Marian lesson 1 Flashcards
I am Armin.
(Ja) som Armin.
You are Marián.
(Ty) si Marián.
He is František.
On je František.
She is Miška.
Ona je Miška.
It is a cup.
To je pohár.
We are Armin and Marián.
My sme Armin a Marián.
You are Mr. Nouri.
Vy ste pán Nouri.
You are students.
Vy ste študenti.
They are customers.
Oni sú zákazníci.
What is your name?
Ako sa voláš?
Who are you?
Kto si (ty)?
How is it in Slovak?
Ako to je po slovensky?
Do you know where the toilets are?
Vieš, kde sú toalety?
Is this yours?
Je toto vaše?
How is “it” in Slovak?
Ako je “it” po slovensky?
I have a phone.
Mám mobil.
Do you have money?
Máš peniaze?
He/She has a cup.
Má pohár.
We have food.
Máme jedlo.
You have a card.
Máte kartu.
I will have a small beer.
Dám si malé pivo.
What will you have?
Čo si dáte?