Learn about Manufacturing Pharmacy
The packaging, repacking, or changing the container, wrapper or label of any drug package in preparation for its distribution from the manufacturer to the final user.
Small scale preparation of drug products, prescription order specific to a particular patient
Extemporaneous compounding
Finished dosage form with or without active ingredients
Drug product
Pharmaceutical form of the preparation based on official pharmacopeia
Dosage form
Produced from a single order within same cycle of manufacturing
Specified portion of batch
Means a desgination printed on the label of a drug or device that identifies the batch, and oermits thr production history of the batch including all stages of manufacture and control, to be traced and reviewed
Batch number
Refers to any distinctive combinations of letters and/or numbers assigned to a particular lot, herein drfined as a portion of a batch
Lot number
Any establishments engaged in operations involbed in the production of a drug, including propagation, processing, compounding, finishing, filling, packing, repacking, altering, ornamenting and labeling with the end in view of storage, distribution or sale of the product: provided that for the purpose of this regulation the compounding and filling of prescriptions in drugstores and hospital pharmacies shall not be considered as production operations
Drug manufacturer
Any establishment which is a registered owner of the drug product, procures the materials and packaging components, and provides the production monographs, quality control standards and procedures, BUT sub-contracts, the manufacture of such product to a licensed manufacturer. In addition, a trader may also engage in distribution, and/or marketing of its product.
Drug trader
Means any establishments that imports raw materials, active ingredients and/or finished products for its own use or for wholesale distribution to other drug establishments or outlets
Means any drug establishments that exports raw materials, active ingredients and/or finished products to another country
Means any drug estsblishment that exports raw materials, active ingredients and/or finished products from local establishments for local distribution on wholesale bases
Department in drug establishment responsible for the sale and distribution of drugs
Marketing department
Department in a drug establishment responsible for procuring raw materials and packaging materials
Purchasing department