Manisha Neonatology Board Review Flashcards
Trisomy 8
- camptodactyly (flexion deformity PIP joint, usually pinky)
- thick lips
- deep set eyes
- prominent cupped ears
Trisomy 13
- 80% complete trisomy
- midline abnormality (cleft lip/palate)
- cutis aplasia
- narrow hyperconvex nails
- holoprosencephaly
- post-axial polydactyly
- hematologic (high neutrophil with “nuclear projections”, persistent fetal hgb)
Trisomy 18
- > 95% complete trisomy (extra maternal chromosome)
- F > M, 3:1
- VSD/cardiac
- overlapping finger + clenched hands
- rocker bottom feet
- short sternum
- horseshoe kidney
- hypoplastic nails/abnormal nails
- triple screen ALL low (hcg, estriol, AFP)
Trisomy 21
- 1/800 live births
- extra chromosome usually maternal
- 3-5% Robertsonian
- AVCD/cardiac
- hypothyroidism
- sandal to egap
- clinodactyly
-UPslanting palpebral fissures - Brushfield spots (speckled iris)
- transient myeloproliferative d/o –> leukemia risk
- 5p deletion (usually paternal)
- cardiac (VSD)
- hypertelorism
- DOWNslanting palpebral fissure
- intellectual disability
- cat-like cry
- dx = karyotype or FISH
13q deletion syndrome
- thumb hypoplasia
- colobomas + risk retinoblastoma
- high nasal bridge
Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome
- 4p deletion (usually paternal)
- length of deletion determines phenotype
- Greek helmet facies (high forehead, broad beaked nose)
- hypertelorism
- low set ears with preauricular pits
- seizures
Angelman Syndrome
- deletion 15q 11-13 MATERNAL origin
- <5% from UPD
- 20-30% point mutation
- inappropriate laughter
- happy puppet jerky movements
- wide space teeth + large mouth
- majority are BLOND haired
- decreased iris pigment
Velocardiofacial Syndrome
- 22q11.2 microdeletion
- DiGeorge Syndrome
- Cardiac (aortic arch abnl)
- Abnormal facies (bulbous nose)
- Thymic hypoplasia
- Cleft palate
- Hypocalemia (hypoplastic parathyroid)
Prader Willi Syndrome
- deletion 15q11-13 PATERNAL origin
- 75% deletion, 20% UPD, 5% mutation/translocation
- small hands/feet
- almond shaped and light colored eyes/light hair
- hypogonadism, cryptorchidism
- FTT –> obesity
- Dx: methylation, FISH
Rubenstein Taybi Syndrome
- 16p13.3 deletion (CREB protein)
- broad thumbs & 1st toe
- beaked nose
- DOWNslanting palebral fissures
- small maxilla/narrow palate
- eye abnl (glaucoma, strabismus, ptosis)
WAGR Syndrome
- 11p13 deletion (usually de novo)
- Wilms tumor
- Aniridia
- GU or renal abnormality
- Retardation
- AD (90% new mutation)
- increased risk advanced PATERNAL age
- FGFR3 mutation
- trident hand
- relative macrocephaly
- champagne cup pelvis
- NORMAL intelligence
Williams Syndrome
- 7q11.23 deletion –> deletion of elastin gene
- sporadic
- supravalvar AS
- prominent lips
- hypoplastic nails
- hoarse voice
- stellate iris
- enamel hypoplasia
- HYPERcalcemia
Apert Syndrome
- acrocephalosyndactyly syndrome group
- AD, sporadic
- increased risk advanced PATERNAL age
- FGFR2 mutation
- syndactyly, stocking/glove deformity
- asymmetric craniosynostosis
- VSD/PS/overriding Ao, cardiac
Crouzon Syndrome
- craniofacial dysostosis
- AD, variable expression
- FGFR2 mutation
- small maxilla
- beak nose
- coronal, lambdoid, saggital craniosynostosis
- NO syndactyly
Beckwith Weidemann
- AD, variable expression, sporadic
- 50% hypomethylation, 15% paternal UPD, 10% mutation CKN1C
- macroglossia
- linear earlobe fissure
- visceromegaly
- omphalocele
- fetal adrenocortial cytomegaly
- Wilms tumor/hepatoblastoma risk (q3mo US until 7yo)
- hypoglycemia
Holt Oram Syndrome
- AD, variable expression
- some due to 12q2 locus
- ASD/cardiac
- upper limb defect
Noonan Syndrome
- AD, PTPN11 deletion on 12q22
- pectus excavatum
- webbed neck
- PS
- cryptorchidism
- coagulation defect
- non-immune hydrops
- DDx: 45X/XY mosaic, fetal hydantoin, fetal alcohol
