Mar 30- April 4th Renal Flashcards
- State the percentage of the resting cardiac output that normally becomes renal blood flow, and compare the amount of renal blood flow that goes to the renal cortex vs. to the renal medulla
20% of the resting cardiac output goes to the kidneys; all blood is delivered to the cortex and a small fraction (5%) is directed to the medulla (low blood flow in the medulla permits an interstitial environment that is different from blood plasma)
- Put the following into the sequence encountered by blood flowing through the kidney:
cortical radial artery, afferent arteriole, arcuate artery, peritubular capillaries, glomerular capillaries, renal vein, efferent arteriole, renal artery
renal artery; arcuate arteries, cortical radial arteries, afferent arterioles, efferent arterioles, peritubular capillaries, renal vein
Which part of the kidney is most vulnerable to ischemia and why?
there is limited blood flow via the vasa recta to maintain the concentration gradient, which means interstitial cells are particularly sensitive to changes in erythrocyte concentration (oxygen concentration) for erythropoietin levels
- Explain where vasa recta would occur, if they were on the list in the previous question
instead of branching to peritubular capillaries, vasa recta descend downward into the outer medulla, where they divide many times to form bundles of parallel vessels which penetrate deep into the medulla, then reform into ascending vasa recta that run in close association with the descending vasa recta
- Categorize all structures in the previous two questions as to whether they occur in the medulla or cortex of the kidney.: renal artery, arcuate arteries, cortical radial arteries, afferent arterioles, efferent arterioles, peritubular capillaries and vasa recta
Renal artery (medulla) Arcuate arteries (border between medulla and cortex) Cortical radial arteries (cortex) Afferent arterioles (cortex) Efferent arterioles (cortex) Peritubular capillaries (cortex) Vasa recta (medulla)
- List the average blood pressure inside glomerular and peritubular capillaries, and explain how the differences are important in their unique roles in renal function
arterial pressure is necessary to drive glomerular filtration whereas the low peritubular capillary pressure is equally necessary to permit the reabsorption of fluid; glomerular capillary pressure remains close to 60mmHg and 20 mmHg at the point where it feeds a peritubular capillary
- Describe the three layers that make up the glomerular filtration barrier.
- Endothelial cells of capillaries (perforated and permeable to everything in blood except cells and platelets), carries a negative charge
- Capillary basement membrane: acellular meshwork of glycoproteins and proteoglycans—selectivity around molecular size and charge
3, Epithelial podocytes that surround the capillaries which include slit diagphragms– selectivity around molecular size and charge
- Draw a graph that demonstrates how both the size and charge of a solute molecule affect its permeability at the renal corpuscle.
p412 of phys text book
more positively charged particles are filtered than neutral particles (decreasing filtration with size); less negatively charged particles are filtered than neutral particles (decreasing filtration with size
- Using Ca2+ as an example, explain how binding to albumin affects the degree to which plasma substances are filterable.
plasma proteins are virtually unfilterable, so substances that bind to them- like Ca2+, do not filter freely, 40% of Ca2+ is bound to plasma proteins and does not get filtered; not positively charged macro molecules are filtered to a greater extent than negatively charge particles (this does not affect mineral anions or low-molecular weight organic anions)
- List the Starling’s forces that are most influential in determining net glomerular filtration pressure, and explain whether each one favors filtration or opposes filtration.
fluid pressure in Bowman’s space (disfavors filtration; Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries (favors filtration); plasma proteins in the capillaries (disfavor filtration)
How would one calculate the rate of filtrations of glomerular capillaries based on its hydraulic permeability and surface area?
Rate of filtration= NFP (net filtration pressure ) Kf (filtration coefficient)
- State which of Starling’s forces changes the most along the length of glomerular capillaries.
the oncotic pressure in the glomerular capillaries does change substantially along the length of the glomeruli
- Explain the variables that constitute the filtration coefficient (Kf), and how Kf influences the GFR.
