Marine Vertebrates Flashcards
What are the Five families of Carnivora
- Otariidae: sea lions and fur seals i.e. eared seals
- Phocidae - true seals i.e. earless seals
- Odobenidae - Walruses
- Ursidae - polar bear
- Mustelidae - marine and sea otter
Top 3 are pinnipedia
What is a Stem group?
Astemgroup is a set of extinct taxa that are not in thecrowngroup but are more closely related to thecrowngroup than to any other
What is a Crown group
crowngroup - all organisms more closely related to it than to any other extant organisms
Insulation in Pinnipeds
Insulation (inverse conductance – consider thermal conductivity of water)
Reduced surface area for heat exchange
Dense hair covering
Fat deposits - not as effective as same volume of fur
Control blood flow e.g. Restrict blood flow to outer limbs to decrease heat exchange
A note on oxygen stores in pinnipeds
Storage in 3 compartments:
* Respiratory system* Lung volume* Concentration of oxygen in lung at start of breath hold
* Blood* Blood volume* Concentration of oxygen binding protein - haemoglobin
* Body musculature* Muscle mass* Concentration of oxygen binding protein – myoglobin
Diving in Pinnipeds
Nostrils close reflexively and kept closed by water pressure
Soft palate and tongue prevent water entering the oesophagus during feeding
High haemoglobin concentrations (3.5 x human)
Ability to reduce heart beat & metabolism to approx. 10 % and to divert blood
Ability to empty lungs prior to diving - decrease N2 absorption
Tolerate high CO2 and lactic acid concentrations
High myoglobin concentrations in skeletal muscles
Senses of Pinnipeds
Eyes - large and adapted to low light; black and white only
Have multifocal lenses and can see well in water and air (variability in curvature of lens)
Acute hearing - apparatus similar to other mammals (pup recognition)
Can communicate and echo-locate by underwater clicks
Whiskers - vibrissae: very sensitive, packed at base with nerves - detect in water vibrations: if removed prey capture reduced
Nutrition in Pinnipeds
Generally opportunistic feeders and are generalists
Prey item examples - Crustacea, squid, benthic invertebrates, (molluscs), fish, birds and other seals e.g. leopard seal
Teeth generally adapted to grasping not chewing (crab-eating seal)
Reproduction in Pinnipeds
Generally breed in early summer with males arriving first to establish territories
Females arrive impregnated from previous year and give birth to a single pup: lactation = 1 - 7 weeks
Females then mates; fertilised egg - blastocyst - dormant till first pup has grown-up then implants into womb - normal development
Specifics of Otariidae
Two families:
Otariinae (sea lions)
Arctocephalinae (fur seals)
General characteristics:
Ability to rotate their pelvis
Ability to bring flippers forward under the body enabling them to “walk” on land
Have pinna
Generally sub-tropical and tropical distribution
Dense fur consisting of guard hairs and thick under fur
large fore flippers for propulsion
Sexual dimorphism
Cannot dive for long periods – 5-10min
Specifics of the Phocidae
True / earless seals
General characteristics:
Lack of external ears (see name)
Inability to rotate their pelvis: poor on land
Use of pelvic appendages for propulsion
Small pectoral appendages held close to the body and used for steering
Excellent diving ability
Thin fur that does not insulate very well but have a well developed blubber layer
Generally not sexually dimorphic
(exception = Elephant seal)
Specifics of the Odobenidae
Only 1 species !
General Characteristics
The presence of large tusks
Ability to rotate their pelvis, so hind limbs
brought forward under the body (adults too
heavy to be supported by limbs on land)
Propulsion by pelvic or pectoral appendages
No pinna
Virtually naked skin often warty
Therefore blubber rather than fur used for
Specifics of the Ursidae
Only 1 species !
General Characteristics
Polar bears are found across northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Russia
Thick insulating fur as well as 10 cm blubber layer
Pure meat eaters feeding on whales and seals
Reproduction is high investment: 2 cubs, but lactate for 18 months – 50 % infant mortality in first year
>25 years old and are on the vulnerable list
Specifics of the Mustelidae
Only 2 fully marine species:
- Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris - Sea Otter (N. Pacific)
- Marine Otter - Lontra felina - Chile and Peru (little known)
NB - Even the European Otter (Lutra lutra) may feed in marine environments
General Characteristics: Sea otter
Feed on fish, shellfish and crabs in shallow subtidal environments using “tools”
Heavily exploited until 1911 (Fur Seal treaty)
Extremely dense fur – up to 200,000 per cm2 but no blubber layer
Grow to 2 m, up to 30kg, and are the smallest exclusive marine group
Can mate and rear young exclusively at sea
The Sirenia
Two families:-
1. Trichechidae - Manatees with 3 species
2. Dugongidae - Dugons with 1 species
The sub orders of Cetecea
The Mysticeti - baleen whales
The Odontoceti – toothed whales
The Mysticeti - baleen whales
Baleen plates: filter-feeding apparatus - plates of keratin with a brush-like inner boarder - characteristics vary between species
Have a symmetrical skull, 2 blow holes and are very large!
There are 4 families:-
1. Balaenidae - 3 spp.
2. Balaenopteridae - 6 spp.
3. Neobalaenidae - 1 sp.
4. Eschrishtiidae - 1 sp.
The Odontoceti 9 families
Physteridae- Sperm Whales (1 sp.)
Kogiidae - Dwarf Sperm Whales (2 spp.)
Ziphiidae - Bottlenose & Beaked Whales (19 spp.)
Monodontidae - Beluga and Narwhal (2 spp.)
Delphinidae - Dolphins (32 spp.)
Phocoenidae - Porpoises (6 spp.)
Platanistidae - River Dolphin ( 2 spp.)
Iniidae - River Dolphin (1 sp.)
Pontoporiidae - River Dolphin (2 spp.)
The Odontoceti
Toothed whales, number and size varies inter-specifically (67 species)
Possess a dorsally asymmetrical skull with 1 blow hole
Lactic acid – how tolerate it?
Lactic acid is toxic. Can cause tissue damage
Marine mammals have buffer…glycolytic enzymes e.g. lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Role of Autonomous Nervous System in Regulating Dive Response
Autonomic nervous system (regulates unconscious actions)
Parasympathetic nervous system- the rest and digestsystem: conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract
Sympathetic nervous system: preparation of intense activity - the fight or flight response
The 2 different nervous systems of marine mammals
Divided into Central NS (CNS) and Peripheral NS (PNS)
- CNS = brain and spinal chord: PNS all peripheral nerves
- PNS neurones convert mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic signals into nervous signals - transmitted to CNS via afferent nerves
- Interneurones integrate info. - transmit to effector organs (e.g. muscles) via efferent nerve
What is the Encephalisation Quotient:
Encephalisation Quotient: Actual Brain size / Predicted Brain Size
Information and importance of a brain
- Brain shape as well as size
- Extent of brain surface folding important - index = the total perimeter : exposed perimeter of cerbral cortex = GI (Gyrification Index – degree of cortical folding)
Sensory adaptations of Pinnipeds
Pinnipeds - Muscles and a cartilage valve along the external ear canal function to close the ear canal to water
But inner ear similar to humans and land mammals….
Outer ear collects and directs sound >
Middle ear filter and amplifies >
Inner ear acoustic sound > electric nerve > brain
Marine mammals make noise
Mammals make noise with their larynx
Pinnipeds, baleen whales have larynx that makes noise.