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- AD
- type 1 collagen defect
- lethal form Type 2
- increased risk fractures
- normal to grey sclera Type 4
Stickler Syndrome
- AD, variable expression
- 12q13.11-q13.2 mutation
- hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy
- flat facies
- myopia
- spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (flat epiphyses, flat vertebrae)
- can be a/w Pierre Robin
- risk of retinal detachment
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
- AD, always new mutation
- FGFR3 (4p16.3)
- type 1 most common
- cloverleaf skull
- large cranium
- flat vertebrae
- narrow thorax - respiratory insufficiency
Treacher Collins Syndrome
- AD, variable expression, 60% new mutation
- mandibulofacial dysostosis
- TCOF1 gene, chromosome 5
- lower eyelid coloboma
- small madible/face
- conductive hearing loss
- visison loss (2/2 ambylopia)
- NORMAL intelligence
Waardenburg Syndrome
- AD (type 4 can also be AR)
- PAX3 gene
- partial albinism
- sensorineural deafness
- different eye colors
- limb defects
Marfan Syndrome
- AD, variable expression
- fibrillin gene, 15q21.1
- aortic root dilation/aneurysm
- arachnodactyly
- hyperextensibility
- lens subluxation (upward)
- severe neonatal form = cardiac, contractures, dolichocephaly, chest deformity, high arched palate
Carpenter Syndrome
- AR
- cardiac
- polydactyly & feet syndactyly
- laterally displaced inner canthus
- brachycephaly or pointed head appearance
Ellis van Creveld
- AR
- chondroectodermal dysplasia
- common/single atrium
- short distal extremities
- polydactyly
- nail hypoplasia
- gingival frenulae
- narrow thorax
Fanconi pancytopenia Syndrome
- AR
- increased chromosomal breaks lymphocytes
- hyperpigmentation
- small radius & thumb
- triphalangeal thymb
- pancytopenia (~7yo but can be earlier)
- Dx: chromosomal breakage study
Meckel Gruber Syndrome
- AR
- 17q21-q24
- occipital encephalocele
- microphthalmia
- ear anomalies
- micrognathia
- cystic dysplastic kidneys
- pulmonary hypoplasia
Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
- AR
- defect in cholesterol synthesis
- 2/3 toe syndactyly
- anteverted nostrils
- hypogenitalia
- elevated 7-deoxycholesterol
TAR Syndrome
- AR
- thrombocytopenia
- absent radius bilateral
- ulnar abnormalities (100%)
- cardiac (ToF, ASD)
Fryns Syndrome
- AR
- CDH + neurologic malformation (dandy walker, ACC, etc)
Fragile X Syndrome
- most common INHERITED cause intellectual disability
- XD, 80% penetrance for males
- > 60 CGG repeats + anticipation
- long facies, prominent forehead
- post-pubertal macro-orchidism
- autism
- hyperextensible joints/connective tissue dz
Menke’s Kinky Hair
- XR (Xq13)
- kinky hair syndrome
- low SERUM copper (high tissue copper)
- low serum ceruloplasmin (same as Wilsons)
- progressive cerebral deterioration + sz
- copper unable to act as cofactor for multiple enzymes
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
- 47 XXY
- increased risk AMA
- long arms/legs
- hypogonadism + infertility
- socially awkward
- normal IQ
- gynecomastia
- euchanoid habitus
Turner’s Syndrome
- 45 X
- 30-40% mosaic (usually 45X/46XX)
- 10-20% deletion of X (usually paternal)
- bicuspid AoV (2nd CoA)
- cystic hygroma
- short stature
- 4th metacarpal hypoplasia
CHARGE Syndrome
- CHD7 mutation (chromosome 8q12) –> altered chromatin
- AD, majority de novo
- Coloboma
- Heart disease
- Atresia choanae
- Retarded growth
- Genital hypoplasia
- Ear anomalies
Cat Eye Syndrome
- duplication chromosome 22q11 (“opposite” DiGeorge)
- anal atresia
- coloboma iris
- complete set extra chromosomes (2%)
- 3/4 finger syndactyly
- large placenta w/ hydatiform changes
- brain abnormalities
Cornelia de Lange
- cohesin gene mutation
- NIPBL (5p13)
- SMC1L1 (Xp11.22)
- SMC3 (10q25)
- synophrys
- down turned thin upper lip
- micromelia
Mobius Sequence
