Market Channel Flashcards
What was the prediction for intermediaries based upon new technology?
The prediction was that the amount of intermediaries would go down, but this proved not to be the case because intermediaries will just evolve instead (CH 1)
Why is it harder to gain competitive advantage through channel strategy?
It is very difficult to copy an organization’s distribution strategy (CH 1)
Why are distributors (especially retailers) becoming more powerful?
Distributors basically act as gatekeepers for manufacturers to customers. Often times they act as buying agents for consumers, rather than selling agents for manufacturers. (CH 1)
What is a Marketing Channel?
A marketing channel is an organization that helps achieve distribution objectives of a firm. (CH 1)
Who is a Marketing Channel manager?
Anybody involved in making marketing channel decisions. (CH 1)
How does the marketing channel strategy relate to the price?
It is risky to compete based on price because it can cause a severe cut to profits. It is also a very unstable point of differentiation, because a competitor can simply just lower their prices which would force you to do the same in order to compete. (CH 1)
How does the marketing channel strategy relate to the product?
It is hard for a firm to gain and maintain a competitive advantage for a product, but marketing channel strategy makes this easier because it is hard to copy distribution strategies. (CH 1)
How does the marketing channel strategy relate to the promotion?
Efforts for promotion is expensive and is pretty short lived once the clout runs out. (CH 1)
How does the marketing channel strategy relate to the place?
The place/distribution strategy/marketing channel strategy helps support the rest of the P’s, and empowers the to better satisfy the target markets. It also helps to create sustainable competitive advantage, builds stronger relationships based on confidence, trust and power.
Describe the Product Flow.
The product flow is the movement of a product from the manufacturer to the final customer. For example, The Miller Coors beer product will start at the brewery plant (manufacturer) and then is transported (transportation company) to beer distributers (wholesalers) whether the product is purchased by liquor stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants and bars (retailers), where it is finally purchased by customers (consumers). (CH 1).
Describe the Negotiation Flow.
Describe the Ownership Flow.
The ownership flow describes the transfer of ownership of a product as it goes from the manufacturer to the final customer. It begins with the manufacturer, who passes ownership to the wholesalers, then to the retailers and lastly to the customers.
Describe the Information Flow
This describes the flow of information from manufacturer to consumer. For example, the manufacturer might give the transportation company information about how much they want to send and when, while requesting information from them about shipping rates and schedules. However the manufacturer does not have to go directly through the transportation company, and can rather gain and give information from each party of the flow, including wholesalers, retailers and consumers.
Describe the Promotion Flow.
This describes the persuasive messaging that is passed down to influence action surrounding the product. The manufacturer and advertising agency work closely to come up with advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity. After the advertising agency, the flow goes directly down through the parties, not coming back up except between consumers and retailers. But, the manufacturer can also promote directly to the consumers.
Who are the major participants in marketing channels (Commercial Channel)
The major participants for the commercial channels are the Producers/Manufacturers and Intermediaries (wholesale and retail intermediaries). (CH 2)
Who are the major participants in the marketing channels (target markets)
The target markets are the major participants in the marketing channels, otherwise considered to be the final users. There are two type of final users, which are the consumer and industries.
** the final users will not be considered channel members because they are not involved in management processes. It is better to view them as the target market. (CH 2)
Why is it often better to not have producers and manufacturers complete distribution tasks?
Manufacturers and producers often lack expertise, and are not in positions to allow them to effectively distribute their product directly to the final user. They also lack economies of scale.
Why are intermediaries better suited for handling distribution tasks?
They are able to spread their very high fixed costs over very large quantities of diverse products. They are also able to achieve economies of scope and scale?
Who are the major types of wholesalers?
- Merchant Wholesalers (independent)
- Agents, Brokers and Commission Merchants (independent)
- Manufacturers, sales branches and offices (manufacturer owned)
What is the job of a merchant wholesaler?
Merchant wholesalers buy and store physical products in large quantities, and then sell off smaller portions of the product to retailers, other wholesalers and to industrial/institutional organizations.
