Marlowe Flashcards
Dr. Faustus acts
Published in
5 act play
Symbols in Dr faustus
Good and bad angel - his divided will
Seven deadly sins - disposition towards god
Blood symbolizes sacrifice
Helen of troy- love for classic art and literature
Old man - christian faith
Themes of dr faustus
Renaissance individual
Damnation vs salvation
Fate vs free will
Temptation,sin and redemption
The bargain
Education, knowledge and power
Dr. faustus written in _____ style
Blank verse
7 deadly sins
Pride, Wrath, Envy, lust,
University wits
C.marlowe, Robert Green, Thomas nash, Thomas Lodge, Thomas kyd, John Lyly and George peele
The reward of sin is death
Thats hard
If we must say we have no sin we decieve ourselves and theres no truth in us . Why then ee must sin and consequently die
A sound
Magician is a demo god
Faustus first command
Describe hell
Everywhere where heaven is not
First wish
Ask for a wife
Gets mistress instead and inclusive book of knowledge necromancy
Who stole Faustus book
Robin an Ostler
Raffe joins for beguiling nan spit
Kitchen maid
What echies in faustus ears on mentioning salvation
Faustus thou art damned
Why he stop in rome
See pope an take part in feast of st. Peter
Plays pranks on pope and his banquet
Robin and raffe turned into
Ape and dog respectively
Disgruntled mepastophilis from canstantinople
Faustus invitee
Carolus the 5th
Duke of vanholt