MANMED P-117 Ch 15 Flashcards
What are Class II Aviators?
Naval Flight Officers, Observers, FS, and Air Crew
What are Class III aviators?
ATC, flight deck, and flight line personnel
What are Class IV Aviators?
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
After what age does asthma require a waiver for entrance service?
To be properly diagnosed with asthma the pt must have the issue for longer than how many consecutive months?
If diagnosed with eczema after what age does an applicant to the armed forces need a waiver?
9 years old
Long Form Flight Physicals are conducted at what ages?
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and annually thereafter
Flight physicals should always be completed by when?
The end of the birth month each year
In regards to flight medicine what are the 90 days surrounding the time frame where an aviator will receive their flight physical?
Vulnerability Period
Hepatitis C screening will be offered to all members separating from the armed forces after what age?
What specific cancer screening do divers have to have documented with their PHA?
Skin Cancer
How often do divers need an audio gram?
Every 5 years
Divers record ALL medical history from initial DD 2807/2808 to current, on what form?
MILPERS 1220 Exhibit 8 known as the Military Diving Medical Screening Questionnaire
For a diver any fracture within how many months is considered disqualifying?
3 months
For Nuclear Field Duty the period between examinations will not exceed how often after the age of fifty?
Every 2 years
Prior to age 50 (nuclear field duty) examinations will be completed how often?
Every 5 years
Beginning at what age, for nuclear field duty, will there be an examination required annually?
For Nuclear field duty what will lab data and radiation specific questions be documented on?
NAVMED 6470/13
For special operations you will need a clearance from a provider if you are out for how many days?
For sub duty how many days do you need to be down to require a clearance to continue duty?
7 days
LCAC crew personnel class 1
Crew personnel actually engaged in control of LCAC. For example- craft master, engineer, and student craft master and student engineer
LCAC Class IA Personnel
Crew personnel engaged in navigation but not actually in control. For example- navigator, and navigator students
LCAC Class II Personnel
Crew not engaged in actual control of LCAC. For example- load master and deck mechanic.
LCAC Class I and IA will receive a physical how often?
21, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39 and annually thereafter
What is the name of the reading aloud test?
Banana Oil Test
What is a Class I Aviator?
Naval Aviators and Student Naval Aviators