- majority sporadic
- 6th & 7th nerve palsy (bilateral)
- destruction central brain nuclei –> PN –> myopathy
- a/w limb reduction defects (Poland, Klippel Feil)
- expressionless facies
Pierre Robin Sequence
- mandibular hypoplasia before 9 weeks
- micrognathia –> glossoptosis
- cleft palate
Goldenhaar Syndrome
- 1st + 2nd branchial arch anomalies
- a/w maternal DM
- absent ears
- growths around eyes
- malar, maxillary & mandibular hypoplasia
Klippel- Feil Sequence
- abnormal cervical vertebrae
- short neck
- low posterior hairline
- limited head movement
- Sprengel deformity (small high scapula)
Klippel Trenaunay Weber Syndrome
- sporadic
- asymmetric limb hypertrophy
- vascular lesions
Poland Sequence
- sporadic
- M>F, 3:1
- 75% right sided
- subclavian artery disruption –> limb & pectoral underdevelopment
Silver Russell Syndrome
- chromosome 7 maternal UPD or chromosome 11
- sporadic 60%
- small triangular facies
- asymmetry of skeleton
- 5th finger clinodactyly
- sporadic
- a/w IDM
- Vertebral
- Anorectal malformation
- Cardiac
- Renal
- Limb
Syndromes with: coloboma
Goldenhar (upper eyelid)
CHARGE (retinal)
Teacher Collins (lower eyelid)
Cat eye (iris)
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 8
13q deletion
Epinephrine mechanism of action
- non-selective alpha (1 & 2) + beta (1 & 2) agonist
Dopamine mechanism of action
- dopamine, alpha & beta receptors
- can deplete norepi stores with prolonged use
- decreased thyrotropin, prolactin & thyroxine
- can increase PVR
fetal energy requirement/expenditure
35-55 kcal/kg/day
Placental transport: simple diffusion
- water
- Na, Cl
- O2, CO2
- lipids
- lipid soluble vitamins
- most medications
Placental transport: facilitated diffusion
- glucose
- cephalexin
Placental transport: active transport
- amino acids
- Mg, Phos, Ca
- iron, iodide
- water soluble vitamins
Placental Transport: Bulk Flow
- water
- dissolved electrolytes
Placental Transport: pinocytosis
- most proteins, immunoglobulins
Essential amino acids
- valine, leucine, isoleucine (BCAA)
- histidine
- lysine
- methionine
- phenylalanine
- threonine
- tryptophan
Conditionally essential amino acids
Glucose precursor amino acids
Most prevalent fatty acids found in human milk
oleic, followed by palmitic
length of SCFA
less than 6 carbon length
length of MCFA
6-12 carbon length
length of LCFA
> 12 to 20 carbon length
length of VLCFA
> /= 22 carbon length
symptoms of essential FA deficiency
susceptibility to infection
glucose to protein ratio for positive nitrogen balance
6g glucose: 1g protein
maternal medications that decrease neonatal vitamin K levels
anti-TB meds
symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency
?chronic lung disease (pulm epithelium & cell differentiation)
photophobia + conjunctivitis
abnormal bones & teeth
generalized scaling
symptoms of Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency
BeriBeri (fatigue, irritable, constipation, CHF)
a/w pyruvate dehydrogenase def & MSUD
Symptoms of riboflavin (B2) deficiency
blurred vision/photophobia
a/w glutaric aciduria type 1
Symptoms of pyridoxine (B6) deficiency
hypochromic anemia
a/w homocystinurina
Symptoms of biotin deficiency
dermatitis (scaling, seborrhea)
a/w biotinidase deficiency, B-methylcrotonyl glycinurina, propionic acidemia, PDH def
Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency
poor wound healing
bleeding gums
a/w transient tyrosinemia
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
possible tetany
function of chromium
regulates glucose levels (insulin metabolism)
function of copper
RBC production/hgb formation
iron absorption
multiple enzyme function
function of manganese
enzyme activation (superoxide dysmutase)
bone construction
CHO metabolism
function of iron
hgb/myoglobin synthesis
absorbed in duodenum/proximal jejunum
enhanced absorption w/ vitamin C
