Map Skills Terms Flashcards
An imaginary line the earth rotates around
This is the part of the map that looks like a ruler. It’s a line that is used to measure distance on a map. The line is divided into units that are equivalent to the scale of the map.
Bar scale
This is one way to give directions cardinal directions use north,south, east and west.
Cardinal directions
The art, science and technology of making maps
A diagram on a map that shows cardinal directions
Compass rose
A unit used to measure latitude and longitude. Also, unit of measurement of angles, one three-hundred-and-sixtieth of the circumference of a circle
A height measured above sea level
An imaginary line of latitude drawn around the largest circumference of the earth
A half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, Or into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles
Imaginary lines going east to west measuring how far north or South from the equator a location is
A map is covered and symbols, lines and other strange figures. The legend is a short description of the symbols and figures so you can read what information is provided
Imaginary lines going north to south measuring how far east or west from the Prime Meridian and location is
This is the direction a compass needle points
Magnetic north
Imaginary line of longitude which is considered to be at 0°
Circles on a globe that are horizontal or parallel to the equator. All the points have the same latitude
Map which shows the natural regions and features
Physical map
A place on a map or latitude and longitude intersect
Map which shows countries, borders, and major cities
Political map
The surface of the ocean
Sea level
A region that has the same time everywhere within it. There are 24 standard time zones in the world, each one with a space of one hour.
Time zone
Map showing natural and/or physical features of the landscape, including altitude contours. Also called contour map
Topographical map