Mania Flashcards
- several features consistent w elevated mood and increased activity.
- persistent abn. in mood and behaviour.(persistence outwith cyclothymia)
- persistent elevation in mood
- increased energy
- increased activity
- marked feeling of well being
- mental and physical efficiency
- decreased need for sleep
- increased sexual energy
- increased sociability, overfamiliarity, talkativeness.
- impaired concentration and attention
- no severe disruption to social activity.
- cyclothymia
- mania
- early states of agitated depression
- hyperthyroidism and anorexia nervosa
- due to increased activity(may have W loss) and restlessness - Obsessional disorder
- awake at night for cleaning rituals but affect completely opposite
- several symptoms for at least 1w
- disrupts ordinary work and social activities
- first episode usually 15-30y but any age from late childhood until 80s
- Elevated mood disproportionate to circumstances
- High self-esteem
- grandiose and over-optimism freely expressed
- social disinhibition
- impaired attention
- inappropriate aggression, amorous and facetious.
- pressure of speech
- decreased need for sleep, increased energy
- boosted self-esteem and grandiosity develop into delusions
- irritability and suspiciousness develop into delusions of persecution.
- flight of ideas and pressure of speech result in patient being incomprehensible
- sustained excitement and physical activity result in self-neglect
DDx(Mania with Psychotic Sx)
- Schizophrenia(delusions, incomprehensible speech and violent excitement may obscure disturbance of affect)
- Schizoaffective disorder
- patients with mania responding to neuroleptic medication
- Biological Sx.
- Cognitive Sx.
- Psychotic Sx.(2/3 experience this compared to 1/3 during depressive episode)
- a) Decreased need for sleep(81%)
- usually without associated fatigue
b) Increased energy
- psychomotor excitation on MSE
- goal-directed activity with impaired judgement ie spending sprees, risky business ventures, increased promiscuity
- when severe, can have manic stupor with physical exhaustion.
- a) Grandiosity(78%)
b) Poor concentration
- highly distractible(68%)
c) Accelerated thinking(71%)
- pressure of speech
- flight of ideas(thoughts rapidly associating in a stream of connected but not always relevant concepts)
d) Impaired judgement and insight
- may have indiscretions - a) Disordered thought form
- cirumstantiality, tangentiality, flight of ideas, pun or clang association.
b) Abnormal beliefs
- Mood-congruent delusions
- Usually delusion of grandeur, can have persecutory delusions(people trying take advantage of exalted status)
- May have overvalued ideas(not psychotic feature)
c) Perceptual disturbance
- sounds become louder
- colours seem brighter
DDx(Patient with elevated mood):
- Mood disorders
- Hypomania, mania, mixed affective episode(cyclothymia, bipolar)
- Depression(agitated depression, in response to antidepressants or ECT, misidentified euthymia by patient with recently resolved depressive episode) - General medical condition
- Cerebral neoplasms, trauma, infections, Cushing’s, Huntington’s, Hyperthyroidism, MS, SLE, Renal failure, B12 and niacin deficiency, TL epilepsy - Psychoactive substance use
- Hallucinogens, legal highs, amfetamines, cocaine
- Prescribed medication: Anabolic steroids, antidepressants, corticosteroids, dopaminergic agents(L-dopa, selegiline, bromocriptine) - Psychotic disorders:
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Schizophrenia - Personality/neurodevelopmental disorder
- impulsivity, labile mood in BPD/ADHD
- more stable behaviour patterns whereas bipolar affective episodes have discrete episodes - Delirium/dementia
- degree of psychosocial impairment
- Considerable interference with social circumstances => hypomania
- complete disruption to social circumstances => mania
Instability of mood alternating between mild elation and mild depression, but not satifying criteria for hypomanic/depressive episode
- Thought form
- Delusions
- Speech
- Biological Sx.
- Psychomotor fn.
- Circumstantiality, tangentiality, flight of ideas vs loosening of associations, thought blocking, neologisms
- Mood-congruent, Grandiosed, persecutory vs Mood-incongruent, bizarre, delusions of passivity
- Pressured vs often hesitant or halting
- Decreased need for sleep, increased energy vs less sleep disturbance and less hyperactive
- Agitation vs agitation, catatonic/negative Sx.