Market discipline Flashcards
What are the several problem that traditional bank regulation faces ?
- Monitoring by authorities may crowd out monitoring efforts by private investors
- Regulation may be rendered ineffective by regulatory capture, forbearance, and biased objectives
- Increasing complexity of large banks makes difficult to monitor with traditional supervisory tools
On what relies indirect market discipline?
On idea that monitoring by market participants may generate signals useful for supervisors
What are the signals from indirect market discipline?
- Represent new information to supervisors
- Information already known by supervisors
- May trigger mandated supervisory responses
→ Improve quality of supervisors’ assessment/forecast about bank’s condition
→ Mitigate problems caused by regulatory capture, forbearance, and biased objectives
What are tow characteristics of subordinated debt that makes it appealing as regulatory tool?
• Subordinated debt not protected by deposit insurance and junior to other forms of debt
o Investors have incentive to monitor bank’s risk
• Contrast to equity, subordinated debt exhibits concave return profile
o Investors = negatively affected by bank’s risk taking
o Interest rates rise if bank takes more risk
Can indirect market discipline be effective?
Incentives to monitor and mkt prices = endogenous could compromise indirect mkt discipline’s effectiveness.
If monitoring = costly and investors know bank is forced to reduce risk once yield spreads exceed cap, incentives to monitor may be destroyed
On what assumption is the direct market discipline based?
Market participants not only monitor banks but influence their behavior.
How do market participants discipline banks’ behavior?
- Quantities (e.g. volume of deposits)
- Prices (e.g. share prices or interest rates
→ Banks face consequences of changing quantities and prices = should discipline banks’ behavior
How do Calomaris and Kahn contrast with DD?
Demand deposits not used to insure depositors against random liquidity shocks but demandable debt serves as part of incentive scheme for disciplining banks.
→ If misbehave: depositors withdraw and start bank run
→ By submitting to the threat of liquidation, bank may in turn be able to reduce its funding costs
Why is the possibility of bank runs crucial?
- Disciplining banks
* Giving depositors incentive to monitor
What are the banks’ features in the CK model?
- Enjoy informational advantage in determining which projects are most worthy of financing
- Ability to act against depositors’ interests by absconding with their funds
→ For given stipulated repayment, banker’s incentive to abscond = high if project’s return = low
What are the depositors’ features in the CK model?
- If monitor bank, receive either good or bad signal about project’s success
- Monitoring costly
What are CK main results ?
Demandable debt gives depositors ability to force unsuccessful or noncomplying banks into liquidation
- If monitoring costs not too high, banks can commit to repayments which would otherwise not be possible
- Depositors have incentive to monitor banks
What are the crucial assumptions of CK?
• Bank runs and forced liquidation are feasible
o Neglects negative externalities and costs of bank failures
o Costs of this type of mkt discipline extremely high
• Depositors can monitor banks’ behaviour at low costs
o Costs may be prohibitively high because of banks’ opaqueness
o May be ineffective
What is price based market discipline?
Mkt discipline based on mkt prices where funding costs increase in risk taking.
What if the banks cannot credibly commit on given level of risk at time subordinated debt’s interest rate is set?
- Limited liability incentivizes banks to take higher risks
- Investors anticipate banks’ increased risk taking and demand higher interest rates in turn
- Higher interest rates lead to more risk taking
→ Observation that riskier banks face higher funding costs not evidence of effective mkt discipline
→ Price based mkt discipline can lead to even higher risk than subsidized deposit insurance
What is Blum’s Model structure?
- Single, risk neutral bank investing available funds in risky project choosing level of risk X
- Level of risk observable but not verifiable
- Bank funded by demand deposits with interest rate r_D
- Risk free rate rf
- Bankruptcy has social costs C_S and private costs C_B
What are the 2 results from Blum?
Result 1:
• If bank able to commit to level of risk, mkt discipline leads to lower level of risk than subsidized deposit insurance
o Funding costs = risk dependent
o Mkt discipline cannot remove bank’s inventive to take excessive risks due to externalities C_S
Result 2
• If bank cannot commit and if nash equilibrium, mkt discipline implies higher level of risk than subsidized deposit insurance
o Higher funding costs, limited liability gives incentive to increase risks
o Increasing risks lead to higher funding costs as depositors need to be compensated for increasing risk of default
→ Funding costs reflect banks risk
→ Raising funding costs do not discipline bank, opposite is the case