What are the different names for merchant wholesalers?
Wholesaler, jobber, distributor, industrial distributor, supply house, assembler importer, exporter, etc.
What do agents, brokers and commission merchants do?
Agents do not actually ever own the products, but rather act on the behalf of their clients to buy and sell the products.
How do manufacturers sales branches and offices act as whole sales?
They typically directly sell their own product in whole sale at locations separate from the manufacturer plant, either in warehousing facilities or sales offices.
What were the major trends in size and concentration?
of Employees per firm: about 50% of firms had fewer than 5 employees.
Size of wholesaler: majority are small business.
Sales volume: nearly 45% of all firms have annual sales of less than 1 million.
Economic concentration in terms of % of total sales: 50 largest manufacturers’ sales generated nearly 63% of sales for this type
What are the six main tasks of the merchant wholesalers?
- Provide Market Coverage by helping manufacturers reach their widespread target markets at reasonable prices.
- They make sales contact, reducing the amount that manufacturers have to spending on outside sales force.
- They hold inventory, which reduced costs for the manufacturer, lowers rick of manufacturer holding large inventories, pand provides a ready outlet for manufacturers products and helps them b better plan production schedules.
- They help process orders, which is especially helpful because many customers order in small amounts
- They gather market information since they spend so much talking to consumers on sales calls.
- They also offer customer support services, which would be expensive for the manufacturer
Describe the Value-ADDED service?
This is when merchant wholesalers provide customer services on behalf of manufacturers, including refunds/exchanges, setups, repairs or tech support. Which makes this channel member more useful to customers and manufacturers.
What are some of the services a merchant wholesaler can offer customers?
They can assure product availability, provide customer service, extend credit and financial assistance (1. allowing customers to use products in their business before paying for them 2. stocking and providing ready availibity for the items need dby customers), offer assortment convenience, allow customers to buy smaller amounts, tech support
What do manufacturer’s agents do?
They focus on market coverage and sales contact.
What do selling agents do?
They completely take care of the marketing and sales efforts, taking care of market coverage, sales contacts, order processing, marketing, product availability and customer service.
What do brokers do?
They provide marketing information / bring buyers and sellers together?
What do commission merchants do?
They focus on market coverage, sales contacts, order processing, breaking bulk, credit and holding inventory.
How do you classify retailers?
- Ownership of Establishment
- Kind of Business
- Size
- Degree of Vertical Integration
- Type of Relationship with other business organization
- Method of consumer contact
- Type of location
- Type of Service rendered
- Legal forms of organization
-Management organizations or Operation Technique
What is a marketing channel strategy?
The plan that an organization has to accomplish its distribution objectives for its target markets.
What are the distribution decisions that firms need to make?
- the role of distribution in overall objectives and strategies
- The role distribution should play in the marketing mix
- The design of the firm’s marketing channels
- The selection of channel members
- The management of the marketing channel in order to implement the firm’s channel design effectively & efficiently on a continuing basis
- The evaluation of channel member performance
Should marketing managers deal with distribution on a proactive or reactive basis?
Why should distribution be a top priority in marketing strategy/
- Distribution deserves attention from top management because competition has made distribution too big of an issue to ignore
- Should be a major concern to every business and industry because of changing tech, but few people are paying attention
What is the Abell & Hammond’s Three Cycle Strategic Planning Process?
When should distribution be the priority of a marketing strategy, instead of the other P’s?
Should be the main focus when there is a high level of emphasis on how a product is sold, how timely and conveniently a product is made available, and where it is sold
What other times should distribution be the top priorities?
- Distribution is the most relevant variable for satisfying target market demands.
- Parity exists among competitors in the other three variables of the marketing mix.
- A high degree of vulnerability exists because of competitors’ neglect of distribution.
- Distribution can enhance the firm by creating synergy from marketing channels.
What is Differential Advantage?
When a firm attains a long-term, advantageous positon in the market relative to competitors
What factors should channel members consider when picking channel members?