function of Zinc
enzyme function (CA, carboxypeptidase)
Symptoms of copper deficiency
anemia, neutropenia
depigmentation hair/skin
Symptoms of zinc deficiency
- acrodermatitis enteropathica (AR form)
- FTT, alopecia, diarrhea, periorificial derm
-nail hypoplasia - staph aureus or Candida infection
-alk phos is a Zinc dependent enzyme
trace element adjustments for PN cholestasis
reduce manganese & copper
increase zinc
trace element adjustments for renal insufficiency
reduce chromium & selenium
whey: casein ratio PTF
nitrogen balance formula
nitrogen intake = 0.16 x g/day protein
nitrogen loss = urinary urea + estimated stool loss (~4g)
whey: casein ratio colostrum
Disorders associated with nephrocalcinosis
- Bartter’s Syndrome
- Williams Syndrome
- Type 1 RTA
- primary hyperparathyroidism
whey: casein ratio mature breastmilk
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1
Von Gierke’s
glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
affects mostly LIVER
lactic acidosis
hepatic tumors
hematomas in childhood
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 3
debranching enzyme deficiency
affects mostly LIVER and MUSCLE
muscle fatigue
no neonatal symptoms
good prognosis
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 4
branching enzyme deficiency
affects mostly LIVER and NERVES
muscle weakness
cirrhosis in infancy
no neonatal symptoms
poor prognosis - liver failure
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 2
lysosomal α glucosidase deficiency
affects mostly MUSCLE
heart failure
poor prognosis
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 5
Muscle phosphorylase deficiency
affects mostly MUSCLE
muscle fatigue in adolescence
good prognosis
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 6
Liver phosphorylase deficiency
affects mostly LIVER
no neonatal symptoms
hypoglycemia is mild
good prognosis
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 7
muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency
affects mostly MUSCLE
similar to type 5
muscle fatigue adolescence
good prognosis
only glycogen storage disease with lactic acidosis
type 1 von Gierke’s
Glycogen Storage Disease Type 8
phosphorylase kinase deficiency
affects mostly LIVER
similar to type 3 without myopathy
no neonatal symptoms
good prognosis
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency inheritance pattern
glycogen storage diseases that present in neonatal period
type 1 (von Gierke’s) & type 2 (Pompe)
key difference between Tay Sachs and NPD
NO hepatosplenomegaly in Tay Sachs
(both have cherry red spot & neurological symptoms)
alpha-1 receptor locations and functions
artery & vein smooth muscle
cardiac myocytes
smooth muscle contraction (vasoconstrict)
increase contractility
decreased insulin release
differentiating between transient tyrosinemia of the newborn and tyrosinemia
tyrosinemia will have elevated urine and serum succinylacetone and +urine reducing substances
β1 receptor locations and functions
SA node
atrial and ventricular muscle
conduction cells (purkinje, SA, AV nodes)
increased HR
increased conduction velocity
increased contractility
renin secretion
alpha-2 receptor locations and functions
sympathetic nerves
block NE release
inhibit sympathetic output
vascular smooth muscle relaxation
β2 receptor locations & functions
artery & vein smooth muscle
bronchial smooth muscle
smooth muscle relaxation (vasodilate)
bronchial relaxation
increase HR and contractility
insulin secretion
decreased intestinal motility
Cardiac lesion in Ellis van Creveld Syndrome
common atrium
Cardiac lesion in Klinefelter Syndrome
ToF, MV prolapse
Cardiac lesions associated with DiGeorge Syndrome
aortic arch abnormalities, truncus
Cyanotic heart lesions WITHOUT a murmur
TGA with VSD
Cardiac lesion in gestational diabetes
Rhizomelic Chrondrodysplasia
Zellweger Spectrum
