation as an exception to marriage license?
(1) Living together as husband and wife for at atleast 5 years;
(2) Characterized by living together exclusively and in continuity.
(3) No legal impediment
(4) Execute affidavit that they are living as husband and wife
(5) attested by the solemnizing officer.
What are the rules governing the validity of marriage?
Extrinsic validty: Lex loci celbrationis/law of the place
Instrinsic validty: Lex Nationalii or Personal law;
Validity of foreign marriages applies applies to all foreign nationals. T&F
No. Validity of foreign marriages applies, however, only to Filipinos.
Marriages between Filipinos solemnized abroad. Valid or not?
Valid provided that the marriage is in accordance with the laaw of the foreign country.
16 yrs old married abroad; valid in Phil. or not?
No. Lack of legal capacity even with parental consent;
Married abroad; valid abroad; not the true person; valid in Ph or not?
No. Contracted through Mistake of one party as to the identity of the other;
Married abroad; valid there; before annullment or similar to that.
No. Contracted following the annulment or declaration of nullity of a previous marriage but Before partition, etc.;
Married abroad; Bigamous or polygamous; valid in Ph or not?
No. igamous or polygamous not valid except asprovided in Art. 41 FC.
Requisites of a foreign marriage between fili and fil?
foreign marriage law. Celebration in accordance with that law.
Filipino is married to a foreigner. Foreigner subsequently obtains a valid divorce abroad
capacitating him/her to remarry, what happened to the Filipino?
the Filipino spouse shall likewise have the capacity to
remarry under the Philippine law.
Valid marriage abroad;
valid divorced abroad;
Divorce by foreigner; borth foreigner?
It must be filipino and alien to be valid