Māori Made Easy 1. Flashcards
How many fingers?
E hia ngā matimati?
There is one horse
Kotahi te hōiho
How many men went?
Tokohia ngā tāne i haere?
164 old men
Kotahi rau, ono tekau mā whā ngā koroua.
How many drinks do you want?
Kia hia ngā inu māu?
Seven books for me
Kia whitu ngā pukapuka māku
Give me 3 eggs
Hōmai kia toru ngā hēki māku
Where are you from?
Nō hea koe?
2 ways to say Where are you going?
Ki hea tō haere?
Kei te haere koe ki hea?
Goodbye (you’re staying)
Haere rā
Goodbye (youre going)
E noho rā
Its a pleasure to meet you
Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe
Will he run tomorrow?
Ka oma ia āpōpō?
What are you doing?
Kei te aha koe?
He is not going
Kāore ia i te haere
She is not going (e ana)
Kāore ia e haere ana
Will she run tomorrow?
Ka oma ia āpōpō?
She will arrive tomorrow
Ka tae mai ia āpōpō
Mere will not be sad
Kāore a Mere e pōuri
She bought food
I hoko kai ia
The dog did not die
Kāore te kuri i mate
Have the children slept?
Kua moe ngā tamariki?
The boy has not yet climbed the tree
Kāore anō te tama kia piki te rākau
Are we (you & I) playing?
Kei te tākaro tāua
We (me and him) are talking
Kei te kōrero māua
They are washing clothes
Kei te whakamau kākahu rāua
We (you & i) are eating
Kei te kai tāua
Lets (us all) go and buy some food
Me haere tātou ki te hoko kai
No, us guys haven’t spoken
Kāore anō mātou kia kōrero
Are we all going to go to the party
Kei te haere tātou ki te ngahau
You guys’ hats
He pōtae ō kōrua
Their grandmother has died
Kua mate tō rāua kuia
Mere has a pen
He pene tā Mere
His nephew has got a hat
He pōtae tō tōna irāmutu
She’s got houses
He whare ōna
Is this our (us not you) car?
He waka tō mātou?
Do you have a cat?
He ngeru tāu?
Do you guys have a good teacher?
He kaiako pai tō koutou?
Thats the boy of Mere and of Māka
Koia te tama a Mere rāua ko Māka
Theres their cat
Ko tā rāua ngeru tērā
I don’t have a pen
Kāore āku pene
They (2) dont have a sea-boat
Kāore ō rāua waka moana
(Always pleural when negating)
Thats all of our food
Arā tā tātou kai
Has our (not your) dog been inside the house?
Kua kuhu tā mātou kuri ki roto i te whare?
Ruapehu is our (not your) mountain
Ko Ruapehu tō mātou maunga
I am going to your(pl) house
Kei te haere au ki tō koutou whare
Here is our food
Anei ā tātou kai
Ko Wiremu tāna tāne
Wiremu is her husband
My books are at school
Kei te kura āku pukapuka
My relatives are here?
Kei konei ōku whanaunga
That’s tge family’s boat
Ko te waka moana o te whānau
Lets go back to our place
Me haere ki tō tātou whare
His arms are long
He roa ōna ringaringa
Put your warm clothes on
Me kuhu i ō koutou kākahu mahana
Their pillows are these
ō rātou aupuru enei
Aupuru - I plug.
He is our prime minister
Koia tō tātou Pirimia
Mā wai tēnei kai
For whom is this food?
This house is for who?
Mō wai tēnei whare
This apple is for you
Māu tēnei āporo
A house is for the family
He whare mō te whānau
The bags for me
Māku te peke
The cup of tea is for her
Māna te kapu tī
Jason is baking a cake for us
Kei te tunu keke a jason mā tātou
The water’s for me
Mōku te wai
The clothes are not for the children
Ehara i te mea mō ngā tamariki ngā kākahu
The food is not for you
Ehara i te mea māu te kai
This car is not for Rewi & Hemi
Ehara i te mea mō Rewi rāua ko Hemi te waka
This food belongs to the visitors
Nā ngā manuhiri te kai
The cup of tea is his
He has a cup of tea
Nāna te kapu ti
He kapu ti tāna
This new toy belongs to those 3
Nā rātou te taputapu tākaro hōu
That book is mine
Nāku tēra pukapuka
The car doesnt belong to the school
Ehara i te kura te waka
Beginner way: Ehara nō te kura te Whare.
I have 2 younger brothers
Tokorua aku tēina
Mere will take me back to Rotorua
Mā Mere ahau e whakahoki ki Rotorua
Mere (emphatic) will not shoot the dog (2)
Ehara i te mea mā Mere te kuri e patu
Kaua mā Mere te kurī e patu
The blankets belong to us 2 (emphatic)
Nō māua Ngā paraikete
Who took me back to Rotorua?
Nā wai ahau i whakahoki ki Rotorua?
The kids didnt foldthe clothes
(Agent emphatic)
Ehara i te mea Nā ngā tamariki ngā kākahu i whātui
Dont use kaua
Their hats were on the roof (2 people)
I runga ō rāua pōtae i te tuanui
The bird is not on the roof of the house
Kāore te manu i runga i te tuanui o te whare
Both present & past use i
Who is in the car
Ko wai kei roto i te waka?
The birds are on top of the house singing
Kei runga ngā manu i te whare e waiata ana.
