Manuscript 2 Flashcards
Can you explain Common Method Variance?
Are there items that can’t be changed in the NHANES FI
Why do some tools need age and sex considerations and others don’t?
What is the implications of modifying a tool?
Why did you use accelerometer for this paper? Why these cut off values?
Why did you select these frailty tools?
Why are MVPA and RT training so highly impacted?
Are there other differences one could consider outside age and sex?
Why did you use those 60 and older?
Do you have an option to which tool is best?
Are there other tools outside these ones that could be of concern?
Do you think there would be a difference between sedentary time and stationary time?
What is the impact of a 4-item Frailty Index?
Is weight loss and muscle wasting the same thing?
Are there limitations to how these questions got modified? or how the questions get asked in general?