Marine Biodiversity Flashcards
What are the three major components of Biodiversity?
Why is a high level of biodiversity desirable?
Biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning
Species-poor systems are most vulnerable to change (natural, anthropogenic, climate, etc.)
Food web resilience? Productivity? Stability?
Productivity is a measure of ecosystem function
- stability is a measure of resilience
Rivet hypothesis
Rivet hypothesis:
“Functionality is driven by species interactions rather than the species per se.”
-> additions (or removals) have measureable effect on ecosystems functions
Redundancy hypothesis
Redundancy hypothesis:
“Increasing number of species increases ecosystem functionality proportionally less as the number of species rises.”
-> additions (or removals) have little effect
What are the numerous features that affect ecosystem stability?
Numerous features affect ecosystem stability:
strength of interactions among species
topology/structure of food webs
sensitivity of species to different types of environmental perturbations
Use of species richness
Simplest measure Number/count of different species in sample
Treats rare and common species equally
“like a stamp collection”
Shannon index
A diversity index is a mathematical measure of species diversity in a community.
Diversity indices provide more information about community composition than simply species richness (i.e., the number of species present); they also take into account the relative abundances of species
Shannon index is an information statistic index - it assumes all species are represented in a sample and that they are randomly sampled
Σ = sum of
ln = natural log
Simpson index
The Simpson index is a dominance index because it gives more weight to common or dominant species. In this case, a few rare species with only a few representatives will not affect the diversity.
p is the proportion (n/N) of individuals of one particular species found (n)
divided by the total number of individuals found (N)
Σ = sum of
S = the number of species
Similarity index
This index, related to Simpson’s measure of diversity and analagous to a correlation coefficient
SIMI = the degree of similarity between the assemblages,
N1i and N2i are the proportion of individuals represented by the ith taxon in assemblages 1 and 2 respectively
T= total number of taxa
- SIMI takes into account each taxon and their relative abundance
- As the relative abundance of the common taxa in the two assemblages aprroach equality, the SIMI value approaches one
-If the two assemblages share no common taxa SIMI = 0
Genetic material present in an environmental sample, consisting of the genomes of many individual organisms
Biological species concept
“…defines a species as a population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring, but are unable to produce viable, fertile offspring with members of other populations…”
What is an Ecotype?
Same species, found in different habitats (e.g. geographic variety)
Evolved specific adaptations to their differing environments
Can interbreed
What is the difference between a ‘genotype’ and an ‘ecotype’?
In evolutionary ecology, an ecotype, sometimes called ecospecies, describes a genetically distinct geographic variety, population, or race within a species, which is genotypically adapted to specific environmental conditions.
Why/How did extinctions lead to increased diversity?
The extinction of species (and larger groups) is closely tied to the process of natural selection and is thus a major component of progressive evolution.
Dissolved nutrients in the ocean
Macro-elements: C, O, H
Micro-elements: N (NO3, NH4+), S (SO42-), P (PO43-), Si (SiO3), Ca, K, Mg, Cl
Trace-elements: Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, Co, B, V, Si (SiO3)
Seasonal succession for plankton
Interplay of mixing, nutrients and light affect phytoplankton growth not one single parameter responsible for productivity!
Thermal stratification greatly affects these parameters thermocline!
What is the thermocline
The thermocline is the boundary between dense cooler water and warmer less dense surface water
Marine larval development can be broadly classified into three categories 1
direct development
Larvae very similar to adult
Example: some marine snails
Crawl away from the egg-mass
Very low dispersal potential
Marine larval development can be broadly classified into three categories 2
lecithotrophic (part of meroplankton-spend part of the life cycle in the benthos - do not remain as plankton permanently)
Have source of nutrition, usually yolk-sac
Example: many fish larvae, benthic invertebrates
Benthic lecithotrophs must settle before they run out of nutrients
Greater dispersal potential than direct developers (short pelagic stage so not too far)
Marine larval development can be broadly classified into three categories 3
planktotrophic (part of meroplankton)
Actively feeding
Most common type of larval development in benthic invertebrates
Example: many fish larvae, benthic invertebrates
Long pelagic larval duration
Highest dispersal potential (many
might not survive)
What is an ocean gyre?
