Market Research ( Sampling, Data Types ) Flashcards
What is Random Sampling ?
When a business randomly selects candidates for research. This means their research is not for one specific demographic such as Age, Sex or Religion.
What is Quota Sampling ?
Quota Sampling is used to gain information about a specific mix, or specific demographic of the population. For example, if 20% of a company’s customers were men, then the Marketing staff would be instructed to ask 1 man for every 4 women to obtain an equal percentage of men and women’s opinions.
What is Qualitative Data ?
Qualitative Data aims to gather opinions and views.
An example of Qualitative data is “do you find this packaging attractive”
What is Quantitative Data ?
Quantitative Data is based on facts that can be tested.
An example of Quantitative data is knowing “what is the average income of our earners”
What is the issue with a sample size that’s too small ?
If a sample size is too small, random errors are more likely to make the data inaccurate.
What is the issue with a sample size that is too big ?
A sample size that is too big will cost a business more time and money to complete.
What is the issue with Bias when conducting market research ?
It forms data that is specific to a certain demographic of consumers.
An example of Bias, is having the majority of your candidates be between the ages of 16 and 19.