PEX7 gene
presents like skeletal dysplasia
bony stippling
associated with NORMAL vlcfa levels (different than other peroxisomal d/o’s)
PHACE syndrome
Posterior fossa lesions
Arterial (cerebrovascular) anomalies
Cardiac lesions
Eye abnormalities
Alveolar minute ventilation
= (Vt - Vdead space) x RR
Altitude effect on PaO2
= (Patm1 - pH2O) x FiO2 = (Patm2-pH2O) x FiO2
Patm = 760mmHg at sea level
pH2O = 47mm Hg
Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
= pAO2 - paO2
= FiO2(Patm - pH2O) - (paCO2/R) - paO2
R usually = 0.8
FiO2 decimal form
Alveolar gas equation
= FiO2 (Patm - pH2O) - (paCO2/R)
Cardiac Output
= heart rate x stroke volume
= systemic BP/ total peripheral vascular resistance
Cerebral blood flow
= cerebral perfusion pressure/cerebral vascular resistance
Cerebral perfusion pressure
= mean arterial pressure - intracranial pressure
= change in volume (mL) / change in pressure (cm H2O)
Anion gap
= Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-)
= change in pressure (cm H2O) / change in volume (mL)
Dead space, physiologic
(Bohr equation)
= [(arterial CO2 - expired CO2) / arterial CO2] x Vt
Physiologic dead space is also = anatomic dead space + alveolar dead space
= 0.45 x height (cm)/ plasma Cr
use 0.33 constant for preterm infants
= urine Na x plasma Cr / urine Cr x plasma Na
<1% normal
1-2.5% pre-renal
>3% intrinsic renal
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
p + q = 1
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p = frequency dominant allele
q = frequency recessive allele
Henderson-Hasselbach Equation
H+ = (24 x pCO2)/HCO3-
Mean airway pressure formula
= K(Pip - Peep) x [(iT/(iT + eT)] + Peep
distending pressure (LaPlace’s Law)
T = surface tension
R = radius
Minute ventilation
Vt x RR
Oxygen consuption (Fick principle)
= CO x (aterial O2 content - venous O2 content)
= CO x (1.34 x Hgb) x (SpO2 aterial - SpO2 venous)
O2 sat decimal form
Oxygen delivery
= CO x O2 content
Oxygenation Index
= [(MAP x FiO2)/ postductal PaO2] x100
O2 content of blood
= (1.34 x Hgb x SpO2) + (0.003 x PaO2)
Plasma osmolality
2Na + glu/18 + BUN/2.8
Poiseuille’s Law (laminar flow)
= (pi x r4 x change in pressure) / 8 x length x viscosity
Ponderal Index
(weight(g) / CRL3) x 100
= (Spo2 Ao - SpO2 mixed venous) / SpO2 LA or PV - SpO2 PA)
Pulmonary vascular resistance
= (mean pulm art pressure - mean left atrial pressure) / pulmonary blood flow
Renal clearance
= (U x V) / P
U = urinary solute concentration (mg/dL)
V = urinary volume over time collected (mL/min)
P = plasma solute concentration (mg/dL)
= change in pressure/ change in flow
Saturation level for cyanosis
= hgbO2 / (reduced hgb + hgbO2)
Intrapulmonary Shunt Equation
= (O2 content pulm cap - O2 content syst art) / (O2 content pulm cap - O2 content mixed venous)
Systemic vascular resistance
= (mean Ao pressure - mean RA pressure) / systemic blood flow
Na deficit
= (Na+ desired - Na+ current) x 0.6 x wt(kg)
0.6 = volume of distribution
Time constant
= resistance (cm H20/mL/s) x compliance (ml/cm H20)
Drug clearance
= elimination rate constant (Kel) x volume of distribution (Vd)
= (dose/interval) / average steady-state concentration
Elimination half life
= (0.693 x Vd) / clearance of drug
Elimination rate constant
= clearance of drug/Vd
Loading dose
(volume in distribution (L/kg) x Cp) / (S x F)
S = active drug fraction
F = bioavailable drug fraction
Cp = plasma concentration
S and F = 1 unless otherwise stated
Steady state concentration
= infusion rate/ clearance
Volume of Distribution
= total amount of drug in body / (plasma concentration of drug x weight)
conc = mg/L
drug = mg
weight = kg
Dose/serum concentration
Dose = mg/kg
Concentration = mg/L
Attributable Risk (aka “Risk Difference”
= [a / (a + b)] - [c / (c+d)]
Attributable risk %
= AR / [a/(a+b)] x 100
= 1 - sensitivity
= 1- specificity