In oceanography, a gyre is any large system of circulating ocean currents, particularly those involved with large wind movements. Gyres are caused by the Coriolis effect; planetary vorticity, horizontal friction and vertical friction determine the circulatory patterns from the wind stress curl.
What is the definition of a population?
POPULATION (definition): A group of individuals of a particular species who are disconnected from others
e.g. - sometimes genetically
- usually spatially
so that the probability of breeding is significantly higher than out-breeding i.e. Between populations.
What is a metapopulation?
METAPOPULATION: A set of distinct populations (usually spatially separated) of a single species which has limited exchange (some migration/immigration) with others but can function as a group/interact at some level
What are key Population issues to conservation of marine biodiversity?
Population structure, population genetics, particularly as it concerns system connectivity, dispersion, and recruitment are key to conservation of marine biodiversity
What is a density dependant factor?
A density-dependent factor is one where the effect of the factor on the size of the population depends upon the original density or size of the population
Disease is a good example
Intra-specific competition (same species compete for limited resources)
Environmentally dependent
What is a density independent factor?
Density-independent limiting factors are those such as climate extremes. These factors are considered to be density-independent due to the fact that they are not related to the size of the populations of organisms that are in the ecosystem
What is the Alee effect?
inverse density dependence’:- population birth rate decreases as population density drops
The phenomenon where at the point when population density is too low for individuals to find mates, reproductive success sharply declines.
Resource utilisation and Niche Theory, Does it affect marine biodiversity?
YES: The nature of resource utilisation and partitioning influences the number of species that can occupy same areas
YES: An ability of a species to alter resource usage patterns enable coexistence
YES: Plasticity enables higher species richness
YES: Restrictive resource use stems from high competition and can lead to speciation (in the very long term) e.g. Galapagos Finches
Define a resource?
An ecological resource is anything required by an organism for normal maintenance, growth, and reproduction. e.g. light, nutrients, food, territory, shelter). For individuals of the same species,can also includemates.
Define resource partitioning?
ecologically similar species sharing the same habitat exploit different resources, or the same resources but in different ways, thereby avoiding competition.
Resource Usage and Biodiversity
Resource differentiation and utilisation patterns, within a community may greatly influence the number of species a system can sustain
So a wide variety of resources utilised restrictively and stably enables coexistence & high biodiversity through reduced competition
The way in which a species utilises the resources (and environment) defines its ecological niche
Therefore Niche theory, explains how species are able to coexist
What is the Niche theory used to describe and analyse?
ways in which species interact (including competition, resource partitioning, exclusion or coexistence)
why some species are rare or abundant
what determines geographical distribution of a given species
what determines structure and stability of multi-species communities
What is a fundamental niche?
Fundamental = all possible conditions under which population reproduces (maximum inhabitable hypervolume in the absence of competition, predation & parasitism)
What is a realized niche?
Realized = the actual niche exhibited in particular time & space (smaller hypervolume occupied when the species is under biotic constraints)
Realized niche will almost always be smaller portion of the fundamental niche due to biological interactions / competition & niche overlap
Niche theory expanded
Competitive exclusion is commonly observed when a species colonizes a habitat and out-competes indigenous species - key issues of invasive species
Coexistence through niche partitioning (dynamic) is rarely observed directly, but can often be inferred from traces left by “the ghost of competition past”
Competitive release: resource use expands when a species is no longer influenced by a competitor and therefore expands its realized niche
When niche shift involves an evolutionary change in attributes (“characters”) of competing populations, it is termed character displacement.
Generalisations for oceanic biogeography
Temperate, tropical, Antarctic and boreal species in broad, latitudinal bands across the oceans
Width of latitudinal belt differs in species. Specific hydrographic regimes may lead to biantitropicality
The three major oceans are not the same, share some but not all species
Cline and eco-cline
Cline: Gradation in one or more characteristics within a species or other taxon, especially between different populations.
Ecocline: cline from one ecosystem to another, showing a continuous gradient between the two extremes.
