Manifestations of MK Diseases Flashcards
Synovium Synovial fluid Articular cartilage Intraarticular ligaments Joint capsule Juxtaarticular bone
-Deep or diffuse pain, limited ROM, swelling, locking, crepitation, instability, deformity
Supportive extraarticular ligaments, tendons, bursae, muscle, fascia, bone, nerve, and overlying skin
- Point or focal tenderness adjacent to articular structures and have physical findings remote from the joint
Erythema Warmth Pain Swelling Systemic symptoms Laboratory evidence of inflammation Morning stiffness
May be related to: Trauma Overuse Degeneration Ineffective repair Neoplasms Pain amplification
Acute vs. Chronic
Acute–less than 6 wks.
Chronic–greater than 6 wks.
Disease chronology Acute vs. chronic Sudden onset vs. gradual Migratory vs. stationary Extra articular manifestations/ associated symptoms Inflammatory vs. non inflammatory Triggers Medications
Pain Distribution
Small joints Large joints Diffuse Symmetry Axial involvement
Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)
+ in 5-10% of general population
Rate increases with age
High sensitivity – negative ANA essentially rules out SLE
Tests for lupus, scleroderma, RA (some), polymyositis, Sjogren’s syndrome, mixed CT diseases
`false positives & negatives (RA)
Tests for ankylosing spondylitis & Reiters syndrome
+ in 8% of white persons
+ in 5-10% of healthy people
Leads to high rate of overdiagnosis
Rheumatoid Factor
Lacks both sensitivity and specificity
+ in 5-10% of general population
- Elevated in 70-80% of pts w/ RA
*defer testing for 4-6 weeks
WBC Count
- WBC elevation
- WBC indices indicated a left shift
Identifies infection –> increased output of WBCs & premature WBCs
Inflammatory Markers
Sedimentation rate (ESR)
–usually slow to rise & slow to normalize
C-Reactive protein (CRP)
–more accurate in acute phase
–rises within 6 hrs, peaks at 48 hrs
Identifies inflammation by measuring RBCs –> More RBCs = more inflammation
Uric Acid
Elevated in gout
-24 hr. urinary uric acid excretion
Rheumatoid Disease
-RF elevated \+/- ANA elevation High ESR High CRP Anemia Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP)
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
IgM = pt actively having illness
IgE = infection now gone
Can test for syphilis–but fails in 30% of cases & can take 1-4 weeks for serologic changes
Creatine kinase/creatine phosphokinase
- muscle enzyme that leaks from muscle when damaged
- positive in pts w/ muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, & trauma
Lyme’s Disease
Clinical dx, but serologic tests confirm
-ELISA–detects Borrelia burgdoferi
-Confirmed w/ western blot)
`negative in early illness
Post-Viral Arthropathies
Parvovirus B19 Ebstein-Barr Hepatitis viruses Retrovirus viruses Rubella Herpes simplex & varicella viruses Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Adenovirus Coxsackieviruses
Anklylosing spondylitis
- HLA-B27 antigen present in 90%
- Inflammation of spine & SI joints
Reiters syndrome
- HLA-B27 antigen present in 85%
- ESR over 100 mm/hr
- Inflammation of the urethra, eyes, & joints
Bone Tumor
Tests narrow ddx & provide base for chemo
- CBC w/ diff
- Serum electrolytes
- BUN/Cr (kidney)
- Calcium
- Phosphorus/Alkaline phosphatase
If over 40 years:
-UA, urine, & serum protein electrophoresis
If over 40 years & male:
-Prostate specific antigen