Incidence, cumulative
= # new cases in a given time period / total population at risk
Incidence, rate
= # new cases in a given time period/ person-time years of observation
Likelihood ratio (LR)
LR + = sensitivity/(1-specificity)
LR - = (1-sensitivity)/specificity
= sum of observations/#observations
Mortality rate, b.w. specific
= [deaths in specific b.w. category / # births in specific b.w. category] x 1000
Mortality rate, fetal
= [fetal deaths / (live births + fetal deaths)] x 1000
Mortality rate, infant
= (infant deaths (</= 1yr) / live births) x 1000
Mortality rate, neonatal
= [neonatal deaths <28d / live births] x 1000
Mortality rate, perinatal
= [(fetal deaths greater than or equal to 28wks
+ neonatal deaths <7d) / (live births + fetal deaths greater than or equal to 28 wks gestation)] x 1000
Mortality rate, postneonatal
= [postneonatal deaths (28d to 364d) / live births] x 1000
Negative predictive value (NPV)
= d/ (c+d) = TN / ( FN + TN)
Number Needed to Treat (NNT)
1 / (A-B)
A= events in control/nonexposed
B = events in treated/exposed
Odds ratio (aka “cross product ratio)
(a x d) / (b x c)
Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
= a / (a+B) = TP / (TP + FP)
= 1 - type 2 error
= [# cases at point in time / total population at risk] x 100%
= (TP + FN) / (TP + FN + FP + TN)
Relative Risk (or “risk ratio”)
= [a / (a + b)] / [c / (c+d)]
= AR in exposed/AR in nonexposed
= a / (a+c)
= TP / (TP+FN)
= d / (d+b) = TN / (FP + TN)
Standard Deviation
= square root of the variance
Standard error of the mean
= SD/ square root of n
most common genetic mutation in long QT syndrome
affects potassium channel encoded by this gene
functional vs. fractional O2 saturation
functional measures oxygenated Hgb and reduced Hgb only
fractional measures above + carboxy and met Hgb
typical course of HCM associated with DM in pregnancy
regression or resolution by 3-4 weeks old, regardless of therapy
*usually have DIASTOLIC dysfunction if HCM is symptomatic
*avoid ionotropes! can use beta-blockers and pulmonary vasodilators as needed
most common cause of HCM in children younger than 4yrs
Noonan’s Syndrome
*Medical therapy does NOT affect prognosis, just used for symptoms (usually propranolol)
genes associated with HLHS
recurrence risk HLHS sibling
8% for HLHS
22% for any CHD
age at which optic nerve myelination is complete
2 years
age at which vertical conjugate gaze develops
2 months
age at which visual following is well developed
3 months
gestational age at which eyes close in response to light
30 weeks
gestational age at which pupillary light reflex appears
32 weeks (may be observed at 30 weeks, fully developed by 1mo of age)
age at which visual evoked potential reaches adult levels
6 months
(VEP = cortical brain response to visual stimulus/input, i.e. visual pathway)
most common cause of leukocoria
types of OI with blue sclera
1 & 2
3 initially with blue sclera during infancy that normalize later
(4 with NORMAL sclera)
Syndromes associated with IRIS coloboma
cat eye syndrome
Trisomy 8
type of coloboma in CHARGE syndrome
usually retinal
stage of ROP at which retinal vessels start to enter the vitreous space
Stage 3 (ridge with extraretinal neovascularization)
definition of threshold disease ROP
Stage 3 with Plus disease zone 1 or 2
AND 5 contiguous or 8 total clock hours
Risk of progression to stage 5 ROP if have threshold ROP
(treatment reduces this to 25%)
Definition of prethreshold ROP type 1
Zone 1 - any ROP with plus or Stage 3 regardless of plus
Zone 2 - stage 2 or 3 with plus
these must be treated
Definition of prethreshold ROP type 2
Zone 1 - stage 1 or 2 NO plus
Zone 2 - stage 3 NO plus
these can be observed
15% risk progression to type 1
ROP Zone that anti-VEGF can be used
Zone 1
Infectious conditions associated with congenital cataracts