Mysticetes only use larynx – it has a U-shaped fold (similar to vocal chords
Odontocete use larynx but with specialized air sacs (by blow hole) = whistles, clicks etc. Channeled through melon
Baleenwhales contract muscles in the throat and chest, causing air to flow between the lungs and the laryngeal sac. Alternating expansion and contraction of the lungs and sac drives air across the u-fold, causing it to vibrate and produce sound. Vibrations from the laryngeal sac maypropagatethrough theventralthroat pleats into the surrounding water as soundwaves. Changes in the laryngeal sac shape may alter the frequencyand/ or
amplitudeof sounds produced
Examples of adaptation specific to cetaceans
Cranium telescoping: results in multi-layered skull influencing the pathway of sound into the head
Attachment of auditory apparatus: not attached to skull but floats in an insulated environment important for echo-location
No air-filled outer canals: have specialised fatty tissue connection
The variable thickness of the basilar membrane influences the thickness of the cochlea spire which regulates what frequency of sound that can be detected
Visual detection in marine mammals 1
Match receptor pigment sensitivity - to match light environment e.g. open ocean cetaceans maximum sensitivity at the blue end of the spectrum
Increase density of photoreceptors
Enhance photon capture - by modification & thickening of the tapetum (reflective layer)
Visual detection in marine mammals 2
Visual acuity (ability to resolve fine details)
1. Focusing ability of the optic in the eye
2. Density of receptors in the retina
3. The connection between receptors
4. Processing of the signal in the CNS
The strength of the eye lens depends on:
1. Refractive index
2. The extent of lens curvature
Chemoreception in marine mammals
Inverse relationship between adaptations to a marine existence
and development of olfactory senses
Absent or poor in cetaceans; rudimentary in sirenians;
aspect of behavioural ecology of pinnipeds
e.g. mating and pup ID
Tactile sensation in mammals
Cetacean are tactile, mostly so around blow-hole = air / water interface
Major tactile mechanism = vibrissae e.g. rostrum of cetaceans,
“whiskers” of pinnipeds & sea otters
Magnetic detection of marine mammals
Only really investigated in cetaceans due to large migrations in
great whales - probably utilise earth’s magnetic field
- Underlying mechanism not clearly understood but magnetite has
been identified in the brains of several cetacean species
What are the measures of intelligence?
Brain Morphology
-Language and Thought
-Syntax and Reference
Emotional intelligence
-Self-awareness, empathy and altruism
Imitation and Social Learning
Behavioural responses
What are the measures of intelligence?
Brain Morphology
-Language and Thought
-Syntax and Reference
Emotional intelligence
-Self-awareness, empathy and altruism
Imitation and Social Learning
Behavioural responses
General conclusion for lecture 8 (cognition)
Brain morphology suggests high intelligence
Observational science suggests relatively high intelligence
Mostly supported by tests but tests are sometimes bias or in appropriate
Intelligence appears to be directly associated to the need to form strong social bonds and networks to remain fit
What are “the bends” in dolphins?
Dolphins seem to adjust their heart rates as they dive to avoid decompression sickness, also known as the bends, which is caused by sudden changes in pressure. Human divers must avoid surfacing too quickly as the drop in pressure can force nitrogen bubbles into their airways and cause joint pain or even paralysis.
Male reproductive structures
Production and storage of sperm
The ratio of testes to body size does vary inter-specifically
Size of testis related to sexual behaviour – males competing for females with high copulatory rates - bigger testes
Odontocete have very high i.e. testes : body mass – 7-25 x higher than predicted for terrestrial mammals; seasonality in development
Dusky dolphins have the record = 8 % (of bd. Wt. = testes)
Humans invest about 0.08 %
Similarly in Mysticete – biggest Right whales > 900 kg testes
Penis – can retract into the body
Actual structure similar to terrestrial mammals
Female reproductive structures
Estrous cycle has two phases (similar to terrestrial) :
Follicular phase : estradiol → GnRH → FSH – follicle formation
Luteal phase: progesterone – inhibits ovulation, reduced contraction and enables pregnancy
Phases vary in length between species
Reproduction in Marine Carnivora
As long-lived :
-rates of reproduction are low
-low regeneration potential if populations are
-have low resilience to environmental perturbations
One of the universal features of reproduction in marine Carnivora is delayed implantation
The timing of the delayed implantations is the key in the event of the reproductive cycle which is controlled by photoperiod and nutrition
The time of implantations represents reactivation of the reproductive system after a period of quiescence – is species specific
Pinniped Reproduction
Distinctive features of pinniped reproduction include:
-Delayed implementation
-Highly seasonal and synchronised reproductive
-The production of a single pup
Male Pinnipeds –annual cycle of testicular regression and growth
Mean annual pregnancy rates between 0.5 and 0.9 appear to be normal
There can be annual variations which results from changes in population density and resource availability
Mating and breeding seasons are combined
Sea Otter reproduction
Do not return to land / ice for birth and reproduction is a-seasonal
Male otters do not appear to have any seasonal cycles
Sea Otters do have a period of delayed implantation but is highly variable.
Gestation is about 6-8 months. But the period of active foetal growth is more likely to be between 4.5 – 5.5 months
Time between reproduction cycles > 1y because the pups tend to be nursed for 4 – 8 months
Annual birth rates - 0.5 – 0.9, but generally sea otter reproduction biology is not well known
Polar Bear reproduction.
Reproduction cycles are dominated by the annual cycles of sea ice. The breeding season occurs between March and May
Delayed Implantation occurs for about 4 – 5 months ending when females reach their wintering dens during late September
Gestation is only 3 – 4 months and consequently the new offspring are fairly poorly developed at birth: Mean litter sizes of 1.9
The annual mean pregnancy = % of females in a population that are pregnant or lactating / gestation period in years 0.3 – 0.6
Interval between birth generally about 3.1 – 3.6 years (high infant dependency)
Threats to pinnipeds - Pollution
1. Marine debris - ingestion and drowning
2. Toxic compounds (e.g. PCB’s and oil)
3. Sewage - introduction of pathogens
4. Radiation - cancers
5. Noise pollution - exclusion from
preferred habitats
Threats to pinnipeds – Culling / Hunting
Culling deemed unreasonable because of:-
1. Economics - culling usually heavily subsidised and no evidence to suggest less seals = more fish
2. Socially - no social or cultural reasons for culling (exception - some traditional hunters)
3. Scientifically - cannot predict cascade effects – fisheries must prove there is a benefit of culls not other way around
4. Humane - clean kills rare - pointless suffering
Threats to Cetaceans - culling/hunting
- Fisheries related: by-catch and prey depletion
- Noise pollution : e.g. exploration for gas etc
- Chemical pollution: -
a. Heavy metals
b. Organochlorines
c. PCB’s - Physical habitat destruction:-
a. Deforestation
b. River diversion and
habitat manipulation
c. Coastal development
d. Energy production e.g. barrages
e. Land reclamation e.g. for mariculture - Global environmental change: ozone depletion and global warming
Threats to Sirenia - culling/hunting
All sirenians listed as endangered or vulnerable by the IUCN
Exasperated by :-
1. Slow reproductive rate
2. Long gestation period
3. Slow growth rate
Several threats:-
1. Habitat destruction: often through development and land reclamation.
2. Hunting for :-
a. Meat e.g. Moslems pork substitute
b. Religious festivals e.g. Sri Lanka
c. Soles of sandals e.g. Red Sea
d. Oil - traditionally thought to be medicinal
e. Powered bone - medicinal
f. Dugong ivory - jewellery
g. Dugong tears – aphrodisiac
3. Power boat collisions - esp. Florida (200 per y-1).
4. Toxic algal blooms -respiratory problems.
What is a fish? and their thermal strategies
Any of numerous cold-blooded (poikilothermic/ectothermic) aquatic vertebrates of the class Osteichthyes (bony skeleton) or Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous skeleton), characteristically having fins, gills and a streamlined body.
Based on stability of body temperature
o Poikilotherm – variable body temperature
o Homeotherm – stable body temperature
Based on the sources of thermal energy
o Ectotherm – environment source of heat form environment
o Endotherm – animal generates internal heat to maintain body temperature
Heterothermyoccurs inanimals which are able to switch from endothermy to ectothermy
Teleost (ray finned fish) morphology
The relationships between fish morphology, environment and lifestyle
An otolith, (oto-, ear + lithos, a stone) or otoconium is a structure in the saccule or utricle of the inner ear. It is comprised of a combination of a gelatinous matrix and calcium carbonate crystals. Otolith crystals are relatively dense and heavy - they are connected to the rest of the body by the sensory processes of the macular cells. In fish, otoliths can be used for age determination, showing rings of different growth summer/winter, like tree rings.
Fins supported by more complex skeletal and muscle arrangments – more control over swimming motion – can move backwards, hover mid watewr etc..
Swim bladder – secretory, reabsorption and storage – gas gland accumulates oxygen and nitrogen against a pressure gradient
Mackeral and tuna – no swim bladder ineffciency of swim bladder to adjust quickly to change sin pressure
Lateral Line System
Gelatin-filled tunnel containing clusters of nerve cells for detecting vibrations
-runs beneath skin along each side from tail to head
-detects reflections of bow waves off nearby objects, incl. other fish
Allows rapid movement near solid surfaces and tight schooling
General body forms in fish
Fusiform – many pelagic species, streamlined, e.g. tuna, herring.