They were in the forest walking
I roto rātou i te ngahere e hikoi ana
The bird is not on the house singing
Kāore te manu i runga i te whare e waiata ana.
Your children have got your shoes
Kei āu tamariki ōu hū
You don’t have my wallet do you?
Kāore tāku honae i a koe, nē?
Kei a koe but negative
What are those types of drinks by you?
He aha ēnā momo inu
Momo - types/varirties
He/she is not an influential person
Ehara ia i te tangata whai mana
This is not a beautiful treasure
Ehara tēnei i te taonga ātaahua
He doesn’t have a black car
Kāore ōna waka pango
N.b. Statement saying the thing is beautiful is ehara. Statement saying they dont have is kāore and pleural.
We are expert canoe builders
He tohunga mātou ki te hanga waka
Your team are unskilled at catching
He ninipa tō kapa ki te hopu pōro
Ninipa - unskilled
Whores catch poo
Kiri is faster than those kids
He tere ake a Kiri i ērā tamariki
Hemi is better than all of us at caring for guests
He pai ake a Hemi i te katoa o tātou ki te tiaki manuhiri
You are right
He tika tāu
If you had tackled (rutu) him we would have won.
Mēnā i rutu koe i a ia, kua toa tātou
Work for all tenses. Ki te only for future.
If you go in Mere’s car you’ll be late
Ki te haere koe mā runga te waka o Mere, ka tōmuri koe.
If i am absent for 2 days my girlfriend will cry.
Ki te ngaro au mō ngā rā e rua, ka tangi taku wahine.
If you don’t go i will not cry
Ki te kore koe e haere, ka kore au e tangi.
Can use kāore on second half
When will you guys learn? (2)
Āhea koutou ako ai? (Expert)
Āhea ka ako koutou?
When will Hemi get a girlfriend
Āhea a Hemi whai wahine ai?
When the plane lands you will see Papa
Kia tau mai te waka rererangi ka kite koe i a Papa.
Hauwhā i te whitu karaka i te pō
When did Hemi buy his new car
Nōnahea/Inahea a Hemi i hoko ai i tōna waka hōu?
i before the verb. Not with future tense.
Recently mere arrived
Inakuanei a Mere i tae mai ai
(No i in future tense)
Rangi didnt marry jo last week
Kāore a Rangi i mārena i a jo i tērā wiki
When did you get up this morning?
Nōnahea koe i oho ai i te ata nei
When were you born?
Nōnahea koe i whānau ai?
There’s no cars here
Kāore he waka i konei
Every half hour the bus leaves
Ia haurua hāora, ka wehe te pahi
How much for bread
E hia te utu mō te parāoa
The cat killed the bird (passive)
I patua te manu e te ngeru
The children are not being awoken by the old ladt (passive)
Kāore ngā tamariki i te whakaohoa e te kuia
Who allowed those 2 to live together
Nā wai rāua i tuku kia noho tahi
Tuku many meanings
Kia - so that
If i was his/her boss i would talk to him/her
Mēnā ko au tana rangatira mahi, ka korero au ki ia.
It looks like….
Te āhua nei
Can you lift this box
Ka taea e koe tēnei pouaka te hiki
Able to
(māu better if asking to do something, mōhio better for know how to do it)
The family can bring the bird back to health
Ka taea e te whānau te manu te whakaora.
The girl is not able to climb the tree
Kāore e taea e te kōtiro te rakau te piki
You can’t
Kāore e taea e koe
Eat your toast (passive)
Kāinga ō tōhi
Dont look here
Kaua e titiro mai
Dont pursue knowledge
Kaua e whāia te mātauranga
Its just me
Ko au noa iho
The family departed overseas
I wehe atu te whānau ki tāwāhi
Be determined
Kia toa
Make your beds properly
Start with kia
Kia tika tā koutou whakapai moenga
Like saying Kia tika tōu haere
The window has been broken by her
Kua pakaru i a ia te matapihi
My belly has been satisfied by many crayfish
Kua mākona taku puku i te maha o ngā kōura
The bird hasn’t been killed by the cat
Kāore anō te manu kia mate i te ngeru
The child hasnt finished the food
Kāore anō te kai kia pau i ngā tamariki
The hat won’t be lost by Mere
Kāore Tana pōtae e ngaro i a Mere
Why did you cry?
He aha koe i tangi ai?
Why did Dave throw the first snapper back in the ocean
He aha a Dave i whiu ai i te tāmure tuatahi ki te moana?
Why didnt the children eat the apples
He aha ngā tamariki i kore ai e kai i ngā āporo?
I kore ai e
Past tense
Because i was being lonely
Nā te mea i te mokemoke au
Because i will laugh
Nā te mea ka kata au
Because i like it (he . . . Nō style)
He rata nōku
Only can be used in the definite past tense.
When asked why you went in, you reply: so i can hear her song
Use ai
Kia rongo ai au i tana waiata
He aha rātou i rūkahu ai ki te kapa atu?
You answer so they wouldnt know what to do.
Kia kore ai rātou e mōhio me aha.
Me aha - should do
So that i won’t miss the rugby
(Use an ai)
Kia kore ai e mahue te whutupōro i a au.
Be alert, you will crash your car
Kia mataara, ka tuki tō waka
What’s the cost of the two beers?
E hia te utu o ngā pia e rua?
I have paid all my debts
Kua ea āku Nama I ahau
I have paid all my debts
Kua ea āku Nama I ahau
Now, I must get drunk
Inaianei, me poro haurangi au