MAOR102 Kupu List 4 Flashcards
it’s not as if…
ehara i te mea
whiu (a)
to throw (to be thrown)
I muri mai o tērā
After that (in the past)
kimi (hia)
to look for / seek (to be looked for / sought out)
to swim
nāwai rā
patu (a)
to strike / beat (to be struck / beaten)
According to Mere
E ai ki a Mere
ā te tau e tū mai nei
next year
next year
ā te tau e tū mai nei
relating to
e pā ana ki
to wear (clothing)
kāore e kore
without a doubt
to look after / care for
without a doubt
kāore e kore
and then…
kātahi, ka (verb)
In my opinion / I think
Ki ōku nei whakaaro
E ai ki a Mere
According to Mere
kāore e roa
it won’t be long (before)…
to support (to be supported)
tautoko (na)
to urge / encourage
to wait
tatari (tāria)
mō ake tonu atu
I mua atu o tērā
Before that (in the past)
to prepare / arrange (to be prepared / arranged)
whakarite (a)
it wasn’t long (before)…
kāore i roa
it looks as though
ko te āhua nei
kātahi, ka (verb)
and then…
mō ake tonu atu
here (a)
to tie / bind (to be tied / bound)
to urge / encourage