Members should:
- Reflect channel strategies the firm has developed to achieve its distribution objectives
- Be consistent with the firm’s broader marketing objectives & strategies
- Reflect the objectives & strategies of the organization as a whole
Describe Distribution Intensity
This essentially describes how hard a firm wants to penetrate the market through distribution. This will range from intensive (many members) to selective (relatively few) to exclusive (only one)
What are some of the ways that manufacturers aid retailers?
- Advertising and promotional support
- Management assistance
- Fair dealing policies and friendly relationships
What are some product line inducements?
- manufacturers offer good product line with strong sales and profit potential
- stress value of good product line from channel members’ perspective
What are some advertising and promotion inducements?
- Consumer Market: gain credibility through strong program of national advertising
- Industrial Market: gain recognition through program of trade paper ad
What are management assistance inducements?
- The ways which the manufacturer will help with training, finance analysis, market analysis, inventory control, promotional methods.
What is the manufacturer’s responsibility for fair trade and friendly dealing?
Its the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that they convey that they genuinely care about the welfare of that channel member.
What is the framework for market analysis?
Market size, market density, market geography, market behaviour
Where can firms locate markets?
- Bureau of census
- Postal ZIP Codes
What must channel managers consider regarding Market Size?
Channel managers must consider the peculiarities of particular situations and other relevant variables.
What is efficient congestion?
Having a lot of people in one area helps with efficiency in terms of transportation, storage, communication and negotiation.
What is the strategic implication for marketing density and channel strategy?
Manufacturers with wide array of products seek out distributors and retailers in dense makrkets.
What are the channel members implications for when the market buys?
Find intermediaries who are in tune with peaks and valleys
What are the market channel implications for where the market buys?
Know where the market is buying and whether these patterns are changing.
How does the market buy?
- Threetailing - shopping from a single store through multiple channels
- Commando Shopper - they only buy the product that is on sale and not anything else
- Loss Leaders - sale items
- Racetrack lAYOUT - Expose customers to as much product possible in short amount of time possible
What are Buying centres?
The sets of people who participate in industrial buying decisions and are responsible for the consequences from the decision.
What is marketing channel managers role regarding changes in market behaviour?
They must be in tune with changes that are likely to occur, and determine whether these changes are long term or temporary
What are implications of customers wanting good personal selling at the retail level?
Making a comeback in department and specialty stores and increasing demand for knowledgeable sales people
Consumers wanting retail stores with spartan surroundings and minimum service but low prices
Consumers demanding membership in warehouse clubs (Sam’s Club)
What happens when parity exists amongst competition for price, product and promotion?
When this happens, it is hard to gain a competitive advantage due to a lack of point of differentiation. To change this, focusing on a solid distribution strategy can help because of how hard it is to copy distribution strategy.
How can distribution strategy create synergy between channel members?
Each channel member has its own identity which comes with opportunities for reward. For example, a firm putting their products in Walmart can allow them to gain credibility because of the reputation that Walmart has.
How can channel managers position their channels?
They must position themselves as an asset to these channel members, and not just another organization that wants to take more than it gives. There is a big emphasis on partnership.
How should marketing mix be used to enhance channel member cooperation?
When one thing within the marketing mix changes, it impacts all of the other variables. So it is important ti consider the marketing mix when trying to create synergy between channel members.
How should the channel members be motivated to cooperate in achieving the manufacturer’s distribution objectives?
Developing a portfolio can help with this.
What is channel design?
Channel design discusses the decisions made regarding implementing new marketing channels, whether it be for brand new strategies or preexisting ones.
How do firms engage in channel design?
The firms consist of the producers, manufacturers, service providers, etc. They engage in channel design by looking downwards towards the market.
How do wholesalers engage in channel design?
Wholesalers look both up at the firm, and down at the retailers.
How do retailers engage in channel design?
Retailers look up the channel in order to secure suppliers.
How do you recognize the need for channel design decisions?
