Market structure, supply and market outcomes Flashcards
What is market power?
Refers to an entity’s ability to influence marketwide outcomes
What are the assumptions of perfect competition?
Many firms
Price takers
No barriers to entry
What are the assumptions of a monopoly?
One firm
Price maker
High barriers to entry
What are the assumptions of an oligoply?
2-3 big firms
High barriers to entry
What is the main thing in a perfect competition?
A firm’s supply curve is the where MC>AVC
In the long-run, firms product at ATC-minimizing quantity
What is allocative efficiency?
Producers with low cost product in equilibrium, those with high costs are left out
What is productive efficiency?
In the long run, output is produced at minimum ATC
What is the slope of the PPC?
Marginal rate of transformation
Where does productive efficiency happen?
Where the indifference curve in tangent to the PPC
What are the policy responses to a monopoly?
Natural monopolies
Are patents good to solve the inefficiency issue of monopolies?
Monopolies are statically inefficient but dynamically efficient
Patents encourages innovation
What is a monopsony?
There is a single buyer in the market
What is the diagram for a monopsony?
P and Q
S curve
MV is the demand curve
ME lies above the S curve
What is cournot competition?
It is canonical
It offers an intuitive contrast with monopoly and perfect competition
What are the assumptions of a cournot competition?
Firms sell identical goods
Each firm has a constant MC
Firms simultaneously choose how much quantity to sell, without know what others have chosen
All quantity is then sold at the market-clearing price