Attenuate (sometimes ‘anguilliform’) – elongated, e.g. needlefish, eels.
Filiform - threadlike, e.g. pipefish, snipe eel
Globiform – spherical, e.g. puffer, lumpfish
Compressed dorso-laterally – flattened side-to-side, e.g. flounder, sole, plaice, butterfly fish.
Compressed dorso-ventrally (or ‘depressiform’) – flattened top to bottom), e.g. Sea moth, rays.
Early life stages (e.g. larvae, fry) of many fish are fusiform when pelagic - change shape as they mature.
Body form reflects habitat and lifestyle
Fish swimming styles
Fish swimming gaits can be divided into two functional groups:
(1) body-caudalfin gaits vs. (2) median-paired fin gaits
- involve undulation of the body and caudalfinto create thrust
- powered by one or moremedianorpaired fins, while the body is held rigid
Swimming Styles: (1) body-caudalfin gaits
Anguilliform – the full body wave creates a backward-facing “wall” that pushes against the water
Thunniform – all about thrust from the lunate tail. Has reduced drag compared to full body wave swimming.
Ostraciiform - Caudal fin oscillates - useful for odd-shaped fishes, e.g. boxfish and puffer fish
Swimming Styles: (2) Median-paired fin gaits
Labriform [wrasse-like] - pectoral fins beat – like rowing. Useful for fine maneuvering, e.g. wrasse and parrotfish
Balistiform – dorsal and anal fins undulate allowing the fish to move by sculling, e.g. trigger fish.
Amiiform – dorsal fin undulates. Good for stalking or moving without disrupting body musculature, e.g. oarfish, seahorse
Gymnotiform – anal fin undulates –
e.g. knife fish that produce and sense electrical impulses from their body
Reproductive strategies – periodicity and frequency
Semelparity – single event then die (e.g. Pacific Salmon are a semelparous species)
alifehistoryadaptationin which all of anorganism’s reproductive resources are focused on a single, large reproductive event, then it dies
Iteroparity - more common: repeated reproduction (e.g. Cod are an iteroparous species)
alifehistoryadaptationin which anorganism
producesoffspringseveral times over many seasons
Parental investment? Life history patterns determine how an animal’s energy intake is allocated - evolved to optimize tradeoffs between growth, survival & reproduction.
Classic tradeoff = larger eggs, fewer of them.
Reproductive strategies also based on spawning habits:
Non-guarders - open substrate spawners – scatter eggs, spawn in large groups
a. Pelagic spawners – schooling fish such as Tuna (Scombridae) and sardines (Clupeidae).
b. Benthic – eggs adhesive – stick to substrate or in long strings to attach to surface of substrate, sturgeons, carp, pike
c. Brood hiders -bury eggs, for example Salmon (build redds, bury eggs)
Modes of reproduction: sex determination
88% of teleosts = gonochorists or dioecious = either male or female at any one time.
Sex – determined genetically (Genetic Sex Determination - GSD) or by environmental conditions in early stage of development (Environmental Sex Determination - ESD). Sex in some teleosts determined by interaction of genes and environment [GxE].
Functional hermaphroditism – rare in other vert groups but about 2% teleosts (= 30 families)
In some gonochoristic species, the gonad initially develops as an ovary even in individuals that eventually become male [sequential hermaphroditism]
Modes of reproduction: gender systems in fish
In bony fish, most Teleosts are dioecious, but many families in tropical regions have hermaphroditic species.
Hermaphrodites can be:
1. Synchronous – individuals possess active ovarian and testicular tissue. Relatively atypical, a few Serranids, sea basses, e.g. Serranus sp.).
When would this strategy be an advantage?
- Sequential – can change sex - both male & female organs may be present but only 1 active at given time.
2a. Protogynous - most common. Female male
(e.g. Parrotfishes, Wrasses, Groupers).
Dominant male removed – largest female becomes male (large male can monopolise breeding).
2b. Protandrous Male female (NEMO!)
What is migration?
Hard to define! Migrations typically feature at least one of the following concepts:
Directed movement.
Extended duration & distance.
Seasonal to-and-fro.
Population redistribution.
Types of Fish Migration
Diel – daily (e.g. juvenile fishes to/from mangroves, small fish and zooplankton to/from surface waters)
Ontogenetic – across life stages (e.g. juvenile inland nursery grounds -> offshore adult feeding grounds) This is done so adult fish do not accidently eat their young because they cannot identify their young.
Seasonal – annual seasonal movements between feeding and spawning grounds (e.g. sharks, whales, capelin, plaice… lots)
Diadromous – between freshwater and sea (e.g. salmon = anadromous = spawn in FW; eels = catadromous = spawn in sea)
Amphidromous - born in FW/estuaries, drift to sea as larvae before migrating back to FW to grow into adults and spawn.
Potamodromous – migrate only within freshwater (e.g. lake sturgeon)
Oceanodromous – migrate only in sea (e.g bluefin tuna)
Note: a single fish species may perform multiple types of migration across their lifetime!
Why would fish migrate?
Tracking conditions that increase fitness - e.g. tracking resources such as plankton blooms, tracking warmer temperature for growth/egg development, incoming tides that open up foraging areas.
Avoiding conditions that reducing fitness
Reducing predation and providing optimum environment / refuge for offspring - e.g. nearshore/estuarine nursery grounds; diel migration of prey fish to and from mangroves (Laegdsgaard and Johnson, 2001).
Reducing inter and intraspecific competition, and cannibalism – ontogenetic niche shifts (migrations of adults from nursery areas reduces the potential for cannibalism - eating your own offspring is a quick way to reduce your fitness!)
What heat type are yellow fin tuna?
Yellow fin tuna are heterothermic and can control their body temperature when they need to dive deeper to hunt for food
What ways can we keep track of certain fish?
We can use satellite tags. However, we can only use them on larger fish due to the tags being heavy.
You can also study their ear-bones to see how old the fish is.
Finally you can use the fish’s eyes and peel back layer after layer, revealing what the fish has eaten during its lifetime using the concentration of isotopes
Threats to fish?
-Climate change (warming/extreme weather)
-hypoxia (dead zones)
-fishing and aquaculture
-ocean acidification
-habitat loss/ fragmentation
Temperature and metabolism intrisically linked
Increased metabolism = increased demands on energy = More food needed to survive
Impacts disproportionately on recruitment = smaller fish have less reserves built up to rely upon
Larval fish close to energetic limits – growth trajectories
Energetic cost of forming bone increases as minerals remain dissolved more readily
Maintaining internal pH comes with greater costs
Increased demands on energy = More food needed to survive
Impacts disproportionately on recruitment
Larval fish close to energetic limits – growth trajectories
PLASTICS: Impaction of stomach – leading to starvation and death
Even if passed through energetic cost is still present of digestion and capture MINUS any of the energetic pay off of food
Impacts disproportionately on recruitment = smaller fish = smaller guts = greater risk
Behavioural response – shifting distributions towards poles.
Elasmobranch Diversity and Ecology (sharks and rays)
Tropical and Temperate species
Globally distributed.
Mostly marine but about 5% of elasmobranch species are obligate freshwater species (only stingrays) or euryhaline (multiple families).
Often long-lived – Greenland shark is an extreme (one was estimated as between 272 and 512 years old!)
Often exhibit counter shading (dark on top, pale underneath for camouflage).
Elasmobranchs - General Physiology
The primary aspect that gives sharks and rays buoyancy is a large liver filled with low-density oil. Cartilaginous skeleton may also serve to aid buoyancy; cartilage is about half the density of bone and a frame composed of cartilage would be considerably lighter than the same one composed of bone. Also body shape/profile (flattened snouts and belly). Finally, some sharks employ air gulping as a way of controlling their buoyancy. There are several species in which air gulping is well known; most are the aptly-named swellsharks (members of the catshark family). In most instances, they use this method to wedge themselves in rock crevices so that predators cannot dig them out. One shark that uses air gulping to an entirely different end is the sandtiger shark – which gulp air at the surface, holding it in their stomachs and “farting” it out gradually until the desired depth is achieved. This retention of air allows the shark to hover almost motionless at a depth of its choosing.
