Market Strategy Flashcards
Which framework can be used to analyze the boad forces of the macro markting environment and what is it composed of?
The PEST(EL) framework.
Political forces
Economic and competitive forces
Social forces
Technological forces
Legal and regulatory forces
What can be considered in PEST(EL): Political, legal and regulation forces?
- Strong interrelation between the three
- Deregulation: simplifying environment for business
- Taxation
- Consumer / patient protection legislation
–> medical drugs and devices
–> safety of consumer products
–> liability of the companies - Competition law: influencing M&A deals
What can be considered in PEST(EL): Economic forces?
- The general economic output level: Influences buting power, willingness to pay, expenditure levels, public procurement and infrastructure investments, income equality
- Capital market environment (incl. interest rates - what are the financing opportunities?)
- Business cycle (depending on:)
–> Prosperity and expansion: low unemployment, rising incomes, expansion of overall economic activity levels
–> Recession: rising umemployment, stagnating salary levels, decreasing willingness to pay and buyer purchasing power
–> Depression: confidence in economy is challenged, low buying power, high levels of unemployment
What can be considered in PEST(EL): Technological forces?
- New technological opportunities that exercise large influence on markets and businesses
- Often lead to obsolence of existing technological capabilities, but also generate new opportunities and reduce entry barriers
- Technology may impact society and way of living (e.g. smartphone)
- New “general purpose technologies” (GTP): make it into many different application areas (e.g. semiconductors)
- Information and communication technology (AI)
- Biotech discoveries (CRISPR)
What can be considered in PEST(EL): Social and Environmental forces?
- Important demographic trends: ageing population, increasing demand for medical drugs and healthcare products
- Trends for food (organic, vegan), or alternative medicine
- Global health shocks: Covid
- increasing conscious of waste reduction, Co2 emissions etc.
What framework can be used to describe the external micro environment - the industry strutcture, and what is it composed of?
Porters five forces
Describes five forces that capture the industry environment and the form and strenght of competition.
Highlight relative power of various players in an industry and allows for interferences on market attractiveness and industry profitability.
Rivalry among existing competitors: Threat of new entrants
bargaining power of buyers
threat of substitute products or services, bargaining power of suppliers
What are the considerations for threat of new entrants (Porters five forces)
- Capital requirements: if very expensive to set up business –> start companies and small entries is unlikely
- Intellectual property - if competitor firms own relevant patents –> block
- Supply side economies of scale - If a company is already in the market and has large manufacturer - it is difficult to enter bc it will be difficult for the company entering to match / compete with the existing company and their manufacturing.
- Network effects: a given customer benefits from other people using the same product –> can be an advantage for companies that offer a service that already has a lot of customers. e.g. whats app - other social networks, or food home delivery services.
- Customer switching costs
- Unequal access to resources and distribution channels
What are the considerations for rivalry among existing competitors? (Porters five forces)
- competitors in the market
- market concentration and market power distribution - is it monopolistic or do we have perfect competition?
- Space for product differentiations or competition solely based on prices?
- slow industry growht and high exit barriers (due to specialized investments) - if difficult to exit, then not attractive
- Relevance of brand equity
- Role of fixed costs, ability to expand production
What are the considerations for buyer power (Porters five forces)
- Buyer concentration: only a few buyers on the market
- high purchasing volume
- undifferntiated vs. differentiated products
- low switching costs of buyers
- threat of backward integration
- price sensitivity of buyers
- availability of substitute products / inputs
What are the considerations for supplier power? (Porters five forces)
- Supplier concentration - a few that dominate?
- Do suppliers control scarce inputs ie. lack of substitutes?
- Differentiated prodcuts (inputs for downstream firms)
- Customer switching cost (supplier switching costs)
- Importance of volume to supplier / serving other industries?
What are the considerations for threat of substitutes (Porters five forces)
- Do substitutes offer attractive price-performance ratio?
- Do they have specific advantages?
- Low buyer switching costs to substitute
What is the key assumption behind segmentation?
That it is unlikely that a new solution that addresses a need will meet the requirements of all customers
What is segmentation?
The division of customers into distinct groups that share similar perceptions about needs and can be reach using uniform approaches.
An iterative process.
What is the curve of segmentation levels?
Has impact on y axis and amount of segmentation on x axis with too little segmentation on the left and too much segmentation on the right.
The curve follows a normal distribution, indicating that the highest level of impact is created with a balanced amount of segmentation “Lagom”
What is the STP process?
The process of segmentation, targeting and positioning.
What is done during segmentation of the STP process?
Customers are grouped into segments based on similar needs.
