Mark 13 Flashcards
What impressed the disciples as they all were leaving the temple?
They were impressed by the wonderful stones and buildings
How did Jesus answer the disciple and what prophecy did Jesus make to them?
Jesus phrophecied that the great buildings will have all of its stones unturned in its place and that every one of them will be thrown down.
Who asked about signs and when would they be fulfilled?
Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Jesus when the destruction of the temple will be and what will happen to show that the time has come for all of these things to take place.
What did Jesus say to the disciples about signs and warnings of this prophecy?
He said that they must be on guard and don’t let anyone deceive them for many men claiming to speak for Jesus will come and say ‘I am he’ and they will deceive many people.
What would charactize this whole entire age?
Hearing the noise noises of battle close by and news of battles far away, such things will happen but they do not mean that the end has come, countries will fight each other and kingdoms will attack one another, there will be earthquakes and famine that will be like the first pains of childbirth
What will happen to the followers of Christ when war comes?
They will be arrested and taken to court. Beaten up in synagogues and stand before the rulers and kings for my sake to tell them the Good News.
What must be first proclaimed among all nations?
The gospel must be preached to all peoples
What did Jesus say would happen to brothers, fathers and children at this time?
Men will hand over their brothers to be put to death;fathers will do the same to their children and the children will turn against their parents and have them put to death.
Why will all men be hated in verse 13 of Mark?
Everyone will be hated because of Jesus Christ according to Him, but whoever holds out to the end will be saved.
Who was the prophet that spoke that we shall see the ‘Abomination of desolation”in verse 13 to 14
Daniel the prophet
What warnings does Jesus tell the people in verse 15-17, chapter 13 of Mark to be aware of?
When that destruction came, there wasn’t going to be time to “return to take anything out of [your]house”, nor to “return back [from the fields] to take [your]clothes”, but rather the command was to “flee into themountains”. (Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:12-16). With this flight in mind, Jesus calls out two groups that would be disadvantaged in a flight from ruin: pregnant women, and women with young children (too young to care for themselves).
Is this the Great Tribulation that Jesus was talking about in verse 19 of chapter 13 in the book of Mark?
Jesus prophesies the coming of the ‘abomination of desolation,’ a time of great tribulation. He again warns about false prophets and false christs who will try to lead many astray.
What should a Christian remember when he hears reports of miracle workers and Messiahs?
That false prophets will appear to perform miracles and wonders to deceive even God’s chosen people but that we must be on our guard for Jesus has told us everything before the time comes.
What will happen in those days, after the Great Tribulation time?
The sun will grow dark. The moon will no longer shine, the stars will fall from heaven and the powers in space will be driven from their courses.
What will happen in connection with Jesus coming then?
The Son of Man will appear coming in the clouds with great power and glory and He will send angels out to the four corners of the earth to gather God’s chosen people from one end of the world to the other.