Marine final Flashcards
marine plant can fix nitrogen and photosynthesize but the two processes do not occur in the same region
The life cycle that typifies Rhodophyta and is advantageous to increase successful fertilization within this group that lacks flagellated spores
Approx life cycle
True or False: Chlorophyta can be filamentous, unicellular, or parenchymatous in form
Seagrasses are a polyphyletic group that all
exhibit what type of pollination.
Group 1: two unequal flagella & commonly from symbiotic relationships
Group 2: cell walls of silica, used in forensics
Group 3: members of Phaeophycea that
have an intercalary meristem (in addition to apical and basal meristems) & are ecosystem engineers
Group 4: scaly coat, haptonema, calcification
At the phyla level- I have a radula, mantle, & foot
Who am I?
My cell are pluripotent and my body is home to many small reef organisms.
I have calcareous spicules but not siliceous ones.
Class Calcarea in Phylum Porifera
I am part of the plankton. I have tissue grade construction. The beating of my ctenes is controlled in part by sensing of balance with a statocysts at my crown
Phylum Ctenophora
Unsegmented worm with a Rhyncoelum
What is Phylum Nemertea
I have an oral and aboral side a madreporite and a respiratory tree and when I get upset cuverian tubules are eviscerated.
Class Holothuroidea
Head-foot with beak
Class Cephalopoda
Jointed legs with a book gills
Subphylum Chelicerata
These pores are used to secrete salt so mangroves can live
along the coast