manuevers Flashcards
Engine Failure in flight
Airspeed - 76
suitable landing area
fuel selector - switch to opposite tank
fuel pump - on
mixture - rich
alternate air - open
left/right mag switcher - check
engine fire during start
continue to crank starter
mixture - cut off
throttle - open
fuel pump - off
fuel selector - off
electrical fire in flight
emergency battery switch - verify on
battery switch - off
alternator switch - off
engine failure during takeoff - if sufficient runway remains for a complete stop
power - idle
airspeed - maintain safe airspeed
landing - land and stop striaght away
brakes - as required
engine failure during takeoff - if sufficient runway remains for a complete stop
power - idle
airspeed - maintain safe airspeed
flaps - as required
engine failure during takeoff - if sufficient altitude gained
airspeed - 76 knots
fuel selector - switch
fuel pump - on
mixture - rich
alternate air - open
mags - check
normal takeoff
flaps set to 0
clace control yoke fully into the wind
smoothly apply full power
reduce airleron input as speed increases to maintain level flight attitude
apply back pressure for lift off at Vr - 60 knots
initial climb at Vy of 76 kias
when leaving traffic pattern cruise climb at 87 kias
normal landing
on downwind airspeed 90
abeam touchdown point, reduce the power to 1500RPM, extend flaps 10
establish a descent at 90
on base extend flaps to 25 - 80 kias
on final flaps 40 - 70 kias
short final reduce airspeed - 66kias
touchdown - yoke fully aft apply brakes as needed
slow flight
clearing turns
reduce power to approximately 1500RPM
reduce airspeed to 50-55
add flaps as desired
add power to as required to maintain altitude
change to maintain direction/airspeed/altitude
apply power as needed
smoothly apply power
maintain level
rectract flaps
allow the aircraft to continue to accelerate
reduce power after reaching cruise airspeed
after landing stall
clearing turns
reduce power to 1500 RPM
gradually add flaps full below Vfe maintain altitude
power idle
establish glide
enter 20-30 bank
maintain altitude with backpressure until stall occurs
pitch should not exceed 5 degree
release sufficiton bacpressure
apply full power
minimize altitude loss
accelerate to 64
reduce power in cruise
takeoff stall
clearing turns
reduce power to 1500 rpm
select flaps 25
maintain altitude with backpressure
at 70 kias increase full power
enter 20-30 bank
smoothly increase the pitch until stall
reduce AOA
minimize altitude loss
accelerate to 76
retract flaps
level off and reduce power to cruise
departure stall
clearing turns
reduce power to 1500 RPM
maintain altitude with backpressure
at 70 add full power
enter 20-30 bank
smoothly increase pitch for stall
reduce AOA
minimize altitude lost
accelerate to 76
return to cruise
Accelerated stall
clearing turns
reduce power to 1500 RPM
below 80 kias with 45-60 turn
increase backpressure unitl stall activation
no altitude loss
reduce AOA
return cruise
Elevator Trim Stall
clearing turns
reduce 1500 RPM
maintain altitude with backpressure
apply full flaps below Vfe
pull power to idle
establish glide at 70kias
apply full power and allow pitch to increase to stall
Forward Pressure to reduce AOA
retrim aircraft
confirm full power
minimize altitude loss
accelerate to 76
gradually retract flaps
Secondary Stall
clearing turns
reduce to 1500RPM
initiate takeoff stall entry and recovery
on recovery increase pitch until secondary stall
reduce AOA
confirm full power
minimize altitude loss
retract flaps
Cross Control Stall
clearing turns
reduce to 1500 RPM
establish 66 kias glide
enter 20-30 bank
apply inside rudder and opposite aileron
apply backpressure
release backpressure
coordinate flight controls
minimize altitude loss
accelerate 76
reduce power to cruise
Rectangular Course
descend 1000 AGL
airspeed 90 kias
clearing turns
pick a prominent rectangle away from significant obstacles with long sides aligned with the wind as best as possible
enter manuever downwind at 45 degree angle
ground track must be parallel
each side
Turns Around A Point
pick prominent landmark
airspeed 90
1000 AGL
clearing turns
make constant radiu around circle
steepest bank 45
2 circles
S Turns
pick a road - fence - long line
descend 1000 AGL
clearing turns
enter the maneuver downwind perpendicular to the road
begin coordinated turn to the left or righ and complete half circle
do same in opposite direction
Eights on Pylons
clearing turns
pivotal altitude
turn downwind
descend to 1400AGL
set cruise to 2300RPM and 100 kias
tune pivotal altitude
select two pylone
enter 45 degree to downwind
abeam first pylon roll in adequate bank to put wingtip coke can away from pylon
adjust altitute to keep wingtip on pylon
roll onto second pylon
roll out on entry heading
Steep Turns
clearing turns
100 kias
smoothly roll into 45/50 bank
maintain altitude
add power
turn 360 in each direction
roll out on entry heading
steep spirals
climb to altitude that allow three turns to be completed before 1500AGL
clearing turns
pick an intersection or prominent point
enter downwind
when abeam the point, reduce power idle
roll into bank not exceed 55
establish Vg of 76
vary bank in order to maintain constant radius
clear engine each 360
roll out on entry heading
set cruise
clearing turns
airspeed 100
roll into 30 bank with minimum change of heading
increase pitch slowly
smoothly apply power
constant bank increase pitch for 90 degrees
next 90 degrees hold pitch and roll out bank
at 180 should be max nose up wings level
Emergency Descent
clearing turns
throttle idle
flaps full below Vfe
bank 30-45 and maintain Vfe
approaching assigned altitude, no lower than 1000 AGL and full power
established tpitch attitude to maintain level altitude
gradually retract
establish positive rate at Vy in clean configuration