Market Structure Flashcards
What are the aspects of the definition of a substitute?
Performance, Occasion of use, and geographic are
Aspects of market definition?
Geography & and product (apply high cross price elasticity of demand)==> competitive constraints.
demand price elasticity formula and interpretation
e x,y =%change in Q.x/ %change in Py = (Py/Px)*(ep.Qx/ep.Qy)
if e x,y= 2% ==> %Dpx=-1% ==> a change of 1% in price implies a 2% decrease in Q.
Relevant Market
- *The relevant market for one product includes all products that significantly limit the price of this product.
- *The extent to which firms are able to increase their prices above normal competition levels depends on the possibility for consumers to buy substitute goods.
- *The fewer the substitute products the less elastic the demand curve is and the more probable is to find higher prices.
Anti-trust agencies == what for?
Antitrust agencies are responsible for preventing anticompetitive conduct.
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
European Commission (DG Competition)
DOJ stands for?
U.S. Department of Justice
It has developed a conceptual guide for market definition: The SSNIP test: Small but Significant Nontransitory Increase in Price.
“Small” is usually more than 5% , “non transitory” is usually less than a year
Ck - concentration Index
Formula ?
Ck= sum of market shares of K firms included.
Pros: easy to compute
Cons: depends on the choice of firms included
Herfindhal-Hirschmn Index
Pros ?
HHI= 10K+ sum(m.shares^2) Pros: *usually is enough to include all mkt firms with a share greater than 1% *Sensitive to market share changes Cons: Requires more data than Ck.
HHI ranges for US
- Low concentration: HHI<1500
- Moderate 1500-2500; a change greater than 100 will potentially raise* significant competitive concerns and often warrant scrutiny.
- High concentration: HHI>2500 if the merger involves an increase in HHI between 100 points and 200 points , it would potentially raise significant competitive concerns. If the HHI increases more than 200 points, it will be presumed to enhance market power and is likely to be investigated.
- Small changes in DHHI <100 , In general, mergers involving an increase in the HHI below 100 points are unlikely to have adverse competitive effects and ordinarily require no further analysis.
HHI ranges for EU
- Low concentration: HHI<1000
- Moderate 1000-2000; a change below 250 is a no concern except in spe. circumstances
*High concentration: HHI>2000; no concerns if the merger involves an increase in HHI below 150 except in spe. circumstances
- *Special Circumstances:
- merger involves a potential entrant or a recent entrant with a small market share;
- One or more merging parties are important innovators in ways not reflected in market shares;
- significant cross-shareholdings among the market participants;
- one of the merging firms is a maverick firm with high likelihood of disrupting coordinated conduct;
- Indication of past or ongoing coordination practices, are present;
- One of the merging parties has a pre-merger market share of 50% or more
Market dynamics highlighted
- New entries ceased by mid 90s
- Before 2000, 20% of the exists were to merge
- Post 2000, 100% of the exits are towards a merger
Concentration Measures Limitations
- Market Definition Scope: In general statistics are at the national level, instead of national or regional
- Global Market : concentrations are overstated as they exclude imports
- Static measures: C. measures give a time snapshot on the concentration, considering diff snaps at different times may be beneficial as it provides more info and context
Standard Industry Classification
*Collects and analyses info in 4 digits industries
* in EU is done by CPA Classification of Products by Activity (EUROSTAT)
* SIC classifications in general do not correspond to the economic market definition: categories can be too broad or to narrow for a given relevant product market.
*Too Broad Definition:
3721- Aircraft and Aircraft Parts: includes airplanes, hang-glider, blimps (looks like a Zeppelin), helicopters
2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations: includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter preparations and veterinary products
* Too Narrow Definition:
3221 Glass Containers; 3411 Metal Cans
SIC market definition Broad vs. Narrow
- If it is too broad: measured degree of concentration is underestimated
- If it is too narrow: measured degree of concentration is overestimated
Economies of Scale and Concentration
- Industries with large minimum efficient scales compared to the size of the market tend to have high concentration
- The inter-industry pattern of concentration is replicated across countries
- When production enjoys economies of scale, entry is difficult and hence profits are high