Manipulation Of Nucleic Acids Flashcards
Cut DNA or RNA in the middle
Remove single nucleotides from each end
Restriction enzymes
Are endonucleases that cut DNA at specific nucleotide sequences
Deoxyribonuclease is an enzyme that cuts or degrades DNA
Modification enzyme
Enzyme that binds to the DNA at the same recognition site as the corresponding restriction enzyme but methylates the DNA
Enzyme that cuts or degrades nucleic acids
Recognition site
Sequence of bases on DNA that is recognized by a specific protein like restriction enzyme
Restriction enzyme
Type of endonuclease that cuts double stranded DNA after binding to a specific sequence of bases, the recognition site
Ribonuclease is an enzyme that cuts or degrades RNA
DNA ligase
Enzyme that joins DNA fragments covalently end to end
Restriction map
A diagram showing the location of restriction enzyme cut sites on a segment of DNA
T4 ligase
Type of DNA ligase from bacteriophage T4 that is capable of ligating blunt ends
Blunt ends
Ends of a double stranded DNA molecule that are fully base paired and have no unpaired single stranded overhang
Sticky ends
Ends of double stranded DNA that have unpaired single stranded overhangs, generated by a staggered cut
Type II restriction enzyme
Restriction enzyme that cuts the DNA in the middle of the recognition site
Type I restriction enzyme
Restriction enzyme that cuts the DNA a thousand or more base pairs away from the recognition site