Metabolic conditions associated with congenital cataracts
galactokinase deficiency
mevalonic aciduria
vitamin A or D deficiency
Genetic conditions associated with congenital cataracts
Smith Lemli Opitz
Trisomy 21
Lowe’s (oculocerebrorenal) syndrome
typical inheritance pattern of congenital glaucoma
autosomal recessive
Conditions associated with secondary glaucoma (presentation after neonatal period)
congenital rubella syndrome
Sturge Weber
Ear abnormality associated with maternal isotretinoin use
most common type of congenital nasal mass
nasal abnormality associated with holoprosencephaly
nasal pyriform aperture stenosis
pre-test odds equation
pre-test odds = pre-test probability / (1-pretest probability)
post-test odds
pre-test odds x LR
post-test probability
post-test odds/ (post-test odds +1)
Pulmonary developmental abnormalities: embryonic stage
larygneal cleft
tracheal stenosis
bronchogenic cyst
Pulmonary developmental abnormalities: pseudoglandular stage
branching abnormalities of lung
pulmonary lymphangiectasia
Pulmonary developmental abnormalities: cannalicular stage
pulmonary hypoplasia
surfactant deficiency
alveolar capillary dysplasia
Pulmonary developmental abnormalities: saccular stage
pulmonary hypoplasia
surfactant deficiency
Pulmonary developmental abnormalities: alveolar stage
pulmonary hypoplasia
surfactant deficiency
congenital lobar emphysema
mechanism of action Precedex
highly selective alpha-2 agonist
results in increased GABA activity (inhibitory)
Stage 1 AKI
Serum Cr rise >/= 0.3 OR
Serum Cr rise >/=1.5-1.9x baseline (lowest previous SCr level)
UOP <0.5ml/kg/hr x6-12hrs
Stage 2 AKI
Serum Cr rise >/= 2-2.9x baseline
UOP <0.5ml/kg/hr x12 hours
Stage 3 AKI
Serum Cr rise >/= 3x baseline OR vlue >/= 2.5 OR dialysis
UOP <0.3ml/kg/hr x24 hours or ANURIA x12hrs
site of action for nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers
POST-synaptic nicotinic receptor blockers
(e.g. vec, roc)
chromosome &
gene involved in myotonic dystrophy
DMPK gene
chromosome 19
CTG repeats
>50 mild
>100 classic
>1000 congenital severe form
Aicardi Syndrome
absent corpus callosum
infantile spasms (seizures)
chorioretinal lacunae
Nemaline myopathy
“rod-like bodies through muscle fibers on Gomori trichrome staining”
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
dilated cardiomyopathy
Symptoms of congenital disorder of glycosylation
microcephaly & atrophy on brain MRI
abnormal fat distribution
inverted nipples
implemented from birth
recs AFTER discuss w/ parents & team
ongoing adjustment based on response
DOES have a certification process
Riley Day Syndrome
familial dysautonomia
Ashkenazi Jewish population
jerky limb movements
decreased/absent reflexes
Syndromes most commonly associated with agenesis of corpus callosum
definition of colpocephaly
enlargement occipital horns lateral ventricles
*usually associated with ACC
biomarker profile of infant with moderate or severe HIE
- S100β protein levels in cord blood or urine (>2mcg/L)
- neuron-specific enolase (>40 mcg/L) between 4 hours and 48 hours after
- IL-6 levels in cord blood. (correlate with long term outcomes)
- GFAP (astrocyte death, >0.15ng/mL, a/w abnormal MRI)
- brain-derived neurotrophic factor in cord plasma
Erb’s Palsy level of injury & presentation
most common brachial plexus injury
shoulder adducted, elbow extended, forearm pronated, wrist flexed
Klumpke paralysis level of injury & presentation
“claw hand”
Associated finding with total brachial plexus paralysis
Horner’s syndrome - check eyes!
involves C5-T1
Palmar reflex appearance, establishment & disappearance
26 weeks –> 32 weeks established
gone by 2-4 months
Plantar reflex appearance, establishment & disappearance
26 weeks –> 32 weeks established
gone by 9-12 months
Sucking reflex appearance, establishment & disappearance
28 weeks –> 32-34 weeks established
gone by 12 months