Map Projections, Coordinates, Scale Topic Flashcards
What shape is the earth?
The earth is an oblate.
This is a spheroid squashed by 1/298th
What is a disadvantage of map projections?
What are the three characteristics of a map?
Define the map characteristic Class.
It is a developable surface. There is planar cylinder, cone, plane
What are some attributes of cylindrical projection.
The map image is as if you wrapped a cylinder around a globe.
Longitude is equal spacing, parallel a straight lines
Latitude is straight lines but not equally spaced
Top and bottom stretched scale
What is an example of a cylindrical projection?
Mercator conformal cylindrical
What are the characteristics of conic projection?
Like wrapping a cone over one section of the earth.
Longitude lines are diverging straight lines
Latitude are parallel curved lines
What is an example of a conic projection?
Lambert conformal conic
What are the characteristics of a planar projection?
Longitude lines are straight equally spaced radiating from the centre
Latitude centred circles that are equally spaced
What does the map case refer to?
Where and how the developmental surface intersects with a reference globe.
What is a map aspect refer to?
The position of projection centre.
True or False
Is Earth a sphere?
What method do we use to ‘unroll’ the earth and make it flat
What are the advantages of a globe?
Directions, distances, areas and angles all remain true
What are the disadvantages of a globe?
Small scale with little detail
Difficult to carry around
Bulky to store
Costly to reproduce