Marketing Programs + IMC Flashcards
Criteria for IMC:
Brand amplifiers
efforts made to engage consumer and public via word-of-mouth and public relations and publicity
What do brand managers decide?
objective of the communications and what the brand values / brand narrative should be
What’s in a promotional mix?
advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, PR, sales promotion, personal selling
Advantages of Promotion
- Permit manufacturers to charge different prices to groups of consumers
who vary in price sensitivity - Convey sense of urgency to consumers
- build brand equity through actual product experience
- Encourage the trade to maintain full stocks and support the
manufacturer’s merchandising efforts
Disadvantages of Promotion
- Decreased brand loyalty and increased brand switching
- Decreased quality perceptions and increased price sensitivity
- Inhibit use of franchise
- Divert marketing funds sales promotion
- Increase the importance of price as a factor in consumer decisions
- May subsidize buyers who would have bought the brand anyway
Steps for Persuasion by Any Form of Communication
- Exposure
- Attention
- Comprehension
- Yielding
- Intention
- Behaviour
core (simplified) challenges in designing brand-building communications
correct positioning
strong associations
motivating to purchase
Advantages of Multiple communications
- Optimal utilization of monetary and other resources
- Different communication options also may target different market
IMC Choice Criteria
- Evaluating communication options
- Establishing priorities and trade-offs