The lateral line is a system of sensory organs found in aquatic jawed vertebrates, used to detect movement, vibration, and pressure gradients in the surrounding water. The sensory ability is achieved via modified epithelial cells, known as hair cells, which respond to displacement caused by motion and transduce these signals into electrical impulses via excitatory synapses. Lateral lines serve an important role in schooling behavior, predation, and orientation. IN ELASMOBRANCHS they have evolved additional electroreceptors to sense smell and electric fields – e.g. Ampullae of Lorenzini
How do sharks cope with freshwater? Elasmobranchs keep their internal environment close to equilibrium with sea water by having a high concentration of urea in their blood and excreting salts through a specialised organ, the rectal gland. When entering freshwater, euryhaline elasmobranchs are able to excrete urea and take salt from the environment through their gills.
freshwater fishes. Because the salt concentration inside their body is higher as in the surrounding water, water enters the body due to osmosis. To compensate, the kidney produces a large amount of urine, which at the same time means loss of salts. To maintain a sufficient salt level, special cells in the gills (chloride cells) take up ions from the water, which are then directly transported into the blood. In contrast, marine fishes face the opposite challenge – since the salt content in their blood is much lower than that of seawater, they constantly tend to lose water and build up salt. To replace the water loss, they continually drink seawater. Since their small kidney can only excrete relatively small amount of urine, the excretion of salt additionally takes place in the gills where chloride cells work in reverse as in freshwater fishes
Paired fins
No swimbladder: All sharks are slightly negatively buoyant, which means they sink. Unlike many bony fishes, sharks do not have a swim bladder to provide buoyancy. To help compensate for their tendency to sink, their livers contain large amounts of oil that is less dense than seawater.
Paired gill slits
Cartilaginous skeleton
Clasping fins for reproduction
Placoid scales
Sensory system?
Visual (eyes)
Olfactory (nostrils)
Hearing (inner ear, but no swim bladder)
Touch/pressure (lateral line)
Electroreception (Ampullae of Lorenzini)
Placoid scales
Placoid scalesare found insharksand rays, and can vary greatly in external appearance. Unlike thescalesof bony fishes,placoid scalesdo not increase in size as the fish grows, instead newscalesare added between olderscales.Placoid scalesare often referred to as denticles.
Placoid (pointed, tooth-shaped) scales are found in the cartilaginous fishes: sharks, rays. They are also called dermal denticles. Placoid scales are structurally homologous with vertebrate teeth (“denticle” translates to “small tooth”), having a central pulp cavity supplied with blood vessels, surrounded by a conical layer of dentine, all of which sits on top of a rectangular basal plate that rests on the dermis. The outermost layer is composed of vitrodentine, a largely inorganic enamel-like substance. Placoid scales cannot grow in size, but rather more scales are added as the fish increases in size.
Protection (placoid scales can be very sharp), camouflage (often silvery), reduce energy cost (drag)
Ampullae of Lorenzini
Electroreceptors mostly found in cartilaginous fish.
Described by Stefano Lorenzini in 1678.
Sensitive to electric fields and changes in temperature, mechanical pressure & salinity.
Rather than an adaptation specific to elasmobranchs, seems to be something that was lost from other groups (e.g. terrestrial spp and teleosts)
The ampullae of Lorenzini are small vesicles and pores that form part of an extensive subcutaneous sensory network system. These vesicles and pores are found around the head of the shark and are visible to the naked eye. They appear as dark spots in the photo of a porbeagle shark head below. The ampullae detect weak magnetic fields produced by other fishes, at least over short ranges. This enables the shark to locate prey that are buried in the sand, or orient to nearby movement.
Recent research suggests that the ampullae may also allow the shark to detect changes in water temperature. Each ampulla is a bundle of sensory cells that are enervated by several nerve fibers. These fibers are enclosed in a gel-filled tubule which has a direct opening to the surface through a pore. The gel (a glyco-protein based substance) has electrical properties similar to a semiconductor, allowing temperature changes to be translated into electrical information that the shark can use to help detect temperature gradients.
Rays use Ampullae of Lorenzini – Electroreception to find prey in substratum – e.g. experimental design in paper below.
types of Skates and Rays
“Electric” rays – Torpediniformes (can produce electrical dischange > 200 V!)
e.g. Common Torpedo (Torpedo torpedo)
Skates – Rajiformes
e.g. Thornback ray (Raja clavata) and the critically endangered “Common” skate (Dipturus batis). In both cases, the name is misleading!
Rays – Myliobatiformes
e.g. The eagle rays (Myliobatis spp) and the Manta rays (Mobula spp).
Guitarfishes, Banjo rays, Wedgefishes, sawfishes - Rhinopristiformes
Morphology of skates and rays
Dorsoventrally flattened [‘depressiform’]
Largely inhabit benthic habitats
Eyes on top, mouth and gills underside
Ventilation through spiracles
(Mostly) Feed on invertebrates and fish hidden in benthos
(Mostly) heavy round crushing teeth converse to sharp pointed teeth
Sensory adaptations to detect electrical fields of prey
Defence = venomous barb; electric shocks; camouflage by burying in sand/mud.
Sharks – swimming style reflects niche
1) High-speed cruisers e.g. Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
2) Generalized, continental swimmers, e.g. Thresher sharks (Alopias spp)
3) Slow swimming epibenthic, benthic, and demersal sharks e.g. catsharks(Scyliorhinus spp).
4) The leftovers! Variety of body shapes. Lack an anal fin and are often deep-sea, e.g. spiny dogfish (Squalus spp)
Shark Physiology - Gills
Like teleosts, elasmobranchs acquire O2 through gills using “countercurrent oxygenexchange” (blood flows through gills in the opposite direction to the water flowing over the gills).
Though both sharks and rays use gill slits to breath underwater, they tend to breath differently. First of all rays have gill slits on the underneath side of their bodies, while sharks tend to have gill slits on the sides of their heads. Rays breathe by sucking in water through their spiracles and exhale it over their gills. Sharks on the other hand breath in two ways depending on the species. They either ram breath which means they swim through the water passing it over their gills or they pull in water through their mouths and over their gills. So sharks tend to be more active swimmers in order to breath, while rays can sit still for long periods.
BUCCAL PUMPING. Most fish (teleosts, skates, rays, some sharks, e.g. nurse sharks) use ‘buccal pumping’ (opening/closing mouth to pump water through mouth and over gills).
VIA SPIRACLES. Benthic batoids and sharks can also sometimes draw water in through spiracles (openings behind eyes) to avoid sand contamination
RAM VENTILATION. Large, pelagic sharks (e.g. great white, mako, whale shark, blue shark) and some teleosts (tunas and billfishes) are ram ventilators - forcing water through mouth by swimming forward (Note: obligate ram ventilators = only ~25 of the ~470 total shark species).
Reproductive strategies in sharks
Mating: sharks ‘advanced’ reproductive features:
- internal fertilisation
Sexually dimorphic. Males have pelvic claspers [modified pelvic fins for sperm delivery]. NOTE: Males also have a cloaca (Latin: “sewer”!) = common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open (common to amphibians, reptiles, birds, elasmobranch fishes - NOT present in most mammals or teleosts).
Also skin thickness! The skin on a female blue shark is nearly twice as thick as that of males, probably to avoid injuries from mating. Males will often bite females during face to face copulation.
Multiple paternity is thought to be more common in shark species whose females can store sperm after mating for later use and in species that gather together at breeding time, which increases the number of available mates. It may have advantages for both sexes, increasing genetic diversity within a litter, countering the risks of inbreeding if the population is small and isolated, and increasing mating opportunities for males.
Forms of reproduction in sharks
oviparous: lay fertilized eggs in water [all skates]
viviparous: Give birth to live young. Internal gestation, nourished by parent
ovoviviparous: Form of viviparity. Give birth to live young. Internal gestation, nourished by egg. [most sharks and rays]
Oviparity [nourished by egg, lay eggs]
43% of all Chondrichthyes, including many sharks and ALL skates (Rajidae) eggs in leathery cases varying forms
up to 15 months to hatch
Young are born as miniature adults
Eggs laid low compared to bony fish 10s -100s rather than 1000s – 100000s
Viviparity [nourished by mum, livebearer]
57% of elasmobranchs (in all its various forms, i.e. including ovoviviparity)
Yolk sac becomes attached to maternal uterine wall to form yolk sac placenta. Foetus is nourished via this placenta (i.e. convergent evolution). Watch a lemon shark give birth:
Gestational period varies greatly, but most sharks carry their pups from 7 months to three years.
