mang 3401 exam 2 Flashcards
chapter 7
org design
process managers specify organized choices that result in particular kind of org. structure
org. structure
formal system of task/report relationships that coordinate/motivate org. membersn& they work together achieving org. goals
job design
process which managers decide how to divide tasks>simple jobs
job simplification
process of reducing # of tasks each worker performs
job enlargement
increase # of diff taks in given job by changing division of labor
job enrichment
increase degree of res. worker has over they job
functional struct.
org. structure composed of all organization require to produce goods/services
divisional structure
org. structure composed of seperate biz units which are functions that work 2gether to produce specific product for spec. customer
product structure
org structure which each product line/biz is handeled by self contained division
geographic structure
org structure which each region of country/area is served by self contained division
market structure/customer structure
org structure which each kind of customer served by self contained division
matrix structure
org. structure simultaneously groups ppl/resources by fuction/product
product team structure
org. structure which employee permanately assign cross-func. team/repot ONLY product team manager or 1 direct subordinate
cross function team
group of manager (2gether) from diff departments to perform org. tasks
powert hold ppl accountable for they action/make decisions concern use of org. resource
hierarchy of authority
organization chain of command, specify relative authority of manager
span of control
of subordinates who report directly to manager
line manager
direct line/chain of command with formal authority over ppl/resource
staff manager
responsible for managing specialist fuction (marketing/finanace)
decentralizing authority
give lower-level manager & nonmanagerial employee right to make important decision on use org. resource
integrating mechanisms
organizing tool that manager use to increase comm./coordination amoung function/divisions
task force
committee of manager of various divisions who meet to solve specific mutual problem
strategic alliance
agreement where managers share organization resource knowhow a foreign company & 2 org. share reward/risk of new ventures
network structure
series of strategic alliance org. create w/ suppliers,distributors to produce