Market Structures Flashcards
Barrier to Entry
- Obstacles that limit the ability of new companies to enter the market
- allow existing firms to earn economic profits in the long run
A formal organization of sellers or producers that agree to act together to set prices and limit output
- Reduction of government oversight and control of business
- Results in lower prices because there is more competition
- May lead to fewer protections for consumers
Market Structure
Economic model that allows economists to examine competition among businesses in the same industry
Monopolistic Competition
- Aka Polyopolies
- Many sellers with similar goods/services
- most markets fall into this category
- consumers benefit from competition
- Producer has no competition
- occurs when there is one seller of a product that has no close substitute
- can describe the market structure an/or the actual business
- 4 types (natural, government, technological, and geographic)
- Few sellers/similar product
- large firms (typically manufacturing)
- consumer choices are limited
Predatory Pricing
setting prices below cost for a time to drive smaller competiors out of the market
(like kum and go)
Price Fixing
the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers. ( occurs when businesses work together to set the prices of something products)
Product Differentiation
is the attempt to distinguish a product from similar products
Public Disclosure
Which requires businesses to reveal product information to consumers (usually not a good thing)
- Controlling behavior through rules/laws
- Promotes competition by prohibiting unfair business prices (price fixing, market allocation, and predatory pricing)
- Protects consumers
- Public disclosures
- protection agencies
- food and drug administration
- environmental protection agency
- consumer product safety commision
Standardized Product
A product that consumers consider identical in all essential features to other products in the same market
What are the characteristics of imperfect competition?
-occurs in the markets that have few sellers or products that are not standardized
-producers are hindered by barriers to entry in the market structure
(could not find characteristics but this is the definition in notebook)
What are the characteristics of perfect competition?
- numerous buyers and sellers
- standerdized products
- freedom to enter and exit the market
- independent buyers and sellers
- well informed buyers and sellers
How are monopolist able to control prices?
only one seller and there is no competition
What are barriers to entry?
- Something that hinders a business from entering a market
- like regulations such as the inability to create a moving business without a license
What are examples of standardized products?
Like pencils, they all have lead in them and they are used to write with
Define the four types of monopolies? Provide an example of each.
- Natural (a water company)
- Government (the postal service)
- Technological (Polaroid)
- Geographic (professional sports)
What are some characteristics and examples of monopolistic competition?
Characteristics -many sellers and b uyers -similar but different products -limited control orf prices -feedom to enter/exit market Examples -fast food restraunts (burger king, mcdonalds, and sonic) -clothing stores (cato, maurices)
What are the characteristics of monopolies?
- one seller
- restricted and regualted market
- control of prices
What is an example of a pure monopoly that is rare?
What are some examples of barrier to entry?
- Legal: patents, copyrights, government regulation
- control of resources
- economies to scale
- market advantages: brand loyalty, marketing access
What are some characteristics of oligopoly?
- few sellers and many buyers
- standardized of differentiated products
- control of price
- little freedom to enter and exit the market
What are some examples of oligopoly?
Breakfast cereal industry
-general mills, post, and Kelloggs
Soft drink companies
-Pepsi, and coke
Perfect competition?
- the ideal model of a market economy
- never can be truly perfect
- most competitive market structure
- economists assess how competitive a market structure is by determining where it falls short of perfect competition
what is an example of price fixing?
For instance, when radioshack and bestbuy get together and decide on what amount they want to sell their products for at each price.
what is an example of public disclosure?
Like nutrition labels on food
what is an example of product differentation?
Whenever apple came out with the thumb print on the iphone 5s, no other company had it yet
what is an example of perfect competition?
There are no real examples of perfect competition because it does not exist, but the closest example of one is a farmers market
what is an example of imperfect competition?
All competition today is considered imperfect competition; corn; beef
The effort of two or more people acting independently to get business by offering the best deal
-Bare minerals makeup vs. Estee Lauder makeup
Price discrimination
- divide consumers into two or more groups and charge different prices to each group of consumers
- Polyopolies can attract more consumbers through price discrimination
- Examples (coupons)
Natural monopoly
A type of monopoly that operates most efficiently with only one producer
Ex: water companies
Government monopoly
A market in which the government is the only legally permitted producer or service provider
Ex: postal service
Technological monopoly
Special rights given to those who invent a new product to create some type of work
Ex: Polaroids
Geographic monopoly
A condition that exists in a local area or region where in one company is the sole provider of a good or a service
Ex: professional sports