Mario's Test Cards Flashcards
Q: What determines if a person is “in custody” for Miranda purposes?
A: What a reasonable person would have believed under the circumstances.
Q: What documents are left at the scene after a service of a search warrant per 1535 PC?
A: Receipt and inventory.
Q: In cases involving which professions is a special master used according to Penal Code 1524 (c) (1)?
A: Lawyer, Doctor, Clergy, Psychotherapist.
Q: If a defendant tells an officer where the gun from an armed robbery is located without Miranda being read, how is the statement treated?
A: Admissible, under the public safety exception to Miranda.
Q: What does the Supreme Court case Riley v. California make illegal?
A: Searching an arrestee’s cell phone without a warrant unless a legal exception exists.
Q: Name two ways a law enforcement officer can secure stolen property evidence from a pawn shop according to Sheriff’s Department policy and procedure section 6.29.
A: Seize, place a hold.
Q: Does the warrantless search of abandoned property violate the constitution?
A: No, it does not violate the constitution.
Q: What are six criteria to determine if a missing person is considered at risk?
A: Under 12 years old, victim of foul play, in need of medical attention, no prior history of running away, victim of family abduction, mentally impaired.
Q: When should a Beheler admonishment be used?
A: When interviewing a criminal suspect who has not been arrested or mirandized, in a non-custodial setting.
Q: How does Senate Bill 395 affect the interrogation of juvenile suspects?
A: Youth 15 years or younger must consult with legal counsel before waiving Miranda rights; consultation cannot be waived.
Q: Name 11 dispositions that may be used to close a case.
A: Suspend, Arrest, Submit DA, No Pros, Unfounded, Exception, Department Closure, To City Attorney, Located Missing Person, DA Rejected, Cancel CN.
Q: Can tribal protective orders be enforced outside tribal lands?
A: False.
Q: List 8 part one crimes as per Sheriff’s Department Policy and Procedure section 6.71.
A: Homicide, Robbery, Rape, Assault, Arson, Larceny, Auto theft, Burglary. R2 A3 LBH
Q: What are 8 part two crimes and non-criminal incidents mentioned in Sheriff’s Department Policy and Procedures section 6.71?
A: All other reported felony crimes, all other reported misdemeanor crimes, domestic violence incidents, lost property, death investigations, suicides, attempt suicides, deputy caused property damage.
Q: What notification is required if a licensed psychotherapist reports threats made by a patient?
A: Tarasoff notification.
Q: What is a Ramey warrant?
A: An arrest warrant obtained before a criminal complaint has been filed.
Q: What is the maximum time a juvenile can be held in secure and non-secure detention?
A: 6 hours.
Q: According to SID/NGD manual section 2.8, what six items must be included in the CI packet?
A: Informant checklist, Informant information and personal history form, signature exemplar, fingerprint cards, current photograph, signed informant regulations form.
Q: Is an operational plan required prior to executing search warrants or probation searches?
A: True.
Q: Should a supervisor be notified during a surveillance operation?
A: Yes.
Q: How many Sheriff’s units are required as a minimum for surveillance?
A: 2 units.