Market Mechanism, Market Failure and Government Intervention in Markets Flashcards
Define market failure
- Market failure occurs when there is an inefficient allocation of resources within a market. The pricing mechanism leads to a failure in allocating scarce resources efficiently.
- Pricing mechanism leads to a net social welfare loss, social welfare not maximised.
Difference between complete and partial market failure
- Complete market failure occurs when there is a ‘missing market’ when no goods/services are provided within this market (lack of incentives?).
- Partial market failure occurs when a market produces an ineffective level of output/price, therefore a misallocation or resources has occurred (meaning resources can be used more efficiently).
Describe examples of market failure
- Negative externalities which leads to the social cost burdened onto society exceeding the social benefit leading to a net welfare loss.
- Missing markets leading to markets not existing to satisfy consumer needs.
- imperfect information
- Under provision of public and merit goods, leading to societies optimum level of social benefit not being achieved.
- Market dominance leading to potential exploitation of consumers and reduced quality of goods.
- Markets causing inequality and reduced equity.
Describe public goods + examples
- A public good is a good which are non-rival and non-excludable, with the supply of public goods being a missing market (complete market failure).
- If the supply of public goods was left to the free market, supply would cease to exist/minimal supply.
- Street lights, flood barriers, national defence, law enforcement.
Describe the characteristics of public goods
Public goods are:
- Non-Rival meaning if a consumer consumers one unit of this particular good, it would not reduce the amount available to others.
- Non-Excludable meaning once a public good has been provided nobody can be specifically excluded from consuming this good. Cannot enforce property rights on a public good.
Describe private goods
- Private goods are goods which are both excludable and rivalrous. Private goods are provided by the private sector as there is an incentive of profit due to their characteristics.
- Individuals can be excluded from consuming private goods through enforceable property rights.
Describe quasi goods
- Quasi goods are goods that have characteristics of both private and public goods.
- Quasi goods can be seen as public goods which are provided by the private sector due to profit incentive from government subsidies/contracts etc.
- Eg) Roads
Describe the free rider problem
- The characteristics of public goods lead to the free rider problem occurring.
- The free rider problem occurs once a public good has been provided and there becomes no incentive for individuals to contribute towards the cost (pay) as they can consume the good without paying.
- Individuals can consume and experience the benefits of a public good without paying for it.
Benefits and costs of government provision of public goods
- Improving living standards –> long term economic growth
- Equity, if gov provided public goods this allows all individuals regardless of income/wealth to have access to public goods, rather than supply based on ability to pay.
- Opp cost
- Debt/funding (increase in deficit)
- Potential future tax increases which may have long term economic growth (AD)
- May lead to gov failure (poor quality goods)
- Maintenance costs
- Difficult to determine the amount that should be provided.
- Difficult to determine the overall social benefit and whether the provision is necessary or not.
Describe the tragedy of the commons
- An economic problem in which individuals favour personal gain at the expense of other individuals/society.
- Leads to the overconsumption and depletion of a common resource.
- For the tragedy of the commons to occur a resource/good must be scarce, rivalrous and non-excludable.
Describe examples of market failure within the labour market.
- Discrimination of specific individuals leading to an inequitable outcome.
- Monopsony, monopsony power leads to wages being driven down.
- Geographical imobilites factors which make it difficult to move between geographical lcoations for work.
- Occupational imobilities, factros which influence how easy it is to move between different jobs (influenced by skillset of labour itself).
- Unemployment trap leads to no incentive to find work/start business as less money would be earned than on benefits for example.
Describe how a lack of property rights may cause negative extrenaliteis
- With a lack of property rights, some goods/resources are unaccounted for therefore this means individuals have unlimited access to these goods/resources and can exploit their use.
- EG) A factory dumps its waste in a river in which no one had property rights over.
Describe positive externalities + examples
- Positive externalities, usually caused by a merit good, refers to the external benefits/spill over benefit to a third party caused by the consumption or production of a good/service.
- Eg) Healthcare, better education system, vaccinations and
Describe negative externalities + examples
- Negative externalities, usually caused by a de-merit good, refers to the external costs/spill over costs to a third party caused by the consumption or production of a good/service.
- EG) Smoking, crime, littering, alcohol
Describe merit goods + why underproduced/consumed
-Merit goods are goods that are seen to be beneficial for society when produced and consumed as the consumption/production of these goods lead to positive externalities (Goods with positive externalities).
- Lack of information as consumers and producers are usually unaware of social benefits/costs.
- Social benefit/social cost is ignored by firms and consumers.