Mapeh Exam 2 Flashcards
Rich & diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds of diffirent of language
Music of Africa
a person leads by singing a phrase and fallowed and answered by a group of singers
Call & Response
Important role in their daily life, from birth until death
Traditional music of africa
kye kye kule
african song
Meaning of DSLR
Digital single lens reflex camera
a form of communication
Technology-based art
Meaning of BWF
Badminto World Federation
International Table Tennis Federation
what are the 2 hightest Goverment/governing body?
Meaning of MARR
Make Alter Revise Rule
Rules & assigning and replacing match official rewarding points
Checks equipment and playing area condition
Record score in accordance with the rule
decides each rally as a point or let (fault)
Conducts draw for choice of serving, receiving and ends
warning of 2
Yellow card
termination 1
Red card
Ping-pong & Whif-whaf
table tennis
how many shutlecock feathers are they
14 to 16
the responsible parenthood and reproductive health ant of 2012
Republic act no 10354
tobacco regulation act of 2003
republic act no 9211
comprehensive dangerous drug act of 2009
republic act no 9165
the comsumer act of the phil
republic act no 7394
national environmetal awareness and education act no 2008
Rep act no 9512
tradional and alternative medicine act of 1997
rep act no 8423
the phil AIDS prevention and control act of 1998
rep act no 8504
national blood service
rep act no 7719
seat belt use act of 1999
rep act no 8750
child pornography act of 2009
rep act no 9775
cycbercrime prevention act of 2012
rep act no 10175