Filtration coefficient is used to denote the product of the hydraulic permeability and the area, changes are most often by glomerular disease but also by normal physiological control via chemical messengers that cause contraction of capillary loops reducing filtration area and GFR; increases in Kf mean greater GFR
Do the pressure in the glomerular capsule and the glomerular capillaries normally vary?
no. there is very little change throughout the capillary system, oncotic pressure has the greatest ability to change and there for affect GFR
What is the average NFP (net filtration pressure)
16 mmHg (8x greater than other systemic capillaries)
Describe a situation where changes in Kf (change in capillary surface area) causes variation in GFR.
with age and in disease, reduction in the number of functioning nephrons decreases, leads to decreased GFR
How could pressure of the glomerular capillaries change GFR?
increased afferent resistance decreases GFR, increase in efferent resistance increases GFR, where as the converse of each situation is true
- For each Starling force and for the Kf, determine how the glomerular filtration rate would be affected if the variable increased or decreased.
Kf can change via chemically caused constriction may restrict flow through some of the capillary loops, effectively reducing area available for filtration
Hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries PGC is influenced by many factors, changing the diameter of vessels before or after the glomerulus can drastically change GFR depending on the spot. Upstream constriction can reduce GFR while downstream constriction can increase GFR
PBC changes are of minor importance save any obstruction in the urinary tract which will cause building pressure upstream
Oncontic pressure of the plasma in vessels of the glomerulus will increase slowly through the capillaries as water leaves—steep increases occur when RBF is very low; liver disease (lack of plasma proteins) will decrease pressure also; high oncotic pressure will decrease GFR
- Explain how increasing and decreasing the radius of afferent and efferent arterioles independently affects renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate
Glomerular capillary pressure is regulated by the diameter changes in efferent and afferent vessels (sites of largest resistance); renal blood flow can remain constant despite pressure changes that cause change in the GFR by constriction and dilation
- Describe a clinical situation in which GFR is altered due to a change in the pressure within Bowman’s capsule (PBC).
If the urinary tract is blocked by a kidney stone, the increase of pressure in bowman’s capsule will oppose filtration and decrease GFR
- Detail the mechanism by which a reduction in the liver’s production of plasma proteins can affect renal function.
Decreasing liver production of plasma proteins decreases the oncotic pressure in the capillaries, which will increase overall filtration
- Explain how changes in renal plasma flow and the filtration fraction indirectly affect oncotic pressure in glomerular capillaries (πgc ) and thus GFR.
Slower flow can cause a greater amount of plasma to be removed, and a large concentration of plasma proteins in capillaries (decreasing filtration)
- Define “filtered load” and write the equation that can be used to calculate it for any given substance.
Filtered load is the amount of substance that is filtered per unit time, for freely filtered substances, this is the GFR and the plasma concentration (product)
Filtered Load = GFR x [substrate in plasma], filtered load is measured in mg/min of a given substrate NOTE concentration of the substrate needs to be correct if the substance is not freely filterable
How do you calculate the filtration fraction?
GFR/RPF (renal plasma flow)
- Explain the overall purpose of renal autoregulation, and detail how the myogenic response plays a role in autoregulation.
Autoregulation (arteriolar myogenic mechanisms) is important for kidneys to keep the FGR at a level appropriate for the body in regards to salt and water levels; because GFR is so strongly influenced by renal arterial pressure so autoregulation protects the glomerular capillaries from hypertensive damage (autoregulation cannot totally offset the affects of hypertension) — affects are partly a result of myogenic response and a result of other complicated intrarenal signals that affect vascular resistance and mesangial cell contraction
Given that the amount of Na+ that the nephron filters and reabsorbs varies with GFR and plasma concentration, how might the body actively change the Na+ levels in the body
Na+ balance can thus be altered by changes in GFR
- Compare the osmolarities of the glomerular plasma, filtrate in Bowman’s space, and filtrate at the end of the proximal tubule, and explain how these osmolarities are maintained despite reabsorption of large amounts of fluid.
Most of the reabsorption in the the proximal tubules are nearly iso-osmotic, by the end of the proximal tubule is filtrate is still isosmotic because solutes are reabsorbed in equal amounts to water
What happens to GFR and blood flow with increased blood pressure?
both flow and GFR do increase with increased blood pressure but they do so slowly due to compensation of auto regulation
What is not filtrated into Bowman’s capsule? (the catch to “virtually isoosmotic”)
larger proteins do not leave the circulation (generally speaking)
Where does regulated reabsorption occur, compared to areas where reabsorption is iso-osmotic?
iso-osmotic reabsorption occurs in the proximal tubules, regulated absorptions occurs in distal tubules, collecting ductules and collecting tubules