There are numerous reasons for channel design decisions. These include developing a new product line, aiming an existing product at a new market, making a change in the marketing mix, etc.
How can channel members set and coordinate distribution objectives?
They must see if existing objectives are impacting distribution objectives in any way.
Describe the channel design paradigm
The channel design paradigm describes a list of considerations to make in order to design the marketing channel strategy:
- Recognizing the need for a channel design decision
- Setting and coordinating distribution objectives
- Specifying distribution tasks
- Developing possible alternative channel structures
- Evaluating the variables affecting channel structure
- Choosing the “best” channel structure
- Selecting the channel members
True or False: Distribution tasks depend on the firm.
True. Distribution tasks for a B2C firm are different for that of a B2B firm.
What is the Externak=l Environment?
The uncontrollable factors within which marketing channels exists. Effects all channel parties. It consists of the economic environment, competitive environment, sociocultural environment, technological environment legal environment.
What are the major economic forces?
Inflation, deflation, recession
What is the channel strategy in case of a recession?
Manufacturers help channel members out by help financing high inventory costs
What are the possible channel strategies in the case of an inflation?
One, manufacturers can reduce their product mix from high cost to low cost items. They an also reduce their inventory burden on channel members by streamlining products (producing products customers want instead of wasting resources on what they don’t want), creating faster processing and delivery, and creatin higher inventory turnover through stronger promotion (getting more people to buy more)
What happens when real interest rates increase?
Demand goes down and costs go up
What is Horizontal Competition?
When organizations are competing with the same organizations. For example, Tostitos and Doritos.
What is Intertype Competition?
The competition between different type firms at the same channel level. For example, Walmart competing with Amazon
What is vertical competition?
Vertical competition is competition between firms at different channels. For example, a retailer versus a manufacturer.
What is channel system competition?
When an entire channel competes against another entire channel. This captures the channel at all levels. For example, Nike’s channel (including manufacturer, wholesalers and retailers) vs Adidas’ channel.
What are the three types of Chanel system competition?
Corporate, contractual and administered
How does the sociocultural environment impact channel marketing?
It influences both national and international marketing channels, and influences wide variations among channel structures worldwide.
What are other sociocultural factors?
Globalization, consumer mobility, green movement
What is EDI and what is its main flaw?
Electronic Data Interchange, connects all channel members’ data so that each member can be caught up to date with their requests real time.The main flaw is that tin order for an EDI to work, channel members must share information openly, which can feel like a privacy issue to some channel members.
What are the benefits of EDI?
It enhances distribution efficiency by linking together channel information systems, proving real time responses and being enhanced by the internet.
How does cloud computing impact channel marketing?
It provides forms, no matter the size, with access to advanced computing capabilities that allow them to better manage their channels. For example checking supply and managing relationships.
What is dual distribution?
When a firm sells the same product through two or more channel structures.
What is exclusive dealing?
When a firm makes an agreement with wholesalers to confirm that they will sell only their products.
What is full line forcing?
When supplier forces a wholesaler to sell the full line of products in their line.
What is price discrimination?
When a firm sells products for a different price for channel members of the same class and level.
What are resale restrictions?
Resale restrictions are when manufacturers restrict to who and in what region wholesalers may resell products
What is price maintenance?
Supplier dictates prices that the channel members will charge cutomers
What is ‘rEFUSAL TO DEAL’?
This is when a supplier refuses to deal with whomever they want as channel members
Define a inter organizational social system.
A system when individuals or groups interact with each other within a marketing channel.
When does conflict arise in marketing channel structure?
When a channel member feels as though the other is acting in a way that prevents them from reaching their goals.
What is the difference between competition and conflict?
Competition is indirect and unpersonal, whereas conflict is personal and feels direct.
What are the behavioural trademarks of conflict?
Direct, personal
What is the meaning of ‘role incongruity’?
When channel members fail to fulfill their role, negatively impacting another channel member.
What is a resource scarcity?
When the manufacturer allocates resources inlays that disadvantages other channel members.