- Identify customer needs, wants, desired problem solutions
- Describe the identified segments using variables suchs as geographic location, customer size, age
What is done during targeting of the STP process?
Segments are selected.
- Evaluate the attractiveness of each segment using variables that help to quantify opportunities (e.g. growth rates) and costs of serving each segment (e.g. distribution)
- Select one or more segments to serve (profit potential should fit with corporate strategy)
- Find and reach targeted customers
What can make segmentation difficult?
If boundaries of a segment are fluid (move around)
What is done during positioning of the STP process?
The offerings are tailored –> marketing mix and thereby creating the competitve advantage
What are the segmentation criteria?
- Measureable –> size, purchasing power, and characteristics
- Substantial –> segments should be large and profitable enough
- Accessible –> Segments should be effectively reached and served
- Differentiable –> they should be conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to marketing mix elements and programs
- Actionable –> effective programs should be possible to formulate
- Stable –> segment boundaries should be persistent
What are the attractiveness criteria when deciding on a segment?
Size and growth:
1. Market potentioal, current market penetration
2. Growth forecasts
Structural characteristics:
1. Competition: barriers to entry, position of competitors
2. Segment saturation: what are the gaps in the market?
3. Protectability: patent protection? barriers of entry
Product-market fit
1. Fit: Is there coherence with companny’s strength and image?
2. Synergy, cost interactions, brand image transfers, cannabilization
3. Profitability: entry costs, marging level ROI
What are examples of bases for consumer markets (segmentation)?
- Geographic criteria
- Demographic (age, income, education, gender)
- Behavioural: usage rate, user status, loyalty
What are examples of bases for business markets (segmentation)?
- Demographic: Industries, firm size, geographic location
- Operating variables: technology, user status, customer capabilities
- Purchasing approaches: nature of existing relationships, power distribution, customer focus on price vs quality
- Situational factors: urgency, focus on specific applications, order size
What is the ultimate goal of a company?
To get competitive advantage –> finding a dimension of uniqueness
What is product positioning?
The act of designing the company’s market offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market.
Good positioning creates uniqueness of companies product offerings.
What is the outcome of product positioning?
Creation of a customer-focused value proposition
What is POP?
Points of Parity.
Describes the dimensions not unique to the brand i.e. industry standards that make a business legitimate in it field.
They are the bare minimum required for a company to make be competitive in the field
Types are: Category, competitive, correlational
Complying: There should be a degree of compliance in all dimensions, but there can only be one dimension where a product is superior –> some dimensions do not go well together e.g. highest quality and lowest price would not be trustworthy of the customer.
What is POD?
Point of Difference.
Brand demonstrates superiority over competitor solutions in a relevant dimension.
Defines the competing products
For new products: separate marketing programs required to educate customers about a POD.
What are the requirements of POD?
- Desirability –> customers must find relevant
- Deliverability –> resources and commitment to create and maintain brand association among customers
- Differentiation: POD must be perceived as distinctive and superior to competitors
What are the benefits of a clear POD?
- Greater customer loyalty –> less vulnerability to competitive marketing
- Less impact of economic downturns
- More support by supply-chain partners
- More effective marketing communication
- Licensing and brand extensions
- Larger margins –> escaping price competition
What are Porter’s generic strategies??
Three generic strategies for obtaining competitive advantage.
- Differentiation strat: creating unique products
- Cost leadership: offering product at lowest cost or price-to-value ratio to target market segment
- Focus: Serving a specific target groups with specialized needs
What is cost leadership? (Porter’s generic strategies)
Economics of scale: Fixed costs are distributed over a large number of units thereby decreasing cost/unit.
C = FC + VC * Q
FC= fixed cost
VC= variable cost
Learning curve: As technology is used, producers learn to make it more efficient and effective.
What is the resource-based view (RBV)?
Explains why some companies in the same industry outperforms the others by operating three broad categories:
- Physical capital of the company (e.g. superior production sites, bigger etc)
- Human capital (e.g. really talented people, better leaders, more innovators etc)
- Organizational capital (e.g. the culture created in the company making it outperform competitors)
What criteria do fims resources need to fulfill in order ot provide grounds for competitve advantage? (RBV)
A resource must be:
- Valuable (exploint new opportunities or eliminate threats)
- Rare
- Not be easily replicated
- Non-substituable
What is the SWOT analysis?
An analysis that combines external and internal views.
Internal (company): Strengths(positive attributes), weaknesses (negative attributes)
External (market): Opportunities (e.g. low IP in coverage in the area, threats (e.g. entry of new competitors)
What was the point/theme of the Amgen Case?
To discuss competitive advantage, factors determining profitability, factors affecting market entry (biosimilars), positioning