Manual Ventilation Devices Flashcards
Manual Ventilation Equipment includes:
- Masks
- Airway adjuncts (oral or NP airways)
- Manual Ventilators (resuscitation devices) such as self inflating (Ambu bag) and non-self inflating (flow-inflating) bag
Basics of Non Rapid Sequence General Anesthesia Induction
- Pre-Anesthesia Safety Check (APSF)
- Apply monitors (Minimally: ECF, NIBP, Pulse Ox)
- Pre-oxygenation
- Induction Drugs (render patient unconscious and apnea and possibly paralyzed)
- Mask ventialtion*******
- Airways management Device Placement and securement
Positive Pressure Manual Ventilation
- The ability to use your hands to breathe for a patient is an essential anesthesia skill.
- Through the use of manual ventilation device (AMBU)
- use of manual ventilation mode on anesthesia machine - Even more important that intubation
- Worse case scenario: cant intubate, cannot ventilation (difficult airway algorithm)
Manual Ventilation Indications (5)
- Bridge to placement of more secure airway (ETT, supraglottic airway)
- Anesthesia machine ventilator failure or circuit malfunction
- Excessive sedation and respiratory depression in MAC Case
- Transporting patients to ICU or from satellite anesthesia locations to PACU
- Any emergency code situations or loss of airway
Manual ventilation relative Contraindications for GA
- Full stomach or increased risk of aspiration risk is number one*
- Anticipated or known difficult airway=RSI
- Facial trauma or anomalies of the face which would make mask ventilation difficult
Mask Ventilation Technique
- Optimal “Ramped” Position
- Use of oral or NP airways
- Correct mask size and fit
- Jaw Thrust and proper hand positions
Supine airway anatomy
- Obstruction further increase with decrease pharyngeal muscle tone (due to sedation or muscle relaxants)
- Ramping position will help alleviate this*
What position helps alleviate upper airway obstruction?
- Bringing the EAC up to or at the sternal level will help alleviate upper airway obstruction and enhance intubation view
Oral airway positioning technique
- Scissor mouth open and pull jaw forward
- Insert airway “upside down” and turn 180 degrees as you approach posterior pharynx (this pushes tongue out of the way)
- Flange should rest above teeth
- Use tongue blade to displace tongue and insert airway if needed
Sizing oral airways
- Flange should go from mouth to earlobe
Size and fit of mask
- Proper size and fit to obtain a good seal
- should sit over the bridge of patient’s nose without putting pressure on the eyes
- sides should seal just lateral to nasal folds with the bottom of the face mask sitting between lower lip and chin
- in the awake patient the mask if held in this position either by hand of by attaching a hardness behind head
- standard sizes 4-5 fit the majority of adults
- sizes 0-3 are for pediatric use
Who to use oral airways on?
- Edentulous patients (lacking teeth)
- Down syndrome and pediatric patients with large tongues
- Sleep apnea patients
- Never really hurst to place one (be careful with loose teeth)
- Make sure patient is deep enough
What stage of anesthesia can laryngospasms occur in besides induction and emergence?
- Second stage of anesthesia
- Vocal cords slam shut to prevent liquid, blood, or anything from getting into lungs
- When patients are deeply asleep they lose this protective airway reflex
Sizing of Nasopharyngeal Airways and insertion
- Flange should reach from nose to earlobe
- Gentle insertion with bevel towards septum (stop if resistance) is felt.
- If using left nostril, insert with bevel towards septum and turn 180 degrees with NP airway is about half way in
NP airways
- Great for when patient cannot open mouth
- Tolerated better for those with intact gag reflex
- May cause nose bleeds- caution with anti coagulated patients- never force NP airway
- Contraindicated in patient with basilar skull fracture
Chin lift, Jaw thrust
- Use fingers to physically push the posterior angles of mandible upwards
Jaw Thrust one handed technique
- Place correct sized mask over the nose and mouth
- Use non dominant hand to position face mask, holding the body of mask between your thumb and index finger
- Use your remaining 3 fingers to support the jaw, with your little fingers hooked behind the angle of mandible. Be careful not to place pressure on sub-mandibular tissues as they can occlude airway esp. in meds
- Life the mandible upwards, towards and into the mask to create air-tight seal
- Slight head extension may improve patency
- Ventilate the patient with your dominant hand by squeezing the bag (when using vent, your bag will not fill if you don’t have a good deal)
- Continuously assess the adequacy of the technique by observing bilateral chest movement, listening for air leaks and assessing for chest rise and ETCO2 tracing
2 Handed Technique
- Use the thumbs to stabilize the mask while the index and middle fingers are used to bring the angle of the jaw forward
- works better for small hands
Risk Factors for difficult mask airway
- Facial hair
- Lack of teeth
- Obesity, OSA
- Facial anomolies
- don’t forget the supraglottic airway option if you can’t mask or go directly to intubation
Self-inflating Devices: Closed Reservoir
- Closed reservoir has a bag with a valve that will let air in if bag becomes empty. Oxygen accumulates in the reservoir bag.
- The bag needs to be large enough to contain a tidal volume, or the balance of gas entering the bag will be air
- Has non-rebreathing valve: important so that patient cannot rebreathe CO2 from the bag
- Pressure limiting valve: 60 CmH2O. Children 45 cmH2O
Non-Rebreathing valves
- Valve that ensures that exhaled gas does not mix with fresh gas entering the self-inflating bag and allows exhaled gas to escape into atmosphere
Self-Inflating Device: Open Reservoir
- open end allows air to enter
- some oxygen will be lost if flow is too high as it is open to atmosphere
- allows you to adjust PEEP on bag
- bigger patients may need more PEEP to keep alveoli open
Oxygen Reservoir
- usually either bags or lengths of large bore tubing
- allows accumulation of oxygen during the inhalation phase and release of the stored oxygen into the self inflating bag during exhalation when the bag is refilling
- increase FIO2
Flow-Inflating Device is dependent on what?
-oxygen flow rate and adjustment of pressure relief valve
Circle breathing circuit
- gas flow in a circular pathway through separate inspiratory and expiratory channels
- CO2 is removed through an absorbent
Adjustable pressure limit (APL) or “pop off” valve
- only gas exit from the breathing system during spontaneous, assisted or manually controlled ventilation if there are NO circuit leaks
- APL is used to control the pressure in the breathing circuit, which in turn adjusts bag filling
- higher gas flows will pressurize the circuit more quickly
- breathing system bag will become e actacile monitoring device*