Viviparous rays
Myliobatiformes – stingrays and eagle rays
Uterine viviparity: No placenta, but nourish embryos after yolk sac is depleted by secreting ‘uterine milk’.
Ovoviviparity [nourished by egg but inside mum]
“Aplacental viviparity” = THE MOST COMMON FORM OF REPRODUCTION FOR SHARKS & RAYS [but not skates!!]
Yolk sac ovoviviparity - thinner shelled eggs retained inside the female. Young hatch inside female once yolk food supply is exhausted and are born.
Retained ovoviviparity – eggs laid when nearly ready to hatch, kept inside female until then. e.g. some Catsharks, Scyliorhinidae).
The major difference between rays and skates is in their reproductive strategies. Rays are live bearing (viviparous) while skates are egg laying (oviparous), releasing their eggs in hard rectangular cases sometimes called “mermaid’s purses”. Also, skates typically have a prominent dorsal fin while the dorsal fin is absent or greatly reduced in rays.
Modifications of ovoviviparity
Cannibal viviparity
1) embryonic cannibalismSand Tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) exhibits uterine cannibalism feeding on the other embryos (embryophagy). First foetus to develop consumes other foetuses coming down oviduct, then reverts to unfertilised eggs. Has developed primitive teeth for this.
Lamniform sharks (Thresher sharks Alopias spp) feed on bundles of unfertilised eggs in female reproductive system leaving only 1 offspring per uterus (i.e. 2 total).
Shark migration
Still little known about shark migration.
Difficult to study: numbers are few, not easy to catch or tag. No otoliths.
Usual cycle = feeding area(s) -> spawning area / nursery.
They often return to the same spawning grounds
Why is the over fishing of sharks are huge issue?
They have a long gestation period and take a long time to mature. meaning they will be driven to extinction very easily from overfishing. It is also cruel since they are mainly fished for shark-fin soup which is very niche.
Elasmobranch Recap Quiz!
- What are the names of the pores used to detect prey?
- Are skates (Rajiformes) oviparous, ovovivparous, or viviparous?
- If a shark is a pelagic feeder, what swimming gait is it most likely to have?
- Why might resource provisioning for eco-tourism negatively effect shark populations?
- Define Polyandry
- How do sharks and Rays maintain buoyancy?
- What can we find out about shark populations through tagging programs?
- Ampullae of Lorenzini
- Oviparous – Egg laying
- Thunniform – I might allow carangiform
- Altered behaviour, food quality and health, etc
- Mating with multiple males
- Oil content in Liver
- Demography – sex ratios, juveniles vs adults, size/age structure, distribution, survivorship, etc
Sound production in whales
Acoustic communication
large whales produce low frequency sound - well below our detection limits
Dolphins can hear sounds > 5x our upper hearing limit
Large variations
Humans speak by passing air through the larynx or the voice box. Cetacean sound production is very different.
The precise mechanism differs in the two major suborders of cetaceans:
1) Odontoceti (toothed whales—including dolphins, pilot whales, beaked whales, killer whales, sperm whales, narwhals, and beluga whales) use phonic lips or monkey lips that evolved from what was the nose,
2) Baleen whales do not have phonic lip structure. Instead, they use a larynx, but unlike ours it lacks vocal cords and whales do not have to exhale in order to produce sound, but likely recycle air around the body for this purpose.
Humans with normal hearing can hear sounds between 20Hzand 20,000Hz (often only really 20-5000 Hz or 0.02-5kHz)
Main causes of noise pollution in the ocean
Humans pollute in many ways! Main causes of noise pollution:
1. Shipping
2. Seismic airguns - Seismic exploration surveys generate the loudest human sounds in the ocean, short of those made by explosives. The blasts — which can reach more than 250 decibels and be heard for miles — can cause hearing loss in marine mammals, disturb essential behaviors such as feeding and breeding, mask communications. Seismic testing involves producing blasts of air (a kind of powerful horn) repeatedly then measuring the echoes to map offshore oil and gas reserves.
3. Sonar- The depth of the ocean can be measured using a device calledSONAR(Sound Navigation And Ranging).Sonar worksby sending out sound waves and measuring how long it takes for the echo to return. If the water is shallow, sound waves that reflect off the bottom of the ocean will return faster than in deep sea.
Echolocation in dolphins
High frequency clicks and buzzes to detect the echoes of these clicks as they bounce off distant objects
Odontoceti are the only group of mammals which have this ability. A dolphin can detect a squash ball a football pitch away. Shapes and composition can be determined
Odontocetes produce rapid bursts of high-frequency clicks and buzzes thought to be primarily for echolocation – “biosonar” - using specialized organs (phonic lips evolved from what was dolphin nose). Echoes from clicks convey distance to target, size, shape, speed, and vector of its movement. And differences in density or material composition.
Also produce whistles for communication among conspecifics (“signature whistles” are distinctive to the individual and may serve as a form of ID). Frankel quotes one researcher who says listening to a school of odontocetes is like listening to a group of children at a school playground.
Bulla (inner ear) – receives incoming echoes via tymanic plates and middle/inner ear
The precise mechanism for how the sonic image is then ‘read’ by the cochleae is still unknown. Working hypothesis = wave propagates along basilar and tectoral membrane situated in the heart of each cochlea. Microscopic cilia connect with the tectorial membrane and ‘read’ the shape of the imprint, creating a composite electrical signal representing the object’s shape. This electrical signal travels to the brain via the cochlea nerve and is interpreted as an image.
Impacts of noise pollution
“Increases in ship noise, both within and below the dolphins’ call bandwidth, resulted in higher dolphin whistle frequencies and a reduction in whistle contour complexity, an acoustic feature associated with individual identification. Consequently, the noise-induced simplification of dolphin whistles may reduce the information content in these acoustic signals and decrease effective communication, parent–offspring proximity or group cohesion.”
It may also cause “The bends”
Low frequency sounds of Fin and Blue Whales
Emit low frequency sound between 10 - 30 Hz - as loud as a medium sized ship.
The higher the frequency the more energy is lost from the sound signal via heat production
Greatest sound level concentrated at the SOFAR (Sound Fixing And Ranging) channel - the speed of sound is at its minimum and becomes concentrated
Imagine water absorbing into a tissue. Molecules are getting caught within the medium
Acoustic energy > heat e.g. by causing them to vibrate. SOFAR (Sound Fixing And Ranging channel)= water layer where the speed of sound is at its minimum. The up-and-down bending of low-frequency soundwaves allows soundwaves to travel great distances without the signal losing significant energy. Think of the ocean as consisting of various zones, or layers — sort of like oil and vinegar salad dressing before it’s shaken up — except that ocean layers occur due to differences in salinity (salt content) and temperature variations. Saltier and colder water lie beneath less salty, warmer water.
SOFAR - Sound Fixing And Ranging channel - zone in the oceanic water column at a depth of about 1500 m, where the velocity of sound is at a minimum value. Sound passing through the zone is refracted upwards or downwards back into the zone, with little loss of energy, causing sound energy to be trapped in a zone of well-defined depth.
Sound waves also converge at the surface approx. every 50 km - increase sound levels x10 – may be utilised by communicating cetaceans
Why do whales sing?
Possibly male - male interactions
1. Songs do maintain distance between males
2. Females do not respond to playback songs
3. Singing males show increased aggression
towards each other
Females also probably used it as male selection criteria
By utilising the convergence zones (SOFAR channel to deep) females could listen in to many males singing over large areas
Other cetacean songs tend to be much simpler
Generally used as a reproductive advertisement display
Pinnipeds can produce airborn and underwater vocalizations such as barks, grunts, rasps, rattles, growls, creaks, warbles, trills, chirps, chugs, clicks and whistles.
Acoustic communication in other marine mammals: Orcinus orca
Have well-defined social structure and exist in pods that do not change
Line ritual (greeting ceremony) - tactile communication
Each pod has a unique song repertoire and may adapt vocalizations according to their feeding preferences (see Deeke et al. 2005)
Communicative generally during feeding and travelling and serves to:-
a. Indicate pod affiliation
b. Maintain pod cohesion
c. To co-ordinate activities of pod members
Females also may use communication ability to select males
Acoustic communication in other marine mammals: Sperm whale
Sperm whales - direction clicks that are repeated (usually in 3’s) called CODAS
Different click types are used forecholocationas well as for attracting females, repelling males, and maintaining group cohesion
Within the sperm whale head, the prominence equivalent to a melon in other toothed whales is hypertrophied (enlarged) & called the spermaceti organ.