Define perceptual differences.
The different ways that channel members perceive things can create conflict. For example, a Point of purchase display may seem beneficial to manufacturer but useless to rattler
Define the differences of expectations in channel marketing.
When one channel member fails to meet another channel member’s expectations.
Define decision domain disagreements.
This is when channel members fail to agree on who has the right to decide what. This especially happens when decisions are left in the open and both members try to grab it.
What are goal incompatibilities?
It is when the goals of channel members do not align, and gets in the way of each other. For example, Redbox selling DVDs for $1 in vending machines when Universal studios had a goal of selling more DVDs for less
Define how communication difficulties cause conflict.
When members fail to communicate, it can cause major conflicts due to misunderstandings.
What is th key question about the effects of conflict from manager’s POV?
How does conflict impact channel efficiency?
What is channel efficiency?
The degree to which the total investment of various inputs needed to achieve distribution objectives can be optimized.
What is Negative Effect - Reduced Efficiency?
When the level of conflict increases, the channel efficiency decreases.
What is the meaning of “No Effect: Efficiency Remains”?
Channel members may have conflict but because they really depend on each other they do not allow it to impact efficiency.
What is the meaning of “Positive Effect: Efficiency Increased”?
Conflict is seen as an opportunity to change their policies, which increased efficiency?
What is the meaning of the Channel efficiency general curve?
The general curve combines all three models, starting with no change to efficiency, to increased efficiency, to decreased efficiency.
What are the steps to managing channel conflict?
Detecting conflict, appraising the effect of conflict, resolving conflict
What are the four generalizations about conflict in marketing channels?
- Conflict is an inherent behavioral dimension in the marketing channel.
- Given the numerous causes from which conflict may stem, it is a pervasive
phenomenon in marketing channels. - Conflict can affect channel efficiency.
- Various levels of conflict may have both negative and positive effects on channel
efficiency, or possibly no effect.
How can channel managers detect conflict before it arises?
They can do regular surveys to measure their channel members’ perception of their performance. This can be conducted by third parties like research firms and trade associations/trade magazines to avoid bias. They can also conduct a marketing channel auditto ty0and point out potential conflicts. Lastly, they can form distributors’ advisory councils or channel members’ committees. This consists of top management reps of the manufacturer from and pinting out potential conflictt.
Who does appraising the effect of conflict depend on?
It is based on the managers’ judgement.
Define power in the marketing channel.
The capacity of a particular channel member to control or influence the behaviour of another channel member.
What are the bases of power for channel control?
Reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent power, expert power.
What is reward power?
The power received one from a channel member regarding another channel for their obedience. This is usually a monetary amount.
What is coercive power/?
Gaining power through the fact that one member can punish the other.
What is legitimate power?
The understanding between channel members of ones superiority or inferiority, and a conformation to those roles.
What is referent power?
When two channel members have similar goals, so a channel member is willing to be influenced by the other because they feel like it benefits them as well.
What is expert power?
When one channel member is knowledgeable so they gaiin credibility and others listen.
When is expert and referent power most effective?
They are most effective when they are being used in conventional channels, in comparison to direct monetary incentives or threats.
When are reward and coercion power most effective?
This is most effective when it is being employed by manufacturers.
Who does non-coercive power bases increase satisfaction for?
Non coercive power bases increase satisfaction for weaker channel members, like franchises.
What are the benefits of using non-coercive power bases to satisfy weaker channel members?
1.Franchisees are likely to have higher morale.
2.Franchisees are more likely to cooperate with the
3. Franchisees are less likely to terminate their
Franchisees are less likely to file individual suits
against the franchisor.
Franchisees are less likely to file class action suits.
Franchisees are less likely to seek protective
legislation such as the “Franchise Full Disclosure
What are behavioural problems in channel communications?
- Differences in goals between manufacturers and retailers
- Differenced in the kind of language they use to convey information
- Perceptual differences among members
- Secretive behaviour
- Inadequate frequency of communication