Manual Therapy/Traction Flashcards
What is the “psychological effect” of manual therapy like massage?
“Hands on” effect
What are the indications for massage?
Superficial adhesions, circulatory stasis, congestion, edema/joint swelling, myalgia/trigger points, tension headaches, post exertion fatigue and stiffness
What are the contraindications for massage?
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis/embolism, severe varicosities, acute phlebitis, cellulitis, synovitis, abscesses and skin infections, acute inflammatory conditions
What in the only way in which massage can be applied to areas of severe varicosities?
If done toward the heart
In what direction is effleurage massage done?
Parallel with the orientation of the fibers of the targeted muscle tissue
What type of massage is done by kneading the muscle with one or both hands and pulling the tissue up?
What type of massage is done with long stroking motions (both superficial and deep) and applied with the palm of the hand or the flats of the fingers?
What is the type of massage that is done as a series of rapid blows?
Tapotement or percussion
“Tapping” in massage is done with what body part?
Tips of fingers
“Hacking” in massage is done with what body part?
Ulnar border of the hand (chopping)
“Slapping” in massage is done with what body part?
“Cupping” in massage is done with what body part?
Cupped hands
Manual vibration done as massage is done in what direction?
Perpendicular to the orientation of the targeted muscle fibers and done distal to proximal
G5, Genie Rub, and Thumper are all examples of what kind of therapy?
Mechanical vibration (massage)
Decreasing congestion, edema, and stasis, milk tissue, and postural drainage are all indications for which type of mechanical vibration frequency?
Analgesia, decreasing trigger points, pre-exercise warm up, relaxing spasticity, and superficial circulatory stimulation are all indication for which type of mechanical vibration frequency?
When is medium frequency used for mechanical vibration?
Mild cases of the high frequency indications like analgesia and decreasing trigger points
What is the treatment time for trigger points with vibratory massage?
6-8 minutes (1 minute per)
What is the treatment time for muscle relaxation with vibratory massage?
Up to 10 minutes
What is the treatment time for postural drainage with vibratory massage?
Up to 15 minutes
What is the treatment time for general body relaxation with vibratory massage?
5 minutes
James Cyriax is known for what type of therapy?
Cross-friction massage
What is cross-friction massage used for?
Lossening scar tissue/adhesions, absorption of local edema, mobilize ligaments, tendons, and scars, restore mobility and extensibility
Cross-friction massage is done specifically to what part of anatomy?
Ligaments, tendons, muscles
In what direction is cross-friction massage administered?
Perpendicular to orientation of tissue fibers
What is unique about the administration of cross-friction massage?
No lotion used, done until numb, massage directly over pain
What is the treatment time for cross-friction massage?
7-10 minutes or until numb
What is the rope sign associated with trigger point therapy?
Taught band of fibers which can be “snapped” like a rope causing hyper-excitability in surrounding musculature (twitch response)
What is myofascial release?
Applying pressure to tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves while actively or passively moving the tissue
What four things does ART focus on?
Tissue texture, tension, movement, and function
What is the goal of rolfing?
Balance the body within a gravitational field
What is rolfing?
Deep massage with no lubricant
What are the benefits to instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization?
Allow deeper pressure, less stress on hands/thumbs
What is unique about the administration of FAKTR?
Active motion used as provocation
What does FAKTR-PM stand for?
Functional, Kinetic, Treatment, Rehab, Provocation, Motion
What are the indications for FAKTR treatment?
Tendinopathies, fascial syndrome, entrapment syndromes, ligament pain, scar tissue/adhesions, edema
What is SASTM?
Sound assisted soft tissue mobilization
Which of the instrument assisted techniques for massage is most expensive?
What is traction?
Drawing or pulling apart of a body segment
Which type of traction is not recommended and is associated with a wide variety of contraindications such as heart disease, migraines, sinus infections, etc.?
Lying supine and bringing knees to the chest is an example of what type of traction?
What are the indications for spinal traction?
Disc protrusion/herniation, nerve root impingement, joint hypomobility, arthritis conditions of facet joints
Which phase of intermittent spinal traction is shorter? Longer?
Shorter = relax phase Longer = hold phase
What is the treatment time for spinal traction?
10-30 minutes
What is the patient position for lumbar mechanical traction?
Supine or prone with hips/knees flexed
What angle of pull is associated with lumbar mechanical traction?
0-30 degrees
How is cervical traction administered differently from lumbar traction?
Over-the-door pulley system with a bag filled with water
What is the angle associated with cervical traction administration?
0 degrees (head/neck is neutral)
Which has a greater force: lumbar or cervical traction?
Lumbar (30-60% of body weight) while cervical is only at 10-30%