The spermaceti organ is enclosed in a case and filled with spermaceti oil, which is of a different composition than the melonsof other toothed whales
It is thought that the function of the spermaceti organ is to focus sound produced in the head of the animal.
Do coastal upwelling fisheries have short chain?
Yes sirrr
What % of catch are marine clupeoides?
Clupeidae is a family of ray-finned fishes, comprising, for instance, the herrings, shads, sardines
Answer: 30%
% of Food from the sea
Fish and shellfish provide
-20% percent of the world animal protein consumption
Marine fisheries
-51% of fish protein
Marine fish farms
-13% of fish protein
Freshwater fisheries
-7% of fish protein
Freshwater fish farms
-29%of fish protein
Example: Government asks a fishery manager to
improve the profitability of a fishery
The manager asks a fisheries scientist – who runs bioeconomic analysis e.g. will
profitability increase if 20 large vessels are licensed to operate from a single port
and subsidies to the existing fleet of smaller boats are scrapped
* BUT larger vessels will provide fewer jobs than the numerous small boats that
currently land catches in small harbours all along the coast – and representatives
of fishing communities begin to lobby government
* Government – concerned that conflict with fishers will result in bad publicity and
jeopardize re election- decide to allow 20 larger vessels to enter the fishery – but
also subsidizes fishing communities so small boats can keep fishing
* The new policy is no longer based on the bioeconomic model but attempts to
meet non –quantitative economic, social and political objectives
* Result – too many vessels, chasing too few fish – overall profitability if fishery
falls even further!
Types of management actions
Catch controls:
-Total allowable catches (TAC)
-Individual quotas
-Catch limits
Effort controls:
-Limited liscences
-Effort quotas
-Gear or vessel restriction
Technical measures:
-Size and sex selectivity
-Time and area closures
TAC – maximum quantity of fish that can be taken from specific stocks annually (every 2 years
for deep sea stocks)
IQ – Individual quotas - TAC divided between fishing units – sum of IQ =TAC
Most quantitative fishery science is concerned with calculating the probability that a
given outcome will result from given a management action
Limited licenses - transferable
IEQ - Individual effort quota
Vessel/gear restrictions – size and power of vessels, amount, size and type of gear,
how long can be left in the water
Management actions: problems
Management actions not always consistent
(e.g. having a spatial closure but not limiting effort as in the Irish Sea cod recovery plan).
Quotas / TACs are often exceeded and don’t account for discards or illegal landings.
Effort control and technical measures are very effective but not used all the time
– fishers don’t always want to limit catches!
Managers too reliant on model outputs – trying to maximise catches as much as
Tragedy of the commons
Fishermen have no direct control over the fish stocks that they are reliant upon.
Fishing is very competitive and there are too many boats for too few fish (overcapacity)
Hence fishermen have no incentive to limit catches and conserve the
BREXIT & Fisheries
Shared resource – fish know no borders
* Brexit divorce - fish stocks like a joint bank account
* Maximum sustainable yield - The principle of conserving
fish stocks by only fishing as much as can be replaced each
year - termed “maximum sustainable yield” - is enshrined in
the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy and the UK Government
has committed to upholding this principle post-Brexit.
* The bank account- sustainable management means leaving
the capital and only taking out the interest that is generated
each year.
* Great that the EU and UK agree on how much can be taken
out - but the problem that arises is how that budget is
Summary of key points of fisheries
Management actions are taken to meet a management objective
– actions can be categorised as catch, effort, and technical
measures – to work they have to be accepted and enforced
* Catch controls that give fishers the rights to the resource, along
with tech measures, are often the most effective
* Stock assessments and the future are uncertain so a
precautionary approach should be taken
* Quantitative understanding of the responses to fishing is
desirable because it allows managers to set strategies that are
clearly understood
The future of fisheries science
Likely to become an increasingly broad discipline and quantitative approaches to
ecosystem analysis will become even more developed
* Fishery managers are likely to be more concerned with economic and social
issues and the conservation of non target species and habitats
* In the future fishers may have to pay for access to the marine environment or to
land catches
* There are likely to be fewer fishers but their activities will be more profitable
* New technologies are expected to improve enforcement and compliance
* The international community must help people from less developed countries
access alternative sources of food and income or we will see a growing gap
between the sustainability, profitability and capacity for species and habitat
What makes a turtle – general features many of which existed since the Triassic and taken from FW into marine
- Short rigid body form (compared to other aquatic reptiles); low streamlined carapace
- Limbs substantial modification - longer hind limbs (with more webbing) for thrust
- In sea turtles – paddle like forelimbs have elongated phalanges embedded in connective tissue – no longer independent digits…
tied to land due to reproductive behaviour
How do sea turtles ‘sense’ where they need to go?
Magnetic field hypothesis
- electromagnetic induction – assumes turtles have electroreceptors… never found
- strength of the magnetic field affects the chemical reactions within the bodies of the newts and birds
- magnetic crystals that form during the magnetic pulses from the earth’s magnetic fields. These magnetic crystals formed by magnetite give the turtles directional information and guides in migration. The magnetite affects the cells of the nervous system of the sea turtle by producing a signal that references the forces of the magnetic field and the direction and magnitude that is applied.If this magnetite is used in the migration, when the earth’s magnetic poles reverse at the dipole moment, the signal that the sea turtle nervous system receives will change the migration direction.
Life cycle in sea turtles (migration)
The ‘natal homing hypothesis’
Adults return to the beach they came from, often small isolated locations
Chemical imprinting? (navigation)
eg. follow strong signals in the sea
Chemical imprinting? (recognition)
eg. several experiments demonstrate that hatchlings exhibit a preference towards ‘’chemical cues’ that were present at the time of incubation
Magnetic fields:
“Sea turtle nesting density varies with slight changes in Earth’s magnetic field
Results imply that sea turtles locate nesting beaches using geomagnetic cues”
Nesting behaviour in sea turtles (1)
Generic (PHASED) behaviour is exhibited by females at time of nesting:
emerging from the sea
preparing the nest site by digging a body pit (sometimes at multiple trial locations)
digging egg chamber within the body pit - excavating flask shape hole with rear flippers in a scrape and flick motion
depositing eggs within this chamber
covering the eggs using rear flippers – filling in body pit
camouflaging (arguable) the site by casting sand with all flippers
returning to the sea - (exhausted) only to repeat 1-2 weeks later!
Some species are a slight exception to the rule…
all flippers used to excavate the body pit to lowers profile and identifies firmer sand to sustain the structure of the nest chamber
Nesting behaviour in sea turtles (2)
Sex determination - temp. warmer sand = more girls…
- After hatching – may take 3-7 days to dig out…
- Nest ‘explodes’ - Group “anti-predator role of within-nest emergence synchrony in sea turtle hatchlings” Santos. et al, 2016 – Proc. Roy. Soc. B.
- typically at night
- Dangerous migration to water
- immediate wave orientation & frenzied flapping
sex of most snakes and most lizards is determined by sex chromosomes at the time of fertilization,the sex of most turtles and all species of crocodilians is determined by the environment after fertilization.
Six of the seven sea turtle species are currently listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered
Threats and Conservation
Apply to pretty much every species BUT because of life history differences
1) Fishing:
Long line in open ocean causes huge impact to pelagic phases (Leatherback decimated) Netting and trawling in coastal areas
Remedies include:
* pelagic fishing gear has attempted to move to paired trawl and gill nets and using nets that push out heavier things such as turtles.
shrimp trawling industry to Turtle Excluder Devices
by-catch of adults is now strongly regulated with strict zero tolerance policy for unattended nets (implementation of fines)
Nesting beaches threats for marine turtles
Development = pollution
Wild animals eating turtle eggs
Beach defences such as rocks
Egg harvesting by humans
‘spreading the word’ to reduce pollution & disturbance
Egg harvesting controlled (illegal or quotas). In many areas poachers are employed to protect beaches so reducing illegal harvesting pressure and increasing protection. Hatcheries may be established.
