Mantle Dynamics Flashcards
In what ways does the mantle interact with the surface? (5)
- Magmatism
- Generation of the atmosphere (primordial Earth)
- Atmospheric degassing (primordial Earth)
- Recycling of the lithosphere
- Plate tectonics
How many first order seismic discontinuities divide the Earth?
- Moho. 660km. CMB.
What defines the ‘upper mantle’?
The lithosphere + asthenospheric mantle
From the Moho (40km) —> 660km discontinuity
Stepped increases in density, and velocity
What extent of partial melt occurs at the LAB?
Around 1-5%
What defines the LAB?
The low seismic velocity zone (LVZ)
High electrical conductivity
Sheared boundary of peridotite xenoliths
How deep is the LAB?
100 - 300 km beneath cratons or continents
50 - 100km beneath oceans
Unknown if under PreCambrian shields/cratons
What is the LAB/LVZ?
A zone of partial melt (this is indicated by a change in S wave velocity). It separates the depleted lithosphere from the hydrated asthenosphere (which is more fertile).
What is the asthenosphere?
From the lithospheric base to 660km discontinuity
So around 350-600km thick
Part of the ‘convective’ mantle
How does the asthenosphere deform?
Creep. Creep is the tendency of solid material to move slowly or deform permanently. This occurs if a high level of stress has been applied for a very long time, but remains below the yield strength.
What does the 660km discontinuity separate?
The upper and lower mantle
How much seismic velocity increase occurs at the 660km boundary?
Around 5 - 7%
How much density change occurs at the 660km discontinuity?
Around 5%
What creates the 660km discontinuity?
A pressure induced phase change - from spinel to perovskite and magnesiowustite.
What is the lower mantle also called?
The mesosphere
How deep can the mesosphere go?
660 - 2900km
What are characteristics of the mesosphere?
A relatively constant increase in seismic velocity and density.
What is the dominant chemical phase at the lower mantle?
Mg-perovskite - around 50%
What is the D” layer?
A boundary layer around 200 - 250km above the CMB. Here the velocity and density gradients flatten/get very steep.