marine bio last test fuck you mrs hill u cunt Flashcards
ocean is a shallow frozen sea surrounded by the tips of continents
is a frozen continent surrounded by the southern ocean. Coldest temperatures on earth recorded here in 1983 of- 128.6
Polar Ice
extremely dense because the constant build up and pressure pushing air bubbles out and giving it is blue color and can give us information about air
Icebergs: Antarctic and Artic
Antarctic: large and smooth
Arctic: tall and jagged
Rivers of ice that form on mountain ranges
More growth or building up the ice during winter
when it breaks off
tidewater glacier
Global Climate Change
Variations in the earths climate as result of increased global temperatures
an important food source for whales, seabirds and fish
similar animals found in the antarctic and arctic but not between
Polar Bear
skin is black fur is translucent
hunt seals
glacier bear
black bear that has a blue tinge to their fur
the offspring of blue tinged bear survied
it will die cause glaciers are going away
highly social and highly vocal
most often in big cold estuaries
harp seal : artic
ice is their haul out
dive up to 300 feet for up to 30 min in search for claims
small family groups merge with others to form larger heard
ten foot long husk highly senstive
tisking which means cleaning tusk
fairy: 2lbs at 16 in
emperor penguin: 4 ft 40 lbs