Marine Mammal Population Biology
Despite the stated importance of marine mammals – very little is known about the abundance and population status of many marine mammal species (> 50 % unknown)
Even where we do have some numbers the precision of these numbers varies greatly for the different species
Commercial exploitation of cetaceans have significantly reduced many populations
e.g. Balaenoptera musculus (blue whale) reduced from 200,000 – 14,000 due to commercial exploitation and southern right whales with reduced by as much as 90 % - now ~50% recovered.
It is essential that we do know something about population status so we can implement relevant conservation strategies and understand the roles of marine mammals in the structure and function of marine ecosystems
Population Biology: Some basic characteristics
Phocids (true/earless seals) appear to be more abundant than otariids (sea-lions and fur seals) - because phocids utilise highly productive environments in temperate and polar waters
Estimated to be 19 separate populations of polar bears.Worldwide populations = 21,000 – 28,000
Passed near extinction of the sea otter but now populations increasing with more than 100,000 existing around the Pacific Rim and occupying > 75 % of their traditional habitats
Issues with monitoring and conservation?
Data sparse – no catch data! Deriving population level parameters based on individual level studies not ideal
Need for background knowledge on physiology, immune function, life history, ecology and behaviour
Logistically difficult to develop and test specific threat mitigation measures.
3 techniques for estimating Abundance
Population census = total count; the total number of individuals within a population at a given time and place. Very difficult with few examples e.g. resident Orca’s off British Columbia
Estimating abundance of a sample of a population = most common
Population indices – the measure of a statistic which correlates with changing population abundance e.g. the number of Gray whales migrating up the Californian coast
Estimating Abundance with counts
Counts can be made or estimated in several different ways:
Catch-effort analyses: not used much due to depletion of whaling
Mark-recapture: commonly used esp. pinnipeds and baleen whales
Strip-transect surveys: transect has a fixed width
Line-transect surveys: infinite width
Land-based visual surveys e.g. for coastal or land dependent species
Acoustic surveys – mainly used for cetaceans
Population structure
Populations - interbreeding group of individuals of the same species that exist in an isolated geographical area - probability of mating within significantly higher than between
Some of the techniques used to examine population structure
-Tagging studies and the analyses of morphometrics
-DNA (mitochondrial and genomic)
-Protein variations between populations
-Stable isotopes
Tagging studies include semi-permanent tagging e.g. radio-tagging and the use of natural markings e.g. fluke or dorsal fin
Molecular biology has also led to novel analyses of social structure and behaviour
Molecular biology also helped with field of population dynamics
Current methods for monitoring threats
Spatial instruments such as marine protected areas (MPAs)
Mitigation measures for specific threats e.g. pinger deployment on gill nets
Impact assessment on new constructions e.g. offshore wind farms
Direct threat monitoring, e.g. using on-board observers or camera systems on fishing vessels, acoustic monitoring around wind-farms, etc
Environmental monitoring: surveillance of the structure, function and quality of supporting habitat of marine mammal species.
Current conservation in regards to international and national animal protection
International protection = Broad, multi-species focus
National / Local protection = Focused, species or area specific
Local protection
Need to establish legally protected areas e.g. Special Areas at Sea (SAC) under the EU Habitat Directive
Requires careful planning, clear objectives, and financial support
SAC’s provides provisions to protect all cetaceans sand their habitat:-
1. Fishing activity e.g. control of bycatch
2. Pollution discharge
3. Industrial and recreational coastal development
4. Commercial boat traffic in sensitive areas
Current legislation i.e. Wildlife and Countryside Act but now strengthened: £5,000 fine and up to 6 months in prison.
Specific legislation required e.g. the UK Whale and Dolphin Act proposed by the WDCS. Would address:-
1. A ban on killing or wounding of cetaceans with
a penalty for offenders (£5,000 - £20,000 & prison).
2. Complete ban of cetacean capture (up to £20,000).
3. Prohibition of disturbance and harassment (£5,000).
Population Dynamics: Summary of key points
Although long lived = high fecundity, they can be low (akin to more K-selected)
Therefore highly sensitive to environmental perturbations example: IWC in 1982 stated that the rate of increase of Sperm Whales to a population was about 0.01 individuals per year: Consider why evolutionary pressure for low fecundity e.g. Direct (care), indirect (social bonding)
Example 0.02 and 0.05 seem to be representative of most dolphin species
Maximum rates of increase of Dugong populations = 0.063
This however is not an easy parameter to get your head around so lets examine comparable doubling times
e.g. rates of 0.02 = doubling time of 34.6 y and 0.15 = 4.6 y
For marine mammal populations to be viable they must not fall below a critical threshold which is why the science of examining changes in population abundance over time is important
The US Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972) designated this level as the Optimum Sustainable Population (OSP) level
Difficult to determine without more studies both in number and rigour: Also should consider marine mammal populations to be resource dependent rather than density dependent = complex
Reptile family information
CLASS: Reptilia
Squamata - comprising lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians (worm lizards
Crocodilia- closest living relatives to birds
Testudines - turtles, tortoises and terrapins.
Rhynchocephalia- lizard-likereptiles that includes only one living species oftuatara (NZ – endemic)
The 4 families of Sea Snakes
Hydrophiidae (60+ sp.) True sea snakes
Elapidae – Laticauda (genus) (6 sp.)
Sea Kraits
Also…Colubridae (12 sp.) and Acrochordidae (3 sp. file snake)
Colubridae – largest snake family – every continent except Antarctica –
Acrochordus granulatus- It is completely aquatic and almost helpless on land – SE Asia
none of these are territorial and don’t really have a home.
General features & adaptation to marine life in sea snakes (1/4) (smelling and locomotion in snakes)
- Highly developed visual and olfactory senses.
Jacobson’s (vomeronasal, VNO) organ.
auxiliary olfactory sense organ used to sense prey ESP.UNDERWATER; sends neuronal signals to the hypothalamus and not accessory olfactory bulb- may influence aggressive and mating behaviour.
As it is easier for a snake’s tongue to fulfill its olfactory function under water, its action is short compared to that of terrestrial snake species. Only the forked tips protrude from the mouth through a divided notch in the middle of the rostral scale
- have a squished end tail that resembles a keel to help locomotion in the water. Moreover, the tail is also photosensitive meaning the snake can tell when their tail is out in the open, allowing them to move their tail out of the way of predators.
General features & adaptation to marine life in sea snakes (2/4) (small scale organs and salt removal)
- small scale organs - termed ‘scale sensilla,’ in fully-marine Aipysurus duboisii (top) and a close terrestrial relative Pseudonaja textilis (bottom)
These scale organs are presumptive scale sensilla that purportedly function as both tactile mechanoreceptors and potentially as hydrodynamic receptors capable of sensing the displacement of water
scale sensilla are more protruding (dome-shaped) in aquatic species than in their terrestrial counterparts. Second, exceptionally high overall coverage of sensilla is found only in the fully aquatic sea snakes.
- salt removal: The posterior sublingual gland of sea snakes is a salt gland. It secretes a fluid surpassing seawater in sodium chloride concentration. The gland lies on the ventrolateral surfaces of the tongue sheath and empties through multiple ducts into the sheath. Fluid is expelled from the sheath when the tongue is extended.
General features & adaptation to marine life in sea snakes (3/4) (trapping water within their scales and Diving)
- Deep recesses between scales (‘hinge’) entrap and wick water over the body surface - keep skin wet when floating?
non-overlapping, polygonal knobs with flattened outer surfaces bearing presumptive filamentous sensillae
The deep recesses between scales (‘hinge’) entrap and wick water over the body surface - possibly serves to maintain the skin wet
when the dorsal body protrudes above water while floating on calm oceanic slicks where they forage
outer keratin level thinner = improved respiratory gas exchange in skin. kin also includes filamentous receptors that permit nearby prey detection and even help distinguish freshwater from seawater.
- Diving: nostrils have valves that consist of a specialised spongy tissue to keep water out; windpipe can be drawn up to where the short nasal passage opens into the roof of the mouth (snorkel)
The lung has become very large and extends along most of the body = buoyancy and storing air for dives. ↑ SA:vol (↓ vol:SA) = efficient exchange
In general are able to (a) respire through their skin (unusual since skin is thick and scaly) (b) squeeze lungs
General features & adaptation to marine life in sea snakes (4/4) Metabolism
Cannot maintain body temp above that of surroundings; therefore demand for O2 lower
Aerobic = liberate ATP, CO2 and heat v anaerobic (lactic acid and O2 debt). Typically never fall into anaerobic situation
Cardiac ‘shunts’ – change relative pressure between L and R + resistances to regulate flow to body v pulmonary demand = allows fine tuning
Special valve connecting artery and vein entering lung so can by pass or close off (pulmonary shunt)
Cardiac shunts – “three chambered” heart - the blood leaving the heart for the body is only partially aerated; part of it is made up of deoxygenated blood returned from the body.