Hypotheses relating to global latitudinal gradients, STABLE TROPICAL PRODUCTIVITY MODEL:
Increased range of production in tropics
More different food resources, more niches Niche separation speciation
Greater evolutionary age of tropics stability, competition speciation
Specialisation, e.g. gastropods
Solubility of CO2 high in cold waters!
“Natural” Ocean Acidification
low calcification potential
Export’ from reef hotspots
Diversity of shallow tropical environments preferentially generated in reefs –> probably because of their habitat complexity
Reefs are prolific at exporting diversity to other environments –> low-diversity habitats more susceptible to invasions
Consequences of closure of Tethys
Loss of shallow, circumglobal water circulation around the tropics
When Tethys was open circulation allowed wide distribution of corals as larvae were dispersed through warm shallow water
Interconnecting, warm shallow seas now absent.
What is allopatric speciation and how does this differ from sympatric speciation?
In allopatric speciation, groups from an ancestral population evolve into separate species due to a period of geographical separation. In sympatric speciation, groups from the same ancestral population evolve into separate species without any geographical separation.
General characteristics of a Muddy Shore
Gradient between sandy and muddy shores dependent on grain size (energy)
Low energy sites small particles deposited = muddy shores
Few meters wide to several kilometres e.g. Wash, Humber, Severn
Are flat, high organic content = large biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): Low water and O2 exchange = anaerobic
Transition zone = Redox Potential Discontinuity Layer (RPD)
Burrows conspicuous feature - due to sediment stability
Biological factors affect stability i.e. bioturbation = decrease and biostabilisation = increase
Although tidal flats comprise only about 7% of total coastal shelf areas (Stutz and Pikey 2002), they are highly productive components of shelf ecosystems responsible for recycling organic matter and nutrients from both terrestrial and marine sources and are also areas of high primary productivity. Tidal flats are highly productive areas - often form the buffer zone between deeper protecting intertidal habitats by dissipating wave energy, thus reducing erosion of mangroves and salt marshes.
When oxygen is depleted in a basin, bacteria first turn to the second-best electron acceptor, which in sea water, is nitrate. Denitrification occurs, and the nitrate will be consumed rather rapidly. After reducing some other minor elements, the bacteria will turn to reducing sulfate. This results in the byproduct of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a chemical toxic to most biota and responsible for the characteristic “rotten egg” smell and dark black sediment color. Sulphate reduction iron sulphides = BLACK (H2S = SMELLY)
Iron reducers and iron oxidisors.
Methane produced by methanogenesis by archaea.
Ammonia all oxidized at surface for E production (aerobic process – i.e. only at surface). Decay of organic matter produces ammonia (NH4).
Essex muds go anoxic within about 2 mins because so fine. Underneath respiring sulphate (obligate anaerobes, some facultative)
Sulphate abundant in SW. Oxygen = terminal electron receptor in respiration.
Primary producers of muddy shores
Major primary producers :-
1. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceace) 2. Cyanobacteria (Cyanophyceace)
- Euglenoids e.g. Euglena
- Macroalgae e.g. Ulva, Enteromorpha
- Angiosperms e.g. Zostera (eel grass)
- Chemoautotrophs e.g. sulphur oxidising bacteria
Microphytobenthos (MPB): Diatoms
Epipelic = Mud dwelling species, motile biraphid genera
Episammic = Sandier environments attached to sand particles generally monoraphid genera
Motile (via EPS) diatoms of intertidal muddy sediments – generally referred to as epipelic diatoms – exhibit migratory rhythms synchronized with diurnal and tidal cycles.
These microalgae accumulate at the sediment surface during diurnal low tides and migrate down into the sediment before tidal inundation or darkness.
Upward migration during diurnal low tide periods allows cells to reach the photic zone photosynthesis.
It has been suggested that downward migration reduces the exposure of cells to predation or physical disturbance and facilitates nutrient and carbon uptake and/or cell division.
Microphytobenthos represents microscopic primary producers, primarily diatoms that often form heterogeneous biofilms on sediment surface. Microphytobenthos assemblages have been documented and reported to be closely linked with the biostabilisation of the sediment surface in the intertidal flat of Europe. Flood and ebb tides cause vertical movement of the benthic diatoms in the surface of the top sediment, which contributes to stabilizing the sediment. Light, salinity and other environmental stressors further initiate microphytobenthos to move up and down vertically in the surface of the top sediment. Diatoms produce and secrete extracellular polymeric substances in response to their locomotion, which favorably stabilize the sediment surface during high tide immersion.
