March 9- March - March 16 Flashcards
Context for populism
- Latin American populism mostly urban
- Height 20s-60s
- Accompanies processes of industrialization and urbanization
- Involve middle class in politics
What is populism
- Favors common man in contrast with elite
- Appeals to emotions of masses
- Collective consciousness
- Contrast with status quo
- Sometimes democratic or authoritarian
- Charismatic leaders
- Representation
Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra
-Give me balcony and I will become president
19th vs 20th century populism
- Emerged from activist workign class and socialist movements
- Drew heavily on trade unions for rhetoric
- Used state apparatuses to meet demands of movements
Juan Domingo Peron
- emerged out of political system without middle class (Hipolito Yrigoyen)- many uprisings
- 2 presidential terms (50s then 70s before death)
- Military officer with large industrial working class base, nationalist
Edwin williamson
-Quote about intense nationalism which drew from across political spectrum, causing him to have policy incoherence and lack of unity
Perons Agenda and pillars
- Attack free trade export economy, promote independence
- Control military by hand selecting leadership
- Controling unions
Eva peron
- Populist leader
- Humble background, cult following, actress
- Followers descamisados
- Madonna
Santa Evita
- Tomas Eloy martinez, 1995
- Body of eva became like legend while juan decayed
Peronist party populism
- Community
- New argentina
- Public relations- parades, demonstrations, sports
Decline of Peron
- Projects lacked stability
- Made hefty promises, lack of follow through
- unable to court elite
- energy and food shortages could not sustain growth
- Brazilian populist
- Emerged from Rio grande do sul
- Nationalization projects (mostly urban) like oil rail, electric, steel
Vargas and state terror
- Suppression of social forces that disagreed with him- communists, military, urbanites, labor movement
- Suspended civil rights, jailed people
- Estado Novo- new state
Downfall of Vargas
- Division in congress
- Inflation
- More international business
- Corruption
Neo populism
- Zealous leaders
- Abuses of power
- Personalistic, charismatic
- Collective communication (chavez television program)
Context of Spanish Civil war
- Spanish american war ends spanish empire
- Generation of 98 emerges- intellectuals who wanted liberal change
- Sense of moral political and social crisis
Miguel de Unamuno
- Gen of 98
- Suffering makes us people
- Life is doubt
- Fight destiny
- Secular
Precurser to civil war
- Ideological shift due to defeat
- American and Japanese victories shunned- still belief of superiority
- Post ww1 decline of economy and flu
- Spain economically stagnant
General Miguel Primo de Rivera
- Appointed by alfonso XIII
- Country, religion, monarchy
- Won in Morocco
- Challenged by bankruptcy of state
Second Republic
- Alfonso leaves country
- Modernity and social Justice
- A lot of social reform, autonomy of historic regions
Opposition to republic
- Catholic church feared power would diminish
- Traditional factions (elites, clergy) threatened
- Thought freethinkers, protestants, atheists
- Landowners and industrialists
- Balfour- second republic anti-Spain
Initial leadership of republic
- Range of politics of leaders
- Turn corrupt system into pluralist democracy
- Zamora succeeded by azana- “spain is no longer catholic”
Challenges to second republic
- Recession
- Opposition from elites
- Weak state hold on society
- Not uniform modernization
- Powerful rural elite
- Fragmented, divided
Result of challenges to republic
- Right wing party CEDA victory
- Uprising in asturias and catalonia
- Unrest in countryside
- Start of civil war
Main issues of civil war
- Republicans (rebels) vs nationalists
- Nationalist- traditional order, church, unity, elites
- republicans- liberal democracy, pluralism, sovreignty
Bishop of Salamanca
-Soil of spain bloody conflict between two forces
International involvement
- Mussolini and Hitler helped nationalists
- Soviet union helped republicans
- US england france non-intervention- crucial to nationalist victory
Divided nation in civil war
- Massacres across spain
- Captured republicans, inc women and children
- Butterflys tongue
Fredrico Garcia Lorca
- Ode to salvador dali
- Death of creativity, etc night
Attack on Spanish Church
- Killing priests monks and nuns
- Churches looted and burned
- Mummified bodies put on display
- Picasso painting
- Animals, despair, grey
New world order
- US dominance
- Push for free trade
- Bretton wood- established plan to rebuild economy
- Open borders, pegging of US dollar to gold, capital abroad
3 Vital economic institution
IMF- international monetary fund
IBRD- international bank for reconstruction and development, later world bank
GAtt- general agreement on trade and tariffs, previously ITO
Import Substitution industrialization
- UN commission for Latin America (ECLA)
- Philosophy that trade with LA unfavorable due to low cost of primary good exports and high cost of manufactured imports
- Commodity prices volatile
- Recommend replacement of imports with production
- Focus on economic independence, national needs first
ISI frontrunners
- Argentina Brazil Mexico Chile Uruguay
- Pushed for barriers to trade to curtail imports
- Subsidized production at home
- Provided lo credit to expand industry
- Legislation regarding what percentage of production local
Challenges to ISI
- reliance on foreign investment, techonology, markets
- Channeling wealth to elites
- Reproducing models of patronage
- Lack of equitable land distribution for ag growth
Inefficient land management
- Landowners often used land for investment, prestige, not able to produce enough food
- result- poverty + starvation
From Economics to politics
- push towards democracy
- During vargas- fight against facism, allowed to demand rights for selves
- Focus on pluralism, freedom of speech
Guatemala ISI study
- Jorge Ubico- dictatorial regime
- Faced discontent among working classes
- US non involvement, Ubico ousted
Juan Jose Arevalo
- Educator and author, socialist
- Inspired by FDR
- Lots of labor, social reform
- National production institutie
- land redistribution
Challenges to Jocobo Arbenz
Difficult realities of long term reform
- Extortion and bribes from elites
- Challenges of distributing land
Glorious victory
-Diego rivera painting, US involvement, puppet government, banana crops