Differentiating the Hydrophiidae from the Elapidae (common sea snake vs sea krait)
Sexual dimorphism (H: F>M whilst E: F< or > sp.-specific)
E is less adapted to marine life (retains the wide ventral scales typical of terrestrial snakes and has only a poorly developed tail fin) ventral scales, or gastrosteges, are the enlarged scales that extend down the underside of the body
Reproductive mode *except Laticauda
Ovoviviparous (Kraits only)*
Common sea snake is viviparous
Despite this both have similar clutch sizes
Courtship in sea snakes and kraits
Use visual cues (including size, movement and color pattern) to assess whether snake-shaped objects are potential partners!
Skin lipids (pheromones – produced by females) are important only after the male comes into physical contact
Visual cues provide unreliable information
…Generally inefficient at finding a mate unless short distances
Sea kraits – pheromones act to stop in-breeding between closely related species
Sea Snakes foraging and prey capture
Foraging and prey capture – mostly by smell and vibration
Crevice – protruding tongue against substrate as explores cryptic envs; eat prey immediately or retreat & wait
Near-bottom cruising – intercept fish with a lateral strike by rapidly swinging head sideways. Common to miss!
Ambush – Yellow-bellied only
Browsing – Emydocephalus annulatus only with expanded scale on uper jaw to scrape eggs from Damselfish broods
Threats to sea snakes
Threats – little is known
- being eaten by people and commercial trawl fishing + as bycatch
Boat strikes
harvesting for clothing
Conservation with sea snakes
Hard to conserve them because people don’t think snakes are important and are afraid of them.
Establishing marine protected areas (yet not enough still known about inter-exchange of populations)
The introduction of by-catch reduction devices, such as square mesh and fisheye windows.
Knowledge gap: “miss information on breeding cycles, by-catch and mortality, growth rates, population density, sexual maturity and taxonomy in most areas”
Major considerations:
* High site fidelity means localised impacts and difficulties with re-introduction programmes; low incentive for protection?
* Surprisingly few species even listed as threatened – none on CITES
Two species considered ‘marine’:
American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
Saltwater crocodile
(Crocodylus porosus)
Crocodilians General features
- Pitted appearance of the skull (fusion of skin)
- eyes, ears, and nostrils are located on the same plane on the top of the head (great for predation)
Squat-legged quadraped
- Skin is formed from a thick dermal layer covered with non-overlapping epidermal scales. Rows of ossified scutes, osteoderms, along back and tail (scales of each scute slough off individually rather than shedding in large patches)
- salt excretion by glands on the tongue
Crocodilians mobility
Two primary modes of locomotion on land: “belly crawl” and “high walk” (some gallop at alarmingly fast speeds)
- swim by moving their body and tail in a sinuous fashion (but cannot speed for long
Swimming aided by partially webbed feet
Don’t forget, they can also ‘jump’ – propelling vertically from water
Crocodilians diving
Nictitating membranes – transparent third eyelid
Ears (located behind the eyes) close
exhales air to drop under the surface (controlled descent)
stones swallowed (known as “gastroliths”) add weight and act as a ballast.
Palatal valve reveal the opening to the trachea (the ‘glottis’). When sealed, neither water nor air can enter the throat from the mouth
Under (a ‘minimum exposure profile’) still needs to breath (eyes and nostrils exposed uses internal nares (where the nostrils open internally) to move to the back of the upper palate. Here, by-pass the palatal valve and breathe. When the crocodile’s head is totally submerged, however, the nostrils are sealed to prevent influx of water
Senses in crocodilians
Extremely good BUT not visual underwater (sealed eyes and ears)
‘integumentary sense organs’ (ISOs) =
sensory cells in the integumentary layer (skin).
ISO - densely distributed on the jaws of crocodilians
Found in various locations of body so function debated, likely: JAWS = directional mechanoreceptors to detect pressure changes (prey nearby)
Despite crocodilians’ armoured bodies, the ISOs imparted a mechanical sensitivity exceeding that of primate fingertips” “ISOs have diverse functions, including detection of water movements, indicating when to bite based on direct contact of pursued prey, and fine tactile discrimination of items held in the jaws.”
Metabolism & feeding (1/2) in crocs
As with sea snakes have a four-chambered heart efficient at oxygenating their blood
60% of fat in crocodile diets is stored. The trade-off is a low oxygen count in the blood (it can also impair growth). Crocodiles recover slowly from exercise and are easily exhausted; have high levels of lactic acid in the blood
Typically loiters in the water or basks in the sun preferring to hunt at night. Capable of explosive bursts of speed when launching an attack (land or water)
Metabolism & feeding (2/2) in crocs
circulatory system can divert blood away from the peripheral systems during dives or to reduce heat loss
strong muscles allow jaws to snap shut but muscles for opening the jaw are relatively weak
Juveniles feed on insects, crustaceans, small reptiles, frogs, and small fish. More mature, larger crocs eat turtles, goannas, snakes, birds, livestock (cows), buffalo, monkeys, wild boar, and mudcrabs
Breeding in crocs
reach sexual maturity at 10-12 yr (F) & 16 yr (M)
* courtship consists of a complex sequence of behaviors which may last for several days
* attracting mate – males initiate with ‘head slaps’; interest females initiate submissive ‘head lift’
Nest building occurs in well-drained soil adjacent to water prevents flooding & allows direct access to water
* lays all her eggs (40) during a single night
* cover eggs to protect from desiccation and predators such as raccoons
* returns to open the nest (90 days), and may carry the hatchlings to the water/ assist hatchlings by cracking shells with her jaws
Marine Iguanas Key features and adaptations
Most commonly grey to black with pyramid-shaped dorsal scales
* Shorter more blunt snouts than land iguanas
* Slightly laterally compressed tail and swim by lateral undulation of their bodies with limbs held to the side
* Claws are long and sharp to enable grip in the dynamic intertidal
Some evolutionary dichotomy? of marine iguanas
Seven subspecies of endemic marine iguanas are found throughout the
islands. Differ in size between islands, from 75 centimeters (Genovesa) to 1.3 meters (Fernandina, Northern Isabela) in length
Espanola boasts the most differentiated and colorful iguanas (blotches of coppery green and red). Red comes from a rhodophyte sp. that blooms during the summer when iguanas are mating
Diet and salt excretion of marine iguanas
Diet – exclusively on algae
Amblyrhynchus, (amblys = short, rhynchos = nose) is derived from the blunt snout, which allows them to efficiently scrape algae off of the rocks with their sharp three-cusped teeth
Larger members of the species feed more often by diving at high tide while smaller animals are restricted to intertidal feeding at low tide
Salt excretion - A gland connected to the nostrils (between the eyes) removes salt from the body: concentrated and sneezed out
Metabolism and diving of marine iguanas
Metabolism – Ocean waters are cold and so must bask. At low temperatures cannot move effectively so are highly aggressive (relying on less energetically expensive bluffs or bites than escape)
Diving – as for crocs; iguanas can remain submerged for up to an hour, (dives of 5 to 10 minutes are more common). Can perform cardiac shunts
Breeding in marine iguanas
Large males assemble “harems” of several females
* head bobbing major display to other males (and humans!)
* Fights occasionally occur - heads together & push opponent backward.
Females lay 1-6 eggs in burrows 30- 80 cm deep.
* The eggs are laid in sand or volcanic ash up to 300m or more inland.
* Females defend nests for first few days & then leave the eggs to incubate (95 days).
Threats: the El Niño phenomenon
on marine iguanas
A major change in the marine algal flora November 1982 - July 1983: high rainfall, sea level, and sea surface temperatures caused a decrease in biological productivity, survival and reproduction.
During El Niño conditions when algae decreased for two years, some were found to decrease their length by as much as 20%. When food conditions returned to normal, the iguanas returned to their pre-famine size. It is speculated that the bones of the iguanas actually shorten as a shrinkage of connective tissue could only account for a 10% length change”