What is the Manufacturing Cells?
Group of machines (cell) of different types that completely fabricates a range of “similar” products or parts (FAMILIES)
*Machines are grouped and placed according to the product/part families manufactured.
*Inter-cellular flows (from one cell to another one) are not “allowed”
How is it possible to group the different machines in order to create the manufacturing cells?
Manufacturing cells (together with product/part families) are constituted by applying models of GROUP TECHNOLOGY (GT)
What about the features of GROUP TECHNOLOGY?
- GT is strongly related to cellular manufacturing (also known as “group manufacturing”)
- GT has a wide operation range both in terms of volume and product mix
How products/parts are grouped?
Parts/products are grouped into PART/PRODUCT FAMILIES
Based on what are the machines grouped?
Machines with different technologies are grouped based on the Processing requirements of each product family.
So we get machines with different technologies are grouped within the same manuf. cell.
Is the inter-cell moving allowed?
NO. In manufacturing cells the mahcines are dedicated to manufacture the same product type, creating thus a Product layout.
What does it mean the Product Layout in manuf. cells?
NON inter-cell moving: Each product has its own routing within the cell.
This allows to avoid material interweave ( which is a drawback in Job Shops).
Based on which conditions are the Manuf. Cell applied?
- When there is a limited range of product variants.
* Customer’s demand remains stable
- Rationalization of material flow
- Setup time reduction
- Production managmeent is easier w.r.t Job Shops
Strengths w.r.t the Job Shops?
- WIP reduction
- Lead Time (LT) reduction
- More reliability in estimating the delivery lead times:
Since WIP is lower.
Why is there a higher razionalitacion of material flow?
- Because when NON-inter cell moving is aplied (case of completely cell independence), all the material’s flow remains within the same cell.
Which are the benefits of the Rationalization of material flow?
- This leads to a reduction in interweave of material w.r.t Job shops
- Time reduction and more productivity in material’s handling sincethe machines to be visited are closer.
Why is there a setup time reduction?
Because it is possible by means of using a Family of Tools (tools used for the same product family), since the machines are focused on the same product type/family.
Why is the production management easier in Manufactu. Cell w.r.t Job Shops?
- Reduced size of the cell system.
- Reduced set/variety of parts/products manufactured within the cell.
- Reduced WIP: Guarantees that machines are sufficiently fed up and utilized.
- Machines are closer so there is a higher quality control.
More stengths?
- Job enlargement + job enrichment for employees: SInce machines are closer and workers have more responsabilities (like quality control).
- Team work within the cell
- Unification of product and process responsibilities
- More control on the quality characteristics of the products
Regarding the job enrichment of workers w.r.t Job Shops?
In JOb Shops: , The division in functional departments (based on technological capacity of machines), leads to alimitiation in the worker’s responsabilities. Therefore they loss control of the whole product proces.
Conversely, in Manuf. Cells: Workers working within the same cell and focused on the same product type, have a higher number of responsabilities and have a higher control of the product process.