Mar-17Ethi Flashcards


Mar-17Ethi -Index


9.1. Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence

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Why in News?
 Recently companies like Foxconn technology and Ford has
announced to replace 60000 human jobs by robots powered
by artificial intelligence.
Need of artificial intelligence
 To manage large amounts of data being generated on
online social media and the internet, artificial intelligence becomes the need of the hour.
 Companies use this technology to achieve economies of scale in their respective fields. Eg. Automobile industry
 Governments globally use this technology to promote national security and to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

 Artificial intelligence is today being used in a variety of dimensions:
o Robotics:
 It is improving the field of robotics by making humanoid robots reality: ones which can think and act like humans.
 Artificial intelligence also helps to make assembly line robots to help in improving the efficiency of monotonous works in industries.
o Big data:
 Artificial intelligence enables collating and dissemination of vast amount of information in sectors like banking, finance, aviation etc.
o Miscellaneous:
 Artificial Intelligence can use data from GIS and satellites to promote exploration of minerals and other valuable products.
 Language assistants like Siri and Google Assistant are examples of artificial intelligence given in smart phones which increase customer satisfaction.
 Better artificial intelligence increases the risks of snooping activities by government thus violating privacy.
 Increasing reliance on digital realm also increases the risks of cyber security.
 Despite technological advancements, the cost of artificial intelligence systems still remains high.
 Loss of livelihoods due to artificial intelligence may also lead some dire social consequences like impact on mental health, social relations etc.

Way forward
 Right to privacy is indirectly granted as a fundamental right. There is a need for better scrutiny and regulation of artificially intelligent systems. Eg. A consortium of Facebook, Google and Amazon have launched to platform to promote ethical use of artificial intelligence.
 Alternative livelihood should be created for the displaced workers.
 Government should also come with a comprehensive policy which can delineate the regulatory procedure for artificial intelligence and also determine the ways and goals for which it would be used.
(For Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Please refer to the VISION IAS Mains 365 Science and Technology module)

Box–Deep Learning
It is technology of artificial intelligence (the science and engineering of making intelligent machines) which uses a brain-like processing architecture to recognize patterns in large data sets.

—-TABLE—-Ethical Issues involved
What ought to be done?
1. Artificial intelligence based on deep learning is becoming responsible for increasing automation that is causing large scale retrenchment of workers.
o Therefore economic benefit from better automation is dominating over social benefits.
o This may also increase socio-economic inequalities.
 There needs to be create a balance between the usage of artificial intelligence and manual labour.
 Labour should only be done away with when the alternatives to using artificial intelligence are absent.
2. Increasing complexity of computer systems also creates privacy and security concerns.
 Privacy is a part of a dignified life and it ought not to be overlooked unless public interest is served.
3. As and when the robots become more lifelike with the use of artificial intelligence, there are concerns of legal rights of such artificial machines.
 The machines ought to be defined within a law to prevent them from getting misused.

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