General introduction to saltmarshes
Definition: Areas of alluvial deposits colonised by herbaceous plants and small shrubs, are almost permanently wet and frequently inundated by saline water
Distinct from mudflats, eel grass beds, mangrove
Several types:
lagoon marshes
beach plains
barrier island marshes
artificial marshes
estuarine marshes
What is a neap and spring tide?
Spring tides have higher high tides and lower low tides whereas neap tides have lower high tides and higher low tides. Hence, the range (difference in water level between high and low tide) is much larger in a spring tide than in a low tide.
Salinity –
Water-logging (anaerobic)
Submergence (reduce gaseous exchange)
how do muddy shores accumulate mud?
Muddy shores are formed along the seashores where there is no or little wave action. These intertidal areas are formed by the deposition of silt from the water flowing into the sea.
Fauna: Adaptations & Strategies
Avoidance of water-logging :-
-live next to well drained creek
e.g. Pemphigus trehernei living on Aster tripolium
Avoidance of flooding :-
-live within halophytes - 60 % of saltmarsh Lepidopterans
-climb to top of emergent plants
-migrate out of tidal limits
-synchronise activity with tides e.g. Dicheirotrichus gustavi and Anurida maritima (springtail - circadian rhythm)
Respiratory adaptations :-
-small body size
-reduction of metabolic activity during immersion
-anaerobic respiration and excretion e.g. Arenicola
-reverse Bohr effect e.g. Limulus (King crab)
Adaptations to fluctuating salinities :-
-Osmoconformers e.g. Mytilus edulis and A. marina
-Osmoregulators e.g. e.g. Gammarus duebeni
Predation is key to sustainable biodiversity (TOP-DOWN CONTROL)
Real-life application: protection of a predatory species (e.g. by fishing limits) may influence biological diversity
Trophic cascades
Disproportionate impact due to trophic position (particularly if a keystone predator)
Top predators are often more vulnerable to depletion (e.g. slow to reproduce; need large ranges; vulnerable to habitat loss; dependent on availability of prey)
Can alter entire ecosystems – examples?
-Tiger sharks (remember Lecture 7!)
-Baltic cod (coming up!)
-Killer whales (coming up!)
Predation: summary
Predation influences
-Biodiversity and community structure
-Biomass of prey and primary producers, and thus
system productivity
-Ecosystem function and stability
Therefore their protection or exploitation can affect all of these factors too.
Predators perform multiple roles.
Predator diversity redundancy i.e. the “insurance hypothesis”
Definition of a disease?
A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions, associated with specific symptoms (human) or signs (any other biota)
It may be caused by:-
-external factors e.g. infectious disease
-internal dysfunctions e.g. autoimmune/genetic
-extrinsic factors e.g. environmental change
What can disease impact upon
Species fitness
Population size
Role in the community
Metabolic impairment
Photosynthetic impacts
Intra-colonial translocation
Host immune system
Cell death mechanisms
Reproductive dysfunction
Concerns with interaction between marine disease and climate change
Disease dynamics in the marine environment are influenced by climate change‐driven alterations of the physical, chemical and biological properties of ecosystems
The impacts of climate change upon marine diseases have significant socio‐economic implications (food, health, GDP).
Yet there is a general lack of awareness and research
Disease – the key Points part 1
Disease – a natural component of any ecosystem (density dependent factor)
Can influence ecological community structure at different trophic levels
Disease consequences depends on position and functional importance of diseased species
Impact of disease also depends on composition of community e.g. dominance can enhance pathogenic loading & spread of disease
Disease – the key Points part 2
Coral reefs good example of how disease can impact ecosystems
Increasing acceptance that increased disease is a consequence of human activity
New knowledge suggests climate change will increase disease prevalence through
-direct pathogenic physiological change (e.g. generation time)
-impacting host physiology and stress responses
-change in distribution of pathogens
Marine life may be harbouring diverse pathogens that may be subjected to human waste and antibiotics, increasing resistance