Marbury v. Dallas Cowboys Flashcards
Ruled the federal government had jurisdiction in the case of an individual (*___* of SC) against another state (*_*); led to Eleventh Amendment
Chisholm v. Georgia
John Marshall
Ruled Congress exceeded its power in Judiciary Act of 1789, establishing Supreme Court’s power to invalidate laws
Marbury v. Madison
CJ: John Marshall
- Dealt with giving Writ of Mandamus to a “midnight judge”
- Part of Judiciary Act of 1789 overturned
- Established Judicial Review
First state law ruled unconstitutional; case based on Yazoo land fraud
Fletcher v. Peck
John Marshall
Ruled Congress had authority to charter a national bank under “necessary and proper” clause, and that the Second National Bank was immune to
taxation from Baltimore County
McCulloch v. Maryland
John Marshall
- “the power to tax involves the power to destroy”
- said it was unconstitutional for Maryland to tax a state branch of the Second Bank of the US
- established Congress’s implied powers
Ruled state could not arbitrarily alter terms of a college’s contract
Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward
John Marshall
- Daniel Webster argued for Dartmouth
- His argument moved John Marshall to tears
- Invalidated New Hampshire’s attempt to invalidate Darmouth’s charter
- Said it was a private contract
Again overruled state law; case based on two brothers illegally selling lottery tickets
Cohens v. Virginia
John Marshall
Ruled that Congress could regulate commerce and struck down monopoly on NY-NJ ferries given to Ogden, Fitch, Livingston, and Fulton
Gibbons v. Ogden
John Marshall
-Steamship case
-Involved Cornelius Vanderbilt and Robert Fulton
Fulton, of course, invented the steamboat, the Clermont
-Congress can regulate interstate commerce
Ruled state of __ could not remove Cherokees, but Jackson did not enforce the decision (“Let him enforce it”)
Worcester v. Georgia
John Marshall
Ruled Bill of Rights did not apply to state governments; case based on a claim for compensation from city of _____ for reducing wharf’s value
Barron v. Baltimore
John Marshall
Ruled Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it deprived a person of his property (slaves) without due process, and that slaves are not citizens
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Roger Taney
Ruled Lincoln could not suspend habeas corpus for secessionist at Fort McHenry
Ex parte Merryman
Roger Taney
Ruled an Indiana civilian could not be tried in military courts when civil courts existed
Ex parte Milligan
Salmon P. Chase
Ruled unconstitutional a law requiring attorneys to have always been loyal to US
Ex parte Garland
Salmon P. Chase
Upheld laws supported by Grangers regulating railroad rates
Munn v. Illinois
Morrison Waite
Upheld conviction of Klansmen who prevented a black man from voting in GA
Ex parte Yarbrough
Morrison Waite
Ruled manufacturing was not commerce and so not
covered by Sherman Antitrust Act; let stand a sugar monopoly
United States v. E.C. Knight Co.
Melville Fuller
Ruled part of Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act that established an income tax was unconstitutional; led to Sixteenth Amendment
Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co.
Melville Fuller
Ruled constitutional a state law requiring separate but equal facilities for black and white passengers
Plessy v. Ferguson
Melville Fuller
- Separate but equal
- Dealt with man of mixed race trying to ride a train in Louisiana
- Written by justice Fuller
- Only dissenter was John Marshall Harlan
Ruled a holding company formed solely to eliminate
competition between two railroad lines violated antitrust act
Northern Securities Co. v. US
Melville Fuller
Limited power of states to regulate working conditions by finding in favor of Lochner, a NY bakery owner fined by the state
Lochner v. New York
Melville Fuller
- Law limiting hours of bakers unconstitutional
- Breached freedom of contract
Ruled constitutional a state law limiting the working hours of women
Muller v. Oregon
Melville Fuller
- Upheld limiting working hours for woman
- Brandeis Brief supported the law
Ruled secondary boycotts illegal under Sherman Antitrust Act
Loewe v. Lawler (Danbury Hatters)
Melville Fuller
Ruled ____ must be dissolved because of its unreasonable restraint of trade, not because of its size
Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey et al. v. US
Edward White