Mark, Luke, john Flashcards
Know how each of the gospels start, this will help you with several questions
Mark- John the Baptist preparing the way
Luke- Christmas Story. Foretelling the birth of John the Baptist, and Jesus.
John- Genealogy linking Jesus with God, In the beginning was the word
Know the basic info for each gospel date where, why, to whom etc. (You may need to check the text book.)
Mark- 64-70 AD, Rome, to present the gospel, to Roman Gentiles
Luke- 60 AD, Caesarea, to Greek Gentiles found in churches being established by Paul
John- late 1st Century, Patmos, teaching that Christ is the Messiah, for everyone
Know the major players in each book as well as the stories and parables.
This is only some, read the bible
Mark- Peter, John the Baptist,19 miracles, 4 parables: Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Growing Seed, Parable of the Mustard Seed, Parable of the tenants
Luke- John the Baptist, Parables: Good Samaritan, Rich Fool, Prodigal Son, Unjust Steward
John- John the Baptist, Nicodemus, death of Lazarus, washing of the disciples feet
Understand all of the “7’s” in the power points.
Seven Signs or Miracles- John Changing Water into Wine Healing a man’s son Healing a lame man Multiplying the bread and fish Walking on water Healing a blind man Raising Lazarus from the dead
Understand all of the “7’s” in the power points.
Jesus Up Close in John John the Baptist Mary Nicodemus (7:50-51;19:38-39) Samaritan woman Man born blind Mary, Martha, Lazarus Mary Magdalene
Understand all of the “7’s” in the power points.
Seven Witnesses in John
John the Baptist calls Jesus the Lamb of God
Nathaniel calls Jesus the Son of God
Samaritan Woman says “is this not the Christ
Peter “Thou are the Christ the Son of the Living God.
Martha “I believe that Thou art the Christ, the son of God.
Thomas “My Lord and my God
Author himself “This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that His testimony is true.
Understand all of the “7’s” in the power points.
Seven Great Affirmations Bread of Life (6:1-71 (vs 35)) Light of the World (7:1-8:59 (12)) Door / Gate (9:1-10:21(9)) Good Shepherd (10:1-21(11) Resurrection and Life (11:1-12:1 (25)) Way, Truth, and Life (13:31-14:31(6) True Vine (15:1-16:33 (5))
Know background information for the writing of each gospel.
Mark- Rare references to Old Testament Jewish customs explained No genealogy or birth story Jesus’ occupation Luke- writing for the Greeks John- Writing from the Island of Patmos where he was exiled. Writing to teach and interpreted the gospel.
Know some of the stories in the gospels and a few of the back ground stories I told you in class (think MARK)
Mark was a student of Peter, wanted to join Paul who sent him away and accepted him later.
- Mark may have been an eyewitness at Gethsemane, it mentions an unnamed man
) Know as much background about the authors as possible.
Mark- student of Peter, son of Mary of Jerusalem, cousin of Barnabas, servant of Paul and Barnabas, possible eye witness at Gethsemane
Luke- doctor, gentile, early convert, highly educated, under Paul
John- disciple of Jesus, not martyred, exiled to Patmos, “the one Jesus Loved”
Know Jesus temptation story.
Luke 4: 1-13
Eve (Genesis 3:6) Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)
Good for food Turn stones to bread
Pleasing to the eye Shown kingdoms of the world
Desirable for gaining wisdom Jump from pinnacle of temple
Know Jesus’ ascension and transfiguration stories.
Luke 9:28-36- Jesus took Peter, John and James on a mountain. His face changed and Moses and
Elijah appeared. Spoke about his departure. Cloud covered them and acknowledged
Luke 24:50-53- He lifted his hands, blessed them and went up into heaven, they worshiped him
Know the Christmas story.
In Luke 1-2- Birth of John the Baptist foretold
Birth of Jesus foretold
Mary Visits Elizabeth- baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped
Birth of John the Baptist
Birth of Jesus- in Bethlehem for census, in “stable” no room in the inn
Shepherd’s told of Jesus’ birth and visits him
Be able to describe the gospels, for example which is literary or fast paced or broad or narrow in focus.
Luke is the most literary
Mark is fast paced
Luke is broad in focus?
Mark is narrow in focus?
Know Jesus’ ascension and transfiguration stories.
Luke 9:28-36- Jesus took Peter, John and James on a mountain. His face changed and Moses and
Elijah appeared. Spoke about his departure. Cloud covered them and acknowledged
Luke 24:50-53- He lifted his hands, blessed them and went up into heaven, they worshiped him