Market Failure Flashcards
define a positive externality
This occurs when the consumption or production of a good causes a benefit to a third party.
A farmer who grows apple trees provides a benefit to a beekeeper. The be
define social benefit
With positive externalities, the benefit to society is greater than your personal benefit.
Therefore with a positive externality the Social Benefit > Private Benefit
Remember Social Benefit = private benefit + external benefit.
define a negative externality
Negative externalities occur when the consumption or production of a good causes a harmful effect to a third party.
examples :
loud music
congestion (traffic)
what is a social cost
Social cost is the total cost to society; it includes both private and external costs.
With a negative externality the Social Cost > Private Cost
charecteristics of a merit good
People do not realise the true personal benefit. For example, people underestimate the benefit of education or getting a vaccination.
Usually, these goods also have a positive externality.
Therefore in a free market, there will be under consumption of merit goo
merit good examples :
health care
eating fruit and vegetables
define charecteristics of a demerit good :
A good which harms the consumer. For example, people don’t realise or ignore the costs of doing something e.g. smoking, drugs.
Usually, these goods also have negative externalities. If you smoke you harm yourself, but also the smoke negatively affects other people.
Therefore in a free market, there will be overconsumption of these goods
examples of a demerit good :
taking drugs
drinking sugary soft drinks
all damage health
value judgement on merit and demerit goods
Merit and demerit goods involve making a value judgement that something is good or bad for you. Classification is not always straightforward. For example:
define a public good
Non-rivalry: This means that when a good is consumed, it doesn’t reduce the amount available for others.
– E.g. benefiting from a street light doesn’t reduce the light available for others but eating an apple would.
Non-excludability: This occurs when it is not possible to provide a good without it being possible for others to enjoy. For example, if you erect a dam to stop flooding – you protect everyone in the area (whether they contributed to flooding defences or not.
is often under provided as there are no incentives to pay for these good
free rider problemm
The problem with public goods is that they have a free-rider problem. This means that it is not possible to prevent anyone from enjoying a good, once it has been provided. Therefore there is no incentive for people to pay for the good because they can consume it without paying for it.
therefore it is normally provided for through taxation
examples of public goods
national defence
street lighting
police services
flood services
quasi public goods
These are goods which have an element of non-excludability and non-rivalry. Roads are a good example. Once provided most people can use them, for example, those who have a driving licence. However, when you use a road, the amount others can benefit is reduced to some extent, because there will be increased congestion.
what is market provision of public goods ?
Although classical economic theory suggests public goods will not be provided by a free market, there are cases when groups of individuals can come together to voluntarily provide public goods.
this is due to behavoural incentives / economics meaning individuals hav
information asymmetries
where one party has access to information that another party doesn’t. For example, the seller of a car may know it has some problem, but the buyer may not be aware.
failure to disclose information
In many economic transactions, agents may not make full disclosure. For example, when applying for health insurance, you may fail to inform the insurer about genetic traits or your current ill health. When purchasing financial assets, the buyer may not be aware of the risk involved. This was an issue in the period before the credit crunch. This leads to information asymmetries
difficulty estimating costs and benefits
It is often difficult to be aware of social costs of goods. Accounting costs are relatively easy to know. But, when it comes to knowing more intangible external costs, it becomes difficult to put an accurate figure.
lack of education / awareness
Merit and demerit goods have degrees of information failure with consumers unaware of the true personal cost/benefit. For example, if we take tobacco, there was a time when many people were not aware of the ill-effects of tobacco on health. Recently, there has been increasing concern about the health costs of sugar consumption. Many consumers are unaware of
the amount of sugar in processed food
The harmful effects of sugar on health.
framing issues
When making decisions over whether to purchase a good, consumers will be influenced by how the good is portrayed.
moral hazard
This occurs when individuals alter their behaviour because of certain guarantees.
For example, an insurance firm may be willing to offer insurance against
irrelevent information / misinformation
If you are applying for a job, a firm may search on the internet and find a Facebook post from several years ago. The employer may use this and avoid giving job – even though it is no longer relevant to who you are now. Alternatively, there may be false information/slander circulated which is hard to deny.
information bias
The government has set up regulators to deal with natural monopolies, e.g. gas and electricity. The regulator aims to set fair prices for industry and consumers. However, if they rely on information from the firm, they may become sympathetic to the firm and allow price rises. This is known as regulatory capture – where regulators act in a favourable way to the firm they are regulating.