Market Failures Flashcards
Merit good
A good that is under consumed in a free market because consumers do not recognize the benefit it has to the rest of society.
Demerit good
A good that is over consumed in a market because the private benefit outweighs the societal cost
Positive externality
A positive spillover effect to third parties
Negative externality
A negative spillover effect to third parties
Imperfect information
When a consumer or government decision is being made based on incomplete or flawed logic i.e smoking
Public goods
A good that is both non rivalrous and non excludable.
Why are public goods a market failure?
Public goods are a market failure because producers cannot reduce consumption to paying customers only.
Non Rivalry
When the consumption of a good by a consumer does not disallow simultaneous consumption by another
Non Excludable
A good or service that can be enjoyed by anybody free of charge, i.e the air, the London skyline.
Non Excludable
A good or service that can be enjoyed by anybody free of charge, i.e the air, the London skyline.