Mango Flashcards
Oecophylla smaragdina
Ant infestation are encouraged by
Mealy bugs, scale insects
Doesnt harm the tree or fruit but bites the farmers inflicting stings
Oecophylla smaragdina
Lygocoris pabulinus
Capsid bug
Adult insext look like small rice bug, bugs stay in wild vegetation
And is nocturnal, feeds on developing fruits
Lygocoris pabulinus
Excretes toxic materials that produce brown spots
(Aka kurikong saksakwalis armalite)
Lygocoris pabulinus
Alternate hosts: cashew, cacao, guava
Lygocoris pabulinus
Ceratitis cosyra
Mango fruit fly
Body is similar in size of a house fly
Mango fruit fly
Damage on the fruits starts during egg laying, after 4-5 days
Produces soft brownish spots
With liquid ooze
Ceratitis cosyra
Alternate hosts: guava jack fruit papaya santol
Ceratitis cosyra
Mango cecid fly
Procontarinia mangivora
Small delicate fly, long legs
Maggots are yellow
Procontarinia mangivora
Adult stays in vegetation
While larvaes are in fruits
Procontarinia mangivora
Larvaes causes gall formation around leaves and sunken spot on fruit
Procontarinia mangivora
Mango leafhopper
wedged shaped insects which are grayish green or brown
Nymphs are wingless,
Hides underneath the leaves
Main stalk of pannicle
Amritodus atkinsoni
Sucks plant saps resulting in withering and fall of individual flowers
High infestations produces honeydew
Mango leafhopper
Hard bodied, 6mm long
Due to its color it cannot be seen easily
Sternochetus frigidus
Feeds on the mango flesh inside the fruit
Sternochetus frigidus
Only found in southern palawan
But because of its destructive nature the island is on quarantine
Mangoes from this island is not allowed outside the province
Sternochetus frigidus
Damage is not visible externally
But inside the fruit is discolored pulp and tunnels due to larva feeding
Sternochetus frigidus
Mango seed borer
Deanolis albizonalis
Adult mango seed borer
16mm long
Larva is white with red intervals
Deanolis albizonalis
Larva enters through the apex or narrow tip of the fruit
Feeds on the seed and flesh
The apex bursts when the seed is eaten
Deanolis albizonalis
Mango thrips
Scirtothrips dorsalis
4 mm long
Have 4 long narrow fringed wings
Scirtothrips dorsalis
Attacks the flower and sucks the. Plant sap, damage can extend to fruit resulting in scabby appearance called chico chico
Scirthothrips dorsalis
“Chico chico” Apparance
scirtothrips dorsalis
Sub holometabolous life cycle
Mango thrips
Kurikong, saksak walis
Capsid bug
Drosicha mangifera
Mealy bugs
Small 2 mm long white cottony
Male have wing female wingless
Drosicha mangifera
Usually found in flushes flowers and fruit
Mealy bugs
Have symbiotic relationshipwith red ants
Drosicha mangiferae
Honeydew promotes the growth of
Soothy molds
Mango tip borer
Penicillaria jocosatrix
8 mm long
Serious pest of flowrs and shoots
Penicillaria jocosatrix
Destroys flowers from bud emergence to elongation
Larva feeds on inner tissues
Penicillaria jocosatrix
The affected shoots wilt and terminal
parts die while the affected panicles split-open and
gradually shed off the flowers.
Penicillaria jocosatrix
Hemiptera coccidae
Scale insect
Twig cutter
Callimetopus capito
1 mm long
Scale like orhanism
Scale insect
High population causes the leaves to turn black
Scale insect
found in the twigs
Feeds